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Martini Kings sat. may 1st pasadena doo dah parade!!

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martini kings posted on 04/26/2010

parade starts at 11am! free! bring a lawn chair!
Martini Kings this saturday!!! may 1st!
sat may 1st! 11 am start! catch my band THE MARTINI KINGS in the 34th annual pasadena doo dah parade with exotic tiki dancers miss fever blister and josie bunny!we will be playing live thru the streets on a flatbed truck with soooo many other acts!
See The Amazing Chundra, Pasadena Scots, Grand Marshal Corky Peterson, Snotty Scotty and the Hankies, Horses on Astroturf, Laughter Yoga, Queen Erica Valentine,The BBQ & Hibachi Marching Grill Team, Kim Manning and Lance Lazlow, Rock and Rollin Wedding, Songbird and His Ocarinas, Men of Leisure, Kid Swap, The Country Gentlemen, The Bra-Etts, The Unemployed Economic Downturn Drill Team, The Hare Krishna Chanters, Howdy Krishna, Harry Krishna, Count Smokula, The Pink-Slipped Teachers of California, Dr. Steele's Army of Toy Soldiers (and Propaganda Mobile), Guys on Horses, Wild Bunch of Hollywood, Kinetic Pastry Science Mobile Muffins, East L.A. Marching Huskies, Cheap Sax (Addicted to Love), Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin, Superb Skaters, Elvis and Cher and (What shoulda stayed in Vegas!!), Goddess of Democracy, Million Marijuana March, Sidecar jazz, ArtStorm, Classic Clowns of Whittier, Thwop, Niswander-er, King Cork Dork and Princess Wine-a-Palooza, Cafe McMullen, Evotrope, The Martini Kings, Queen of Arts, GirlsDrawinGirls, El Virus and the Vaccines, Howl-e-luiah Chorus, The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen's Society Circuit Bending Marching Band and Ladies Auxiliary, Flying Baby Jousting, Motorized Friggin' Couch, Firebrain, NoHo Scooters, Linoleum Bonaparte, JackFM, Carole Anne Kauffman, Hot Lips, World Champion Musical Whistler, Boo Boo Kitty, The Birthday Brigade, ROOM 13, Coast to Coast Critters, Valley Reds in Purple Threads, Los Angeles French Quarter, Vintage Cyclery of Pasadena, Roobie Breastnut, Day ONE, Thrill of the World, Pasadena Zombies, AND MORE MORE MORE !!Add a captionsat may 1st! 11 am start! catch my band THE MARTINI KINGS in the 34th annual pasadena doo dah parade with exotic tiki dancers miss fever blister and josie bunny!we will be playing live thru the streets on a flatbed truck with soooo many other acts!
See The Amazing Chundra, Pasadena Scots, Grand Marshal Corky Peterson, Snotty Scotty and the Hankies, Horses on Astroturf, Laughter Yoga, Queen Erica Valentine,The BBQ & Hibachi Marching Grill Team, Kim Manning and Lance Lazlow, Rock and Rollin Wedding, Songbird and His Ocarinas, Men of Leisure, Kid Swap, The Country Gentlemen, The Bra-Etts, The Unemployed Economic Downturn Drill Team, The Hare Krishna Chanters, Howdy Krishna, Harry Krishna, Count Smokula, The Pink-Slipped Teachers of California, Dr. Steele's Army of Toy Soldiers (and Propaganda Mobile), Guys on Horses, Wild Bunch of Hollywood, Kinetic Pastry Science Mobile Muffins, East L.A. Marching Huskies, Cheap Sax (Addicted to Love), Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin, Superb Skaters, Elvis and Cher and (What shoulda stayed in Vegas!!), Goddess of Democracy, Million Marijuana March, Sidecar jazz, ArtStorm, Classic Clowns of Whittier, Thwop, Niswander-er, King Cork Dork and Princess Wine-a-Palooza, Cafe McMullen, Evotrope, The Martini Kings, Queen of Arts, GirlsDrawinGirls, El Virus and the Vaccines, Howl-e-luiah Chorus, The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen's Society Circuit Bending Marching Band and Ladies Auxiliary, Flying Baby Jousting, Motorized Friggin' Couch, Firebrain, NoHo Scooters, Linoleum Bonaparte, JackFM, Carole Anne Kauffman, Hot Lips, World Champion Musical Whistler, Boo Boo Kitty, The Birthday Brigade, ROOM 13, Coast to Coast Critters, Valley Reds in Purple Threads, Los Angeles French Quarter, Vintage Cyclery of Pasadena, Roobie Breastnut, Day ONE, Thrill of the World, Pasadena Zombies, AND MORE MORE MORE !!

tyger jymmy posted on 04/26/2010

Yea Tony my freinds the Queen this year Suposto be in it, more on helping him out , but well see maybe maybe im doing an Elvis thing just to be in the hole jive of things . Should be kool .

martini kings posted on 05/03/2010

a few shots from the doo dah parade!

tyger jymmy posted on 05/07/2010

Hey Tony heres a Realy kool one of us . CHEERS !

[ Edited by: tyger jymmy 2010-05-06 21:56 ]

[ Edited by: tyger jymmy 2010-05-06 21:57 ]

martini kings posted on 05/07/2010

martini kings posted on 05/07/2010

here are a few cool tiki shots from last weeks parade

tyger jymmy posted on 05/07/2010

Right on great pics .

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