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Home Tiki Bar in France

Pages: 1 14 replies

Tikifrog posted on 09/28/2003

Hi, we're just arriving on TC and we'd like to show you some pics of our bar, located in Nevers,in the center of France. For those of you that we met at Sydney's 1st birthday luau, hope to see you again soon (you're welcome whenever you come to France). For the others hope to meet you soon.
We'll be at Hemsby, UK, next week-end.
(the pics where shot before our summer vacation in California. There is some new stuff since. I'll put new pics as soon as I can)

Jungle Trader posted on 09/28/2003

Welcome to TC Tikifrog. I like your name.
Very nice bar you have.

FLOUNDERart posted on 09/28/2003

Welcome to TC Tikifrog, hope you enjoy our company. Nice Bar.

divychic posted on 09/28/2003

aloha! nice pics of your bar...have you named it yet?

Tiki Diablo posted on 09/28/2003

Hi there guys, it was good to meet you two this summer. Welcome to TC.

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/29/2003

Very Nice....

DawnTiki posted on 09/29/2003

C'est si bon!

PolynesianPop posted on 09/29/2003

Tikifrog -- very nice bar. Can I come over and have a drink?!!

It was such an honor having you and Mrs. Tikifrog at my daughter Sydney's Tiki Luau Birthday party. Our farthest travelling guest!

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-09-28 22:12 ]

virani posted on 09/29/2003

Quel plaisir de voir d'autres passionnés de Tiki en France. Je suis à Paris, avec moi aussi un petit tiki bar dans mon appartement. Votre bar est superbe, félicitation...
A bientôt peut être (si vous passez sur paris, je fais des soirées Paris Tiki Room de temps en temps, musique exotica, décors, cocktails...)


Unga Bunga posted on 09/29/2003

WEE wee fee fee.

A Tiki Cheers To You!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-09-29 09:50 ]

Tikifrog posted on 09/29/2003

Thanks to all of you.
As a matter of fact, this bar has no name. Any idea?

Tikifrog posted on 09/29/2003

On 2003-09-29 01:56, virani wrote:
Quel plaisir de voir d'autres passionnés de Tiki en France. Je suis à Paris, avec moi aussi un petit tiki bar dans mon appartement. Votre bar est superbe, félicitation...
A bientôt peut être (si vous passez sur paris, je fais des soirées Paris Tiki Room de temps en temps, musique exotica, décors, cocktails...)


Hi Virani, it's nice to meet French people here. We are close enough to Paris to come and party. Anytime.
A bientôt

Jungle Trader posted on 09/30/2003

Tikifrog, how 'bout:
The Frog Pad.
Kermit's Palace.
Froggy's Lagoon.
The Green Room

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-09-29 18:28 ]

GECKO posted on 09/30/2003

and i thought i travled far to da MaiKai in Florida this year from Oahu...DAM!! Very Aloha of you to make it to Pops B-day for his daughter.

Aloha to you and your ohana.

weirduncletiki posted on 10/19/2003

Welcome! It was great meeting you both this summer here in Southern California. Keep us up to date on the progress and happenings of your tiki pad. I hope to hop over there someday soon and see it for myself!

-Weird Uncle Tiki

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