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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Hanford Lemoore's Artwork

Pages: 1 22 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/25/2003

I'm starting this topic to showcase my own work (heh heh) ... I encourage all other Tiki craftsmen to start their own Topic to be their own showcase. Put your name in the subject, then post your artwork to the topic. When you add artwork, add it as a reply to your existing Topic rather than creating a new Topic. (thanks to BK for this wonderful idea ... )

Here's my first Tiki painting:

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-09-24 23:14 ]

SES posted on 09/25/2003

Very nice!

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 06:30 ]

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/25/2003

On 2003-09-24 23:24, SES wrote:
Very nice!
Are you going to keep the individual artist topics open or locked? Or maybe ability to delete any in case of mistaken posts, etc...

My thinking is they'll just be normal posts, so that people can make comments (like yours!). Hopefully others will respect that and not try to post their own art in other's topics.


Cherry Capri posted on 09/25/2003

tiki impressionism!!!

very nice

Suburban Hipster posted on 09/25/2003

I really like that painting. The undefined edges/blurring is great. It creates the feeling I get when looking at good artwork after 5 Mai Tais without the Mai Tais. What materials did you use and what are the dimensions of the painting?

PolynesianPop posted on 09/25/2003

Very nice painting! I like the impressionistic, yet exotic feel. I too, am curious of the media used. Acrylic on canvas?

Philot posted on 09/25/2003

Very nice!

Is that genuine black velvet?

I particularly like how the impressionism gives it that post-WWII retro feel. Like something from an album cover or paperback cover.

[ Edited by: Philot on 2003-09-25 09:06 ]

Monkeyman posted on 09/25/2003


I really like that painting. Have you posted it before? It is super cool. Have you any other artwork to post?

martiki posted on 09/25/2003

Who knew? Proof once again that "Hanford Lemoore" is actually a secret underground cabal of crafty elves, much like Keebler.

No one person could be so damn clever!

Nice work.

purple jade posted on 09/25/2003

Underpants gnomes?

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/26/2003

Thanks for the comments, everyone.

I thought I’d try a little experiment in the new Creating Tiki forum.

My painting is actually a test image made by a program I wrote. It took it less than 5 minutes to generate the image from scratch, using several sources as input (including photos of a 3 foot tiki from my living room). So, I’m afraid the media is “electronic” and the dimensions are 600 x 800 pixels. I forced the routine to make certain decisions while painting in order to test out other aspects of the code I’m working on.

I’ve been experimenting with routines like this for almost ten years now. The routines are all designed to create images from scratch, with variations. The program generates images nonstop, and I have in the past let it churn for hours (or days) and generate hundreds of new works of art based on the rules I’ve written. This particular routine creates brush strokes.

In other words, I’m a nerd.

One more note on this … the real art to this is watching it be painted from a blank canvas (which of course I have no way to show off here). It can be mesmerizing to watch a brand new painting develop from scratch on-screen, and I write these programs with the painting process in mind as much as the final result. Although it’s generated by a computer, I still consider it my art. I’ve built a piece of art that in turn builds new pieces of art.


emspace posted on 09/26/2003

Hanford, you are a very good nerd. I would never have taken that image for computer-generated. Byooteeful!


freddiefreelance posted on 09/26/2003

On 2003-09-25 23:24, hanford_lemoore wrote:
One more note on this … the real art to this is watching it be painted from a blank canvas (which of course I have no way to show off here). It can be mesmerizing to watch a brand new painting develop from scratch on-screen, and I write these programs with the painting process in mind as much as the final result. Although it’s generated by a computer, I still consider it my art. I’ve built a piece of art that in turn builds new pieces of art.


Meta-Art! Now you have to write a program that rewrites the program that makes the art...

GECKO posted on 09/26/2003

different from style from the rest....good imagination you have. Nice paitning fo da wall.

Send to:
Gecko'z South Sea Arts
Kaneohe HI 96744


TikiGardener posted on 09/27/2003

Nice chit mang!
I'll get around to posting my "bored at work, hey what can I carve into a block of etha foam" tikis sometime soon.


Tangaroa posted on 09/29/2003

Nice Hanford - very different then most of the Tiki paintings you see - electronic or otherwise!

Tiki-bot posted on 09/29/2003

Hanford, can you write me a programn that will turn sh!t into gold?

Wow, I'd forgotten all about that art generator. What did you call it back in the day? Didn't we think up some goofy name for it?

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/29/2003

Thanks to everyone for the comment!

What did you call it back in the day? Didn't we think up some goofy name for it?

The name was "ARTAGE": Automatic Real-Time Art Generating Engine. The name might not have stuck, but I've been working on it on and off since even before then (1995). I have had several breakthroughs relating to it since then.

Hanford, can you write me a programn that will turn sh!t into gold?

Here's a diet program: Eat nothing but beets and corn for 2 weeks.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-09-29 16:48 ]

Rain posted on 10/18/2003

that shit is INSANE! most electronic art can be pinned as such easily, but that is really nicely done. wow.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/19/2003

I know you were into Survival Research Labs, Holden.

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/20/2004

When I saw this I was like this is so cool! Then to read that is was done by a pc program, wow and cool. Very abstract.

Satan's Sin posted on 07/20/2004

Never would've guessed that was a computer-generated image .... what would happen if you were to, I don't know, run a "regular" picture of your wife or something through the program?

freddiefreelance posted on 07/20/2004

When are you going to make more art? I want to see ARTAGE create images of classic Tiki mugs!

Pages: 1 22 replies