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Tiki Central / California Events

The Martini Kings at Tiki Caliente Sat. June 5th in Palm Springs

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martini kings posted on 03/04/2010

Once again the Martini Kings will be playing at the Caliente Tropics for all the hipsters and Hotties. Tony and Frank will be playing a nice tropical set by the pool during the day and then later that night we will be getting more of a Lounge feel from the boy’s during our evening show. Thank you Tony and Frank for getting back on this ride. Make sure you walk away with a martini kings martini mug and some Cd action to get your life back in swing…….Crazy daddy-O
For more info visit http://www.tikicaliente.com
Come spend the weekend in Palm Springs with the Kings!

Wildsville man posted on 03/04/2010

This will be AWESOME. The only video that exist of the original Tiki Caliente is of the Martini Kings on mothers day when everyone was leaving and the crowd was mellowing out from 3 days of parting.

Check it out on the tiki-caliente website blog under TC1 section.

Thank you Tim for making the Video and thank you Tony and Frank for giving us a great personal performance.

tiki mick posted on 03/04/2010

I can't wait! I Love this band!

bigtikidude posted on 03/04/2010


WooHooWahine posted on 03/04/2010

WoooHooooo! Let the countdown begin :)

Wildsville man posted on 03/04/2010

This is the link to the photo's of TC1 and after the photo's you will see the video of the martini kings play take 5!!!!!!!

This is going to be hot!!!


Cherry Capri posted on 04/26/2010

Can't wait Tony! Looking forward to singing with you gentlemen again.
Also looking forward to our upcoming photo session one of these warmer days...

tiki mick posted on 04/27/2010


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