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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Benzart posted on 04/07/2010

And Buzzy keeps Buzzing along, making more and More cool tiki stuff, Never ending, never quitting, Always work, work, working.
Excellent stuff Buzz!

hodadhank posted on 04/08/2010

I LOVE POKI! Bring her to West Bay for a tummy scratch!

tikigodz posted on 04/08/2010

Buzz that is freakin awesome!!!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/09/2010

All these sunsets look the same to me these days:

Pretty soon the fog will come and change all this sun sameness

After cleaning my garage, I've started on my sanding pile this week. I sanded and stained this split Kanaloa guy yesterday:

Today's plan is to do the skinny arm guy with the big eyes, if I have enough time after working on the drum

I also made two more scrap wood mini tikis:

I'm not fully confident with the first log I cleaned and hollowed for the drum. It might be a little to "soft" for this style of drum. I can still use it, but not for what I had planned. So, I cleaned up a new, and hopefully better one yesterday, as well as another log for another drum idea I have in the very near future:

Other than that, I've just been hanging out with my dog. And I still have that stupid turtle, which the dog is afraid of...

On 2010-04-07 04:48, Benzart wrote:
Never ending, never quitting, Always work, work, working.

I'm always doing something, but it's never WORK! Work is four letter word. I'm actually trying to do more carving than the rest of the TC carving thread carvers combined. At this current rate of mine, all these other guys are really going to have to step it up so I don't have it so easy.

On 2010-04-07 17:04, hodadhank wrote:
I LOVE POKI! Bring her to West Bay for a tummy scratch!

Damn Poki runs away and hides every time she thinks we're going in the car. I'll have to start taking her to dog beach and swing by soon...

On 2010-04-07 17:18, tikigodz wrote:
Buzz that is freakin awesome!!!!!

No problemo...

Let's see what kind of trouble I can get into today.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/13/2010

The last few days worth of sunsets:

Tiki update

I have this guy about 90% sanded now.

I want to do the rest in sunlight, but my daylight working time has been filled with this project :down:

A little tiki drafting to get the footprint

then I carve out the footprint outline and continue it up the log

After blocking it out with the chainsaw I used the draw knife to do this part

I get it about this close on this stage

then I work on the top of the legs where they meet the pedestal

End result:

Next step was to start the bell:

I'll probably go another inch in on the base of the bell

I do the tapering of the bell with the drawknine as well. It's hard on the arms and elbows, but its faster and cleaner than chiseling it to that point

and just for fun, and to fill some time, I'm fooling around with this slice that I took off of a log this afternoon

the planer and circular saw got it to here

I'll do the rest with the sander later on

Buzzy Out!

Creative Chimp posted on 04/13/2010

damn buzzy your an f-ing machine!!!! imagine if you cloned yourself how much more product you could pump out........great work. and thank you for putting progress shots of your work on TC. helps us newbies like myself get a grasp of carving

Buzzomatic 2000 tiki machine.........everyone should have one in their tool shed.

furball posted on 04/13/2010

Killer work and great progress shots Buzz. I like seeing the pre-drafting you are doing. So clean and precise.

TheBigT posted on 04/15/2010

You are the drum king, man. And the chair king too. :lol: :lol:

Oh, have u realized your turtle "boxy" appears to be a red ear? Water turtle.. :o

Beachbumz posted on 04/15/2010

Ya Buzzy ~ Mahalo's for all the progress shots of your work, great for us newbie carver's... I really wanna try making one of these drums, just have to wait for da log to dry.. What type of leather should I get to do the head when I do start and finish one sometime??

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/16/2010


I rested the elbows a couple days and then took to the drum again with the drawkinfe. I got the bell tapered to where I want it:

Now I have to crack out the ruler and even up the bottom circumference of the bell in a couple spots. After that I'll even the bell up with the sander.

I finished sanding this guy:

and stained him:

I think I still need one more coat of stain. I'll see how it looks in sunlight tomorrow

And for my for fun project...

I didn;t just want a piece of wood shaped like a surfboard, I wanted as close to a scaled ereal surfboard as I could manage with a piece of crappy palm.
First thing I did was make the bottom rocker and started to bring the top down to match

I mark out the sots that need sanding. Then I kept sanding it down until it felt and looked right

Side view of it now:

Top view

I'll sand it all all pretty and perfect and then probably wood burn some ripoff 60's looking logo on it and add a fin I plan to make out of some carobwood

Now I want to make one out of a giant piece of redwood.

On 2010-04-13 06:44, Creative Chimp wrote:
imagine if you cloned yourself how much more product you could pump out........great work.
"Buzzomatic 2000 tiki machine.........everyone should have one in their tool shed."

If that happened: I'd fire myotherselfself for being a lazy malcontent right before I quit because I was tired of myotherselftheboss' demands...
And, That's what she said!

On 2010-04-13 11:52, furball wrote:
I like seeing the pre-drafting you are doing. So clean and precise.

Saves a lot of time to draw it right initially. I've always taken the extra tome to draw it out extra careful and recise before I start carving it.

On 2010-04-14 18:49, TheBigT wrote:
Oh, have u realized your turtle "boxy" appears to be a red ear? Water turtle.. :o

Yeah, I figured that out after a few days. I saw a book at the pet store when I was trying to figure out what to feed it. No one answered my found turtle flyers so a good home was found for him and soon he'll be headed to a custom turtle pond with other turtle buddies.

On 2010-04-14 19:00, Beachbumz wrote:
What type of leather should I get to do the head when I do start and finish one sometime??

If the state you live in allows it: Grizzly Bear. You can get it onlineat several hide supply stores. I can't get it here because even though we don't have them in this state, they're protected because they are the state animal, and are on the flag and stuff.
Actually, I've used both goat and cow. I'd use cow on a larger sized drum to get a thunderous lower sound. the goat sounds real good, but isn;t as low sounding as the cow. I'd use it for smaller drums that won;t sound that low anyway. Cow's good if you're going to use it as a table more than a drum.

Buzzy Out!

MadDogMike posted on 04/16/2010


On 2010-04-15 17:51, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:



:lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

Beachbumz posted on 04/16/2010

Thanxx Buzzy for the info on the head... now i just gotta finish one, oh... I mean start one.. :wink:

seeksurf posted on 04/19/2010

Loving the surfboard nice work you put into it. Yes a large redwood would be cool.

Nice work on the thin tiki.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/19/2010


I ended up putting two more coats of stain on this guy:

In other tiki news: I have this guy up on the rack for some sanding

On 2010-04-16 08:17, MadDogMike wrote:

I think that "sweetness" is the attraction...sweet and sour pitbull poki.

I guess we'll keep her away from the Bali hai for a while just to be safe.

On 2010-04-16 12:11, Beachbumz wrote:
Thanxx Buzzy for the info on the head... now i just gotta finish one, oh... I mean start one.. :wink:

I forgot to add that your local weather might affect the cow. Foggy and humid days and the cow goes a little soft and flat.

On 2010-04-18 18:08, seeksurf wrote:
Loving the surfboard nice work you put into it. Yes a large redwood would be cool.
Nice work on the thin tiki.

thanks Seeks.I still wonder why I didn;t just cut a flat one out in the outline of a board and not worry about all the neat little upgrades I spent an afternoon on...

RIP Kenny 1966-2010

If there's a Rock 'n Roll heaven, then Kenny will probably be late for practice there...

Buzzy Out!

Billy the Crud posted on 04/21/2010

Is that the same little puppy I saw last time I popped by? MAN, does time fly. I still have some longboard foam blanks if you want one, Buzzy.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/28/2010


Quick update to catch me up to the present:

I was cleaning this tree of all the dead branches:

And just like every year, I said to myself that I should see if the wood is carveable. The only difference was that this year I actually hacked and saved a couple hunks and carved one up

It has neat bark like this, so I wanted to leave some on:

To test it out as a carving wood, I quickly did yet another Moai pendant:

Super soft. I'll have to find its limits...

sanded and stained it:

Eventually, I'll start making these Frank Schirman type of carvings from this wood, if it works out:


On to other older stuff I'm just wrapping up...


Rim done and stained:

second round of stain:


Stained part one:

stained part four:

Sanded, burned and/or stained:

Finished, round one:

Finished, round two:

Drum leg stencil making step by steps, from rough scaled to final master stencil:

How it will fit on the legs:

Now I just have to transfer the stencil on each leg and then, obviously, carve them out

That just about covers it, tikiwise.

On 2010-04-21 15:34, Billy the Crud wrote:
Is that the same little puppy I saw last time I popped by? MAN, does time fly. I still have some longboard foam blanks if you want one, Buzzy.

She weighs 36 lbs now. More than double from when I got her. Is that big log that I wanted still out in the street in front of your house? I just got a truck last week so I can come get it now. And if it is, I promise I won't bring Cammo with me this time.

Buzzy Out!

4WDtiki posted on 04/28/2010

Buzz, what happened to steps 2 and 3 on that janus marq piece??? It goes from a dark stain to light. Excellent carving on that, BTW.
How exactly do you transfer the design from the paper to the drum leg?
What kind of truck did you get?
Inquiring minds...

danlovestikis posted on 04/28/2010

I sure hope you will have all these terrific pieces at Oasis 10. Also I need another pinup for our Buzzy Bedroom which was viewed by many fans of yours on the last Sacramento Tiki Crawl. Wendy

Naneki posted on 04/28/2010

Carve Tiki Bobs out of that dead branch tree.

Just sayin'


Billy the Crud posted on 04/28/2010

That log is still here, man. Better come get it soon. I was eyeballing it and thinking today, so you better hurry. It was left that long just for you, too. If I carved it, I'd feel bad.
That tall skinny guy is freakin' great, man. All the new stuff is such a progression, I feel like Im still choking on your sawdust. Lemme know when you want to cruise over for the log. Thomas and I will be carving around 1pm here on Friday.

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/29/2010

looking good b

HOUSE OF KU posted on 04/29/2010

Wow :o, Looking great there Buzzy! (that's what she said) :lol:

Ever use these to transfer patterns?

Smaller dia. wheels are good for tight curves...

Billy the Crud posted on 04/29/2010

Ive used those for sewing and leather work.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/03/2010


On 2010-04-28 05:26, 4WDtiki wrote:
#1 Buzz, what happened to steps 2 and 3 on that janus marq piece??? It goes from a dark stain to light.

#2 How exactly do you transfer the design from the paper to the drum leg?

#3 What kind of truck did you get?

#1 I forgot to show you yesterday...you have to see the piece in person real close to see what happened. It was a test run for this one:

...which I'll be finishing in the next couple days. Now I know what I want to do will work, so I'll give it a shot

#2 Copy machine, ledger paper, razor, scissors, and a pencil:

#3 Log hauler:

I went over to Billy's on Friday and grabbed the 8' log out in front of his house with it. Trial by fire.

Tiki update:

I carved the first leg on the drum a couple nights ago. I'll do the teeth and nostrils after I finish the other two. I don;t want those parts to chip while I'm working on the rest of the log

and, Some pictures of this guy finished:

On 2010-04-28 09:57, danlovestikis wrote:
Also I need another pinup for our Buzzy Bedroom which was viewed by many fans of yours on the last Sacramento Tiki Crawl. Wendy

You can let the fine folks of Sacramento know that I started working on my tan yesterday at the Bamboo Ben Garage sale in preparation for this year's photo.

On 2010-04-28 11:12, Naneki wrote:
Carve Tiki Bobs out of that dead branch tree.
Just sayin'

i'll try knockin one of those out in the next day or so.
See how it turns out...It should only take about 10 minutes to do.

On 2010-04-28 15:56, Billy the Crud wrote:
Thomas and I will be carving around 1pm here on Friday.

I should start a log over there soon and swing by a couple hours now and again and hack it out. we'll smoke some shit too, man. How long does it takes to smoke a cheeseburger in that new smoker thing you got? We should have a chop where Babalu has that hot dog cart going, your smoker, and my deep fat fryer going.

On 2010-04-28 23:49, Tiki Diablo wrote:
looking good b

thanks TD

On 2010-04-29 04:01, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Wow :o, Looking great there Buzzy! (that's what she said) :lol:

Ever use these to transfer patterns?

I find it more accurate to do it one piece at a time like i show up top. Sometimes I have to adjust a line a little here and there while I'm transferring because the log is warped, the pattern shifts, etc. I can catch and fix stuff quicker one piece at a time. Kind of like building a puzzle one piece at a time, the way I do it. I think the holes/marks might get lost in the crappy palm surface also. I'll look for one of those at the swap and see how it works.

On 2010-04-29 10:24, Billy the Crud wrote:
Ive used those for sewing and leather work.

and you got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle....

Buzzy Out!

MadDogMike posted on 05/03/2010

Never squat with yer spurs on.

seeksurf posted on 05/04/2010

I'm digging the janus marq carve.

tikigodz posted on 05/04/2010

whats up with the teaser on #1 Need more detials Mr Buzzy!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/05/2010

many Moohalos for the Chipin Males 8x10 from last year. didn't get a chance to hang it the other day. will do it right real soon....

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/05/2010

Yesterday's sunset:

Today's sunset:

There's supposed to be fog coming the next few`days.

By sunset yesterday I had the second leg this far...

and the third leg this far:

I finished the third leg last night:

I don't really know if that's the third leg. If it isn't, then just pretend. It looks close enough.

Today I worked on the bell first. Here's how off it is:

I took it down a little with the disc sander to even it out;

Then I started to turn the log into a drum. To do this, I had to remove all the wood in the middle:

I went down real far from the top, and then went in from the bottom. yhis part was super hard to do. i really cut up my hand doing it:

I started at about 10am today. Broke through at 6 pm and worked until sunset. I still have at least a few more hours on the inside left. sanding's gonna suck!

At the end of the day I got it close to done and cleaner:

It's thicker than it should be until after I carve details on the bell part. i left it thick for support while I finsh it.

On 2010-05-03 13:27, MadDogMike wrote:
Never squat with yer spurs on.

That's what she said!

On 2010-05-03 19:51, seeksurf wrote:
I'm digging the janus marq carve.

It's a beauty. I need to take good pictures of it now that it's done.

On 2010-05-03 20:01, tikigodz wrote:
whats up with the teaser on #1 Need more detials Mr Buzzy!

I carved that one a couple months back and am sanding and staining it this week. I did a stain test for the finish on that other Marq piece in prep for it.

On 2010-05-04 21:35, RevBambooBen wrote:
many Moohalos for the Chipin Males 8x10 from last year. didn't get a chance to hang it the other day. will do it right real soon....

many Moohalos for another GREAT DAY in the Bamboo Ben shop parking lot! You and the whole day Rocked! I didn;t get a head burn this year! Only some leg and arm base coat tan.

My hands are tired...lots of choppin today.
Buzzy Out

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-05-04 23:24 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/05/2010

On 2010-04-28 11:12, Naneki wrote:
Carve Tiki Bobs out of that dead branch tree.

Just sayin'


I felt a little wound up this late evening, like I wouldn't be able to sleep right away if I went to bed, so I made the most of my time and gave the Tiki Bob Log you suggested a shot:

Mine,compared to the original from the collection of Humuhumu:

I had to leave the nose bark a little thicker than the original because a thinner strand of bark wouldn;t hold on this piece for very long. The mouth looks a little thick on mine too, now that I see the picture of it. I'll fix that tomorrow. I have to go channel surf for the Girls Gone wild infomercial right now. I think it starts at 2am.

If I ever join Ooga Mooga, I'm going to put the Tiki bob on my wishlist and then never follow through on getting one.

Living about nine feet from the Rose canyon fault line, I don't think it would be smart in the long run to start a mug collection. they cost to much now and everybody has a whole bunch of them already anyhow.

Log Bob Tiki in better light:

When I was rookie carver, probably way back in about June of '06, I gave a log to someone who contacted me through TC about learning how to carve. A few days after I gave him the log, he told me that he had made his first tiki out of it. I asked what kind of tiki it was and he said with a big smile, "I made a Tiki-Bob." He waited for my nod of approval, but I had absolutely no idea what the f^(# a Tiki-Bob was. He showed it to me and I still wondered what the hell it was...

I want to sleep right now and stay that way until 11am tomorrow.
Buzzy Out!

4WDtiki posted on 05/05/2010

I like that Log Bob! The bark is wild, and the piece has a nice little sideways curve in it. Any idea what kind of wood it is?

Naneki posted on 05/05/2010

On 2010-05-05 02:12, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2010-04-28 11:12, Naneki wrote:
Carve Tiki Bobs out of that dead branch tree.

Just sayin'


I felt a little wound up this late evening, like I wouldn't be able to sleep right away if I went to bed, so I made the most of my time and gave the Tiki Bob Log you suggested a shot:

Mine,compared to the original from the collection of Humuhumu:

I had to leave the nose bark a little thicker than the original because a thinner strand of bark wouldn;t hold on this piece for very long. The mouth looks a little thick on mine too, now that I see the picture of it. I'll fix that tomorrow. I have to go channel surf for the Girls Gone wild infomercial right now. I think it starts at 2am.

If I ever join Ooga Mooga, I'm going to put the Tiki bob on my wishlist and then never follow through on getting one.

Living about nine feet from the Rose canyon fault line, I don't think it would be smart in the long run to start a mug collection. they cost to much now and everybody has a whole bunch of them already anyhow.

Log Bob Tiki in better light:

When I was rookie carver, probably way back in about June of '06, I gave a log to someone who contacted me through TC about learning how to carve. A few days after I gave him the log, he told me that he had made his first tiki out of it. I asked what kind of tiki it was and he said with a big smile, "I made a Tiki-Bob." He waited for my nod of approval, but I had absolutely no idea what the f^(# a Tiki-Bob was. He showed it to me and I still wondered what the hell it was...

I want to sleep right now and stay that way until 11am tomorrow.
Buzzy Out!

L-U-V Love it!

How do I order one.


Benzart posted on 05/06/2010

Dayyum Buzzy, Your Log Bob is Jest as Uggly as the original,, Nice Job on the Bob,,, Whats a Bob??

tikigodz posted on 05/06/2010


seeksurf posted on 05/07/2010

Nice Bob.

I thinks the gods have been favoring you and that vault line, but keep
your speedo on during Buzzy month just to be safe.

TheBigT posted on 05/13/2010

On 2010-05-04 23:23, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Wow Buzzy, you're really reaching new heights with these drums. That's really nice. And not even done... I see you're getting quite proficient with the stencils. Show off. :wink:

Cammo posted on 05/16/2010

*"When I was rookie carver, probably way back in about June of '06, I gave a log to someone who contacted me through TC about learning how to carve. A few days after I gave him the log, he told me that he had made his first tiki out of it. I asked what kind of tiki it was and he said with a big smile, "I made a Tiki-Bob." *

Was that 4WDTiki?

Hey, can I order one too? But first can you primer and gloss-white the face so it has that scary clown white look?

I'm gonna wear all plastic to Buzzy's house from now on. If you wear any form of leather Poki goes after it and tries to rip it to shreds when you aren't looking. He stalks your shoes. Buzzy finds this behavior comical and encourages it.

MadDogMike posted on 05/16/2010

Funny dog! Cam, it's good to see you hanging out again. About time for a summer ghost story?

Buzz, tell me about this:

buzzard posted on 05/19/2010

hey buzzy whats up?
man the drum is comming out great
and if everyone really wants to know what a bob is you can send them a pic of me

Tahitiki posted on 05/21/2010

The new drum is way cool buz.

TravelingJones posted on 05/23/2010

Braddah Buzz... YOU are Champion of the Chisles, Lord of the Logs and the Barney of the West!!! San Diego Tiki Factory is in FULL PRODUCTION this year... choppin' out all da excessive wood and creating a stronger, lean and efficient tiki for our planet! YOU sir, are a PATRIOT!

:tiki: ** VOTE for BUZZY 2012!** :tiki:

Naneki posted on 05/25/2010

Hey Buzzy

Tiki Log Bob arrived safely. He's happy in his new home. Here's a picture with his big brother Te. (Don't worry Log Bob lives inside.)



TikiG posted on 05/25/2010

Buzzy: The demigod of tiki drums!

Thanks for posting the drum-in-progress pics. Man, someday I'm gonna get off my ass and attempt to carve one of those myself (better yet, I'll just buy a Buzzy drum and leave it at that.)

Talk to you around town sometime soon. G

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/26/2010

Sunsets to warm things up;

I've been away from this thread for a few days while I was adding new stuff to this gallery thread:
All kinds of new pictures of just finished pieces

I'll repost them all here when i have time.

I finished carving, sanding, and burning the new big drum. Tomorrow morning I'll do the rim and then it's stain time.

Introducing, for the first time in public, the official Tiki Caliente Drum:

I incorporated several different relevant sources into the final piece

For instance, the three tikis I carved on the legs are my "tribute" versions to this one by the Tropics pool:

The original tapered too much at the chin, so I had to put the foot under the tongues for stability.

The logo was a carved rendition of Doug Horne's event logo.

Carving this rated high up there in the stuff I've done difficulty scale

His original used the black lines on the letters as shadows to give the illusion of depth. I didn't need fake shadows on my letters because I was planning on carving them raised from the background, but I wanted the logo to look as exact as possible. So, I carved them out with the outline of the letter and shadow, and then went back and added the shadows with the trusty Optima 1 Dual woodburner. The tapa patterns on the frame were carved out first, then I went back and burned in the recesses with the woodburner. They should all be seen under the stain.
When I stain it, I'll do the background in a red stain, and do the outer images in a darker wood than the bell of the drum. Basically, I'm trying to get it like the original.

For the back of the drum, I used some elements from the Tiki Caliente 1 mug that I borrowed from Tiki-Kate

Thanks Kate! You'll have your mug back safe and sound real soon...

and because...

I didn't have enough room to really fit the A-frame the same way it was on the mug, I used this post card as a source for the carving:

The end result: palm trees, flaming tiki torches, and the A-frame

I couldn't do the usual finer details in th ecarving on this part because it's where you handle the drum the most. Smaller details would work, and i would have done them, if it was only going to be looked at.This piece is going to be functional: played and moved and handled, so I had to take that into consideration and carve and sand it with soft edges and duller details.

Now let's turn our attention to the inside of the drum:

Because of the way everything was configured on it, I was able to make the bell part a little larger than it appears from the outside view.
These lines show how it was hollowed out to make a bigger sound chamber:

After putting the head on, when I was testing this drum a few days back...(Here's a video of that and another one of my drums being played)

...I noticed the air/sound wave blowing out the hole in the bottom of the bell when I hit it. Kind of like a blast of air

that got me thinking...

What if I carved the mouths all the way to the hole that runs through the center of the drum?
The two red zones are where I then carved the mouths back through to the hollowed out center chamber

It was only about an inch away so it was really nothing hard to do

I shined a light through the center and snapped this picture to show the new air hole

I made one in each mouth.


#1 It might help the sound

but more importantly

If you take a burning incense cone and place it inside the drum at the bottom of the hollowed part on a fire resistant surface, then the whole drum chamber will fill up with smoke as it burns away. Then when you play it, the air forced out by the sound wave will blow the smoke out the holes in the mouths that connect to the center of the drum's hollowed part
Like this(in theory):

So while you're playing the drum, the tikis will be breathing out puffs of smoke in time with your playing

That would be even cooler if they could blow smoke rings!

I'll be back to answer old posts soon.
I need to rest now.
Buzzy Out!

BigAndyB posted on 05/26/2010

hey Buzzy :D thats one insane drum!! amazing work, look forward to seeing it all stained up and with skin, you should definately post a vid of him being played with some incense burning inside :) how did you hollow out the inside of the drum so accurately keeping a 1 inch thickness? i've just carved out a short tiki head lantern, but being straight-sided, it was fairly easy with the chainsaw, although terrifying as i came closer to the edge..

4WDtiki posted on 05/26/2010

I'm pretty much speechless on this drum, Buzz. Somehow you do things with palm that shouldn't be possible, yet there's the photographic proof!

AlohaStation posted on 05/26/2010

Spectacular! Can't wait to see it finished.

MadDogMike posted on 05/26/2010

SWEET!!! Amazing carving job. Smoke rings, hmmm? Check out "vortex generator" or "smoke ring generator". Involves a chamber and a membrane like a drum head. I once made a smoke ring generator 4x4 feet that was part of a stage volcaco, blew giant smoke rings.

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