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blue.octopus posted on 05/13/2010

I'm still looking for the original Intoxica book to complete my set of the Bum's books. If anyone knows where I may still find a copy at under $100 could you please point me in the direction.

many thanks

and yes I do have Remixed (I even have a spare)

Beachbumz posted on 05/13/2010

I bought mine at Bosko's website but not there anymore...
I'll keep looking, I found this site that is selling them for over $500 bones.... No offense Berry but what are they crazy!!

[ Edited by: Beachbumz 2010-05-13 15:40 ]

Matt Reese posted on 05/14/2010

That seems crazy. What is the Grog Log or even the original Grog Log (not spiral bound but 8 1/2 by 11) going for? Jeez are people really paying that kind of money out there?

Limbo Lizard posted on 05/15/2010

Five hundred dollars? Heck, I think I'll photocopy mine, then put it in a safe deposit box!

thomamas posted on 05/15/2010

It's not worth $500 until someone actually pays it.

But all of the other spiral bounds are still available for about $10, and I just checked that I paid Amazon $8.76 for a new copy less than three years ago.

Was the Intoxica print run much smaller than the other books?

Unga Bunga posted on 05/15/2010

I was going to buy it for $500, until I realized it was $500 and 98 cents.
I mean, that really insulted my intelligence.

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/15/2010

I would be happy to sell my copy for $495.00 to ya Unga!

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2010-05-15 10:34 ]

atomictonytiki posted on 05/19/2010

Try "Forbidden Planet" comic stores, I picked up multiple copies of "Taboo Table" and "Sippin Safari" in the discount section of the Glasgow store.

It's worth a try.

blue.octopus posted on 05/19/2010

On 2010-05-18 22:47, atomictonytiki wrote:
Try "Forbidden Planet" comic stores, I picked up multiple copies of "Taboo Table" and "Sippin Safari" in the discount section of the Glasgow store.

It's worth a try.

thanks - will try that

tedtiki posted on 05/20/2010
tikiskip posted on 05/20/2010

Ok so how much does this one go for?
To the left is the oldest book I think.

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twitch posted on 05/31/2010

Looks like prices are indeed dropping.
Chapters.ca has an Intoxica! for only $419.09.

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Dustycajun posted on 06/02/2010

These prices are ... crazy. Just a few years back I got this three pack on ebay for $40 and change.

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bigbrotiki posted on 06/02/2010

I am no book seller, but these prices must be computer-calculated somehow, maybe by cross-referencing search hits to available copies or whatever. I don't think they reflect what anyone is actually paying. A while back I was looking for a very mundane home repair book for old windows, sort of self-published, with black & white illustrations. Though fairly recently published, it was out of print, and just because of that it had shot up from the 12.95 price to $250.-

I don't believe there is some antiquarian bookseller somewhere looking at a book like this and saying "oooh this is so rare I bet I can get 450.- bucks for this." This must be machine-made pricing --producing the result that the product will just sit there.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2010-06-01 21:09 ]

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woofmutt posted on 06/02/2010

Sorry Bigbrotiki, you're wrong wrong wrong and wrong. If anything the prices cited are below value. Intoxica! is well on its way to becoming the most valuable spiral bound paper back in existence.

With that in mind I would like to generously offer my copy of Intoxica for the absurdly low price of $870. Anyone who is interested can PM me. [EDIT: Price changed to reflect current market prices. You snoozed, you losed.]

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[ Edited by: woofmutt 2010-06-08 11:33 ]

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/02/2010

Or you can just pop onto Amazon.com.
order this (Beachbum Berry Remixed Anthology - Includes Grog Log & Intoxica)
for $25 and save all the cash for Tiki Oasis! or liquor & mixes to make those Intoxica drinks.

Oh look! here is a link, how easy is that?

Now enjoy some common sense & drink safe.

tikiskip posted on 06/02/2010

"Includes two classic tiki cocktail recipe books in one softcover volume"

If it sounds too good too be true....

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uncle trav posted on 06/02/2010

Holy crap!!!!! My copy is autographed by the Bum himself. I better get it in the safety deposit box a.s.a.p.

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Dustycajun posted on 06/04/2010

QUICK, act now, Intoxica on ebay for a mere $200.


And free shipping!

Are people really spending this much for the book? We shall see.


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Dustycajun posted on 06/07/2010
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Trader Rick posted on 06/08/2010

OoWee. I better get my copy to the bank safe deposit box A.S.A.P.!

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naugatiki posted on 06/08/2010

If I bought this and that Ren Clark Severed Head Mug on ebay I'd be shopping at the Party City tiki section for the next 10 years to keep in budget.

But if I did I'd be lighting my flamming cocktail drinks with $100 bills.

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woofmutt posted on 06/08/2010

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In order to reflect current market values I am forced to withdraw my previous offer of my copy of Intoxica! for $375. It is now available for $875, less than 50% of some current asking prices!

Anyone who is interested can PM me.

Beachbumz posted on 06/08/2010

Guaranteed it's someone that's trolling here on TC.. once you posted the 200.00 price than it went to 2000.00... I'd pay a $1000.00 for it but not a penny more...:wink:

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Spaceboy posted on 06/09/2010

I'm going to sell my Grog Log for $1000. then.
I need money to go to Ohana. I'll even throw in one of my moai mugs.

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arriano posted on 06/09/2010

I know we keep seeing these huge prices for the book, but has anyone actually witnessed someone buying them for these prices? If so, I want to know who they are so that I can interest them in some great Florida land opportunities as well as a Neiman Marcus cookie recipe.

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DemeraraDrinker posted on 06/10/2010

A "completed listing" search on eBay shows no purchases of Intoxica (I don't know how far back it goes). There is a $200 listing that did not sell.

Cripe, I have the book (I have all of them). Mine would come complete with lime juice/Lemon Hart/Goslings stains.

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TikiPug posted on 06/14/2010

Auction ends in 5 minutes. Don't forget to bid.

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Spaceboy posted on 06/14/2010

How do I search for items that have sold?

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Dustycajun posted on 06/18/2010


Click on the Completed Listings when you search to find out what stuff sold for.

I think this seller is bad with decimal points. It's now listed for $2.00

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Hopefully it will end up in deserving hands now.


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woofmutt posted on 06/19/2010

This is great, we have a test copy to figure out a market price. In a week those of us who own copies will know if our net worth is greater than we thought or much less. So exciting. (Hopefully people will refrain from bidding merely to increase the sense of self worth.)

Beachbumz posted on 06/19/2010

I'll be following the auction very closely, down to the minute..... I just pulled my copy out of the bank's vault today, putting on the gloves now to take a look now.. :)

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ZeroTiki posted on 06/19/2010

I work in a new & used bookstore in california, and the book that you see with the big dollar tags (if they come in) is Sven's Big Book, esp. the larger version. This may have something to do with the fact that I ensure that any and all ohana that cross my doorstep know what tiki books we have in stock-

Amazon prices are what most used booksellers mark down from, as they tend to be asking rather than selling prices. I'll be interested to see if this gets bidded past $25.


blue.octopus posted on 06/21/2010

On 2010-05-20 06:45, tedtiki wrote:
It's only $149.95 here.


As the starter of this post I thought I'd better come back and let you all know I didn't pay $2000 for a copy :)

following the above quoted post I looked at Alibris and found a "nearly new" copy listed for $7 plus postage! Safe to say I hit the check out button very swiftly and after a long wait for it to float across the atlantic I now have a copy.

Just goes to show - don't pay the silly prices advertised - just keep looking.

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woofmutt posted on 06/24/2010


Well that's good for you and sucks for the rest of us. That means I'm practically worthless. (Don't tell my ex-wives I finally admitted to that.)

Oh! The one in the eBay auction is up to a hot hot hot twenty one and a half bucks!

Yes! Woofmutt is still a player!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/24/2010

Well the price is almost the same as getting this on Amazon.com now
so if you want the remixed version everyone can still get a copy.

On 2010-06-01 23:06, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Or you can just pop onto Amazon.com.
order this (Beachbum Berry Remixed Anthology - Includes Grog Log & Intoxica)
for $25 and save all the cash for Tiki Oasis! or liquor & mixes to make those Intoxica drinks.

Oh look! here is a link, how easy is that?

Now enjoy some common sense & drink safe.

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woofmutt posted on 06/24/2010

Yes, the content is available inexpensively in another form.


That doesn't account for the fevered mind of the impassioned collector. Sure, the content might be in Remixed but it's not the original Intoxica! (How does one end a sentence with a title that contains an exclamation point without making the sentence seem exclamatory?)

Personally when it comes to books or music I'm a content guy. I'm just fine with having an eleven hundredth edition of Bridges of Madison County because the beautiful story of a mute alien structural engineer from the future falling in love with a deaf human geothermal scientist in the present***** is still the same.

But other people want that first edition. They obviously value the content but they also want a physical connection to the moment that content was made available to the masses.

And I have to admit, it is pretty cool holding a first edition of an old book or original pressing of an LP I love because the item was actually part of the moment when the greatness dawned.

But it's one thing to have been one of the few people who actually bought The Velvet Underground's *The Velvet Underground * album when it was originally released, another to shell out hundreds of dollars decades later for a copy of that origianl release.

*****I think that's what Bridges of Madison county is about. I've never read it, only seen the cover with the picture of the covered bridge and the lasers shooting out of it.

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woofmutt posted on 06/28/2010

Apparently rumors of extreme value have been exaggerated.

Winning bid for a like new copy of Intoxica!: $53.88

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Trader Rick posted on 06/30/2010

I checked on Amazon a few minutes ago and the cheapest copy is $65. I still think that is outrageous! I guess if you are a completist and have to have it, fine, but the recipes in the REMIXED volume are a better value if you are looking for a book to use mixing drinks instead of having a complete set.

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Hakalugi posted on 06/30/2010

On 2010-06-30 13:07, Trader Rick wrote:
I checked on Amazon a few minutes ago and the cheapest copy is $65. I still think that is outrageous! I guess if you are a completist and have to have it, fine, but the recipes in the REMIXED volume are a better value if you are looking for a book to use mixing drinks instead of having a complete set.

I'm not selling my copy but don't forget though, not all of the recipes in Intoxica (or the Grog Log for that matter) have been ported over to Remixed. According to this thread, http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=35704&forum=10&start=105 it is mentioned that 28 recipes from Intoxica and the Grog Log were left out of Remixed.

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/02/2010

Too true.

That jet-fuel concoction of a Mai Tai that they serve at the Bali Hai in San Diego was left out of "Remixed" - probably because a lot of people can't stand it. However, I love that drink, so if I want to make it, I've got to go to my original copy of "Intoxica".

Pages: 1 40 replies