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Famous Tiki Carvers Bio's

Pages: 1 6 replies

Rich posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 12:25 PM

My daughter is writing a report for her final project for her art class, and she picked Tiki culture as her subject. She's been influenced by my wife and I's interest in all things Tiki. My daughter's report will centralize on Tiki carvers. What she is looking for are bio's on Tiki carvers. We've looked online ie... google, wikipedia ect.. and we've only found one bio on Shane "Tonu" Eagleton. She just needs two more. If anyone knows of any other resources or bio's on Tiki carvers, please respond to this thread, any help would be appreciated.


If she's looking for printed sources:

Summer 2009 Tiki Magazine featured carver article on Ben "Benzart" Davis

he can also be reached easily right here on Tiki Central. One of his old threads here in the carving forum has a good bio on him from the good old days from an interview or something.

Spring 2009 Tiki Magazine featured carver article on Wayne Coombs

And, I can't remember which issue, and I can't find it right now, but Leroy from Oceanic Arts had a profile in Tiki Mag too. You can probably email or call Oceanic Arts and they could help you out. She should definitely try to find out about him. There was a book called Night of the Tiki with him profiled in it as well. I can't remember if it has much biographical info.

Buzzy Out!


I recall an issue of TM that featured Bosko as well.

In Tiki Magazine (Winter 09/10 Vol.05 No.03) there is an enlightening feature about a carver named 'Buzzy - The Baron of Bay Park'. That guy is prolific with da chizzles! I've been told, "he knows all and sees all tiki"? I would seek him out for a biography, he must be one of the ancient ones... :wink:

edited for wikiaccuracy


[ Edited by: TravelingJones 2010-05-07 19:21 ]

pdrake posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 7:22 PM

spring 2006 vol. 2, no. 1:

crazy al

spring 2007 vol. 3, no. 1:

ken pleasant


Actually every "Tiki Magazine" carries bio's of Tiki Carvers and artists so any one or two will give you all the info she needs. If she would to interview one tiki artist directly she can email or Call me directly.

Rich posted on Sat, May 8, 2010 11:23 AM

Aloha all,
Thank you for all your help, my daughter appreciates all your information very much. I think she has a chance for an A+ paper. This is a great community.


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