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the vader project - Darth Fink is SOLD !!

Pages: 1 19 replies

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/17/2007

greetings all!!

..A few months back i was honored to be invited to participate in this show....... Please read the following and then scroll down to see pics of my darth vader helmet art piece. There is supposedly a coffee table book that will be published containing all of our pieces for this show......i'll send a post when i find out more about that...enjoy!!

75 artists customize Darth Vader helmets in landmark gallery exhibition for
Star Wars Celebration IV
May 24th to 28th, 2007
Los Angeles Convention Center

May 16, 2007 (Los Angeles, CA)-- The Vader Project, a reimagining of the iconic Darth Vader helmet by some of today’s hottest pop and underground artists, will have its World Premiere May 24 to 28th, 2007 at Star Wars Celebration IV, a landmark event being held at the Los Angeles Convention Center to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. The five-day event is expected to attract more than 25,000 Star Wars fans from around the world (www.gencon.com/2007/swciv).

The Vader Project is presented by Master Replicas Inc. and curated by Dov Kelemer of DKE Toys. Kelemer gathered 75 of the hottest underground and pop surrealist painters, artists and designers to participate. Each artist was given a Master Replicas 1:1 scale prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet used in the Star Wars films. Each helmet served as a blank canvas for each artist to paint, design, mash up, and customize.

Artists include Shag, Paul Frank, Mr Cartoon, Frank Kozik, Marc Ecko, Amanda Visell, Tim Biskup, J. Otto Seibold, Gary Baseman, Joe Ledbetter, Robbie Conal, Jeff Soto and many more. Many of these artists jumped at the chance to lend their talents to one of the most iconic pop culture characters in film history.

Keith Bornholtz, Vice President of Consumer Marketing for Master Replicas, said, "We are pleased to provide this excellent canvas to this group of talented international artists and introduce them to their new intergalactic fans."

"This could not be a timelier event," Kelemer said. "The pop surrealist/
lowbrow/graffiti/designer art scene is exploding around us. A canvas is what you make it, from bunnies to cows to toilet seats. The ‘platform’ group show has been around, and we have seen it all."

Ugly Doll co-creator David Horvath said it best: "It’s Darth Vader!!! It’s the most recognizable character in the universe. After this exhibition we don't ever need to be in a platform show again."

After the premiere at Star Wars Celebration IV the plan is for exhibition to travel to museums, galleries, and events around the world. The helmets will then be offered publicly at auction. Details will be announced later.

Master Replicas (www.masterreplicas.com) has created the highest quality 1:1 and scaled prop replicas for Star Wars. Using all the latest technologies and often scouring the Lucasfilm Archives, the company has released some of the finest and most sought-after movie-related collectibles. The company’s licensed properties include Disney, Muppets, Star Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, and many more.

Curator Dov Kelemer, founder of DKE Toys (www.dketoys.com), is one of the largest designer vinyl and art-toy distributors in the world, exclusively representing over 50 companies, artists, and designers. Having started his business selling Star Wars memorabilia more than 15 years ago he has finally found a way to meld both his passions.

Interview Opportunities with participating artists & Dov Kelemer upon request
Key art available upon request
More Information including a complete artist list available soon at
Media wishing to attend convention please apply here (ignore deadline date):
StarWars.com story here

Participating Artist List

Troy Alders
Kii Arens (www.kiiarens.com)
Attaboy (www.yumfactory.com)
Anthony Ausgang (www.ausgangart.com)
Axis (www.stylepig.com)
Aye Jay (www.ayejay.com)
Gary Baseman (www.garybaseman.com)
Andrew Bell (www.creaturesinmyhead.com)
Tim Biskup (www.timbiskup.com)
Andrew Brandou (www.howdypardner.com)
Buff Monster (www.buffmonster.com)
Nathan Cabrera
Mister Cartoon (www.mistercartoon.com)
Mr.Clement (www.mrclement.com)
Robbie Conal (www.robbieconal.com)
Steven Daily (www.stevendaily.com)
Dalek (www.dalekart.com)
Cam de Leon (www.happypencil.com)
Roman Dirge (www.spookyland.com)
Bob Dob (www.bobdob.com)
Marc Ecko (www.eckounltd.com)
Eelus (www.eelus.com)
Ron English (www.popaganda.com)
FERG (www.fergbag.com)
David Flores (www.davidfloresart.com)
Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design (www.hybrid-design.com)
Paul Frank
Huck Gee (www.huckgee.com)
Fawn Gehweiler (www.nocandy.org)
Mike Giant (www.mikegiant.com)
Joe Hahn
Thomas Han (www.tomorama.com)
Derek Hess (www.derekhess.com)
Jeremyville (www.jeremyville.com)
Sun-MinKim & David Horvath (www.davidhorvath.com) (www.sunminkim.com)
Jim Koch (www.jimkoch.com)
Frank Kozik (www.frankkozik.net)
David S.Krys DSK Designs (www.dskdesigns.com)
Peter Kuper (www.peterkuper.com)
Wade Lageose - Lageose Design
Joe Ledbetter (www.joeledbetter.com)
Simone Legno Tokidoki (www.tokidoki.it)
MAD (www.madtoydesign.com)
Mars 1 (www.mars-1.com)
Bill McMullen (www.billmcmullen.com)
Melvins (www.melvins.com)
Brian Morris (www.ooo000ooo.com)
Niagara (www.niagaradetroit.com)
Mitch O’Connell (www.mitchoconnell.com)
olive47 (www.olive47.com)
Estevan Oriol (www.estevanoriol.com)
Alex Pardee (www.eyesuckink.com)
The Pizz (www.thepizz.com)
Plastic God (www.plasticgod.com)
Playskewl (www.playskewl.com)
Dave Pressler (www.davepresslerart.com)
Seen (www.seenworld.com)
J. Otto Seibold (www.jottodotcom.com)
Shag (www.shag.com)
Sket-One (www.sket-one.com)
Shawn Smith (www.shawnimals.com)
Winston Smith (www.winstonsmith.com)
Jeff Soto (www.jeffsoto.com)
Bwana Spoons (www.grasshutcorp.com)
Jophen Stein (www.scribbletheory.com)
Suckadelic (www.suckadelic.com)
CameronTiede (www.camerontiede.com)
Touma (www.touma.biz)
UrbanMedium (www.urbanmedium.com)
Michelle Valigura (www.thegirlsproductions.com)
VanBeater (www.vanbeater.com)
Amanda Visell (www.thegirlsproductions.com)

(subject to change)

Behold......DARTH FINK !!!!!! i decided to do a helmet design based on the late big daddy roth's rat fink characters that he made so popular through the 60's and seventies with his hot rod monster t-shirt designs.....here's the result!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-06-11 19:23 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2010-05-11 18:32 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2010-05-18 04:27 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2011-07-02 20:52 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2011-07-14 20:49 ]

POCKETIKI posted on 05/19/2007

Now...throw stones if you must folks, but...I've never really gotten the whole 'Star Wars' thing? I'm much more of a 'Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill!' kind of fellow but I have to say..."that helmet is AWESOME!!!!!". I'm sure dear ol' Mr. ROTH is laughing his kandy stripped socks off in Kustom Heaven/Kustom Hell over this one. GREAT job ol' chap!! GREAT JOB INDEED. One instinctively knows when something is right. SOOO DAMN RIGHT!

Vader Jim - Make mine a Mai-Tai!

TikiGardener posted on 05/19/2007

If there was a way to get the backshell DOT rated, that would make the most awesome motorcycle helmet!!! Without the grill, just this oversized German army Fink Helmet.

Great work!!!

I'll be helping on the Celebration, Maybe we can hook up at some point. If you are going to be there.

hewey posted on 05/21/2007

Nice work Tipsy! Very cool :D

May the Fink be with you!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/22/2007

thanks for the props!!!

i believe the website for the vader project is up tommorrow.....also, if you are on myspace, look up the vader project.....they are posting pics of other artists helmets, including shag's......click on their pics link and then click on the second photo in......also scroll down and check out their friends list.....we are using our helmets as our default pic till the opening is over.....

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/26/2007
TikiGardener posted on 05/29/2007

The show was great! I managed to get in early on Thursday before there was a massive line. I helped set up the Archives dispay next door to the helmet show. There were so many great helmets!!! Tipsy, yours was awesome in person.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/29/2007

..awesome!!! that's great...glad you enjoyed the show....i was hoping for an opening party so i could fly out and meet lucas but they didn't have an official one for this opening.....thanks for the pics!!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/29/2007

Tipsy, nice, desinately a cool blend of 60's hot Rod, car culture and Scifi...


Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/12/2007
Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/11/2008

here's the latest:

THE VADER PROJECT heads to Tokyo, Japan

13 Japanese artists join the original Vader Project and premiere their customized helmets in a stunning exhibition for Star Wars Celebration Japan

July 19 - July 21, 2008

Makuhari - Messe in Chiba

The Vader Project , a reimagining of the iconic Darth Vader helmet by some of today's hottest pop and underground artists, will be on display July 19-21, 2008 at Star Wars Celebration Japan , a landmark event being held at Makuhari-Messe in Chiba just outside Tokyo to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. For more information visit http://www.celebrationjapan.com or http://www.celebrationjapan.jp

The Vader Project is curated by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys. Kelemer and Marks gathered close to 100 of the hottest underground and pop surrealist painters, artists , and designers to participate. Each artist was given a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet used in the Star Wars films. Each helmet served as a blank canvas for each artist to paint, design, mash up, and customize.

Japanese artists include:

Bounty Hunter
Devil Robots
Itokin Park
Mad Barbarians
Mori Chack
Secret Base
Yoko d'Holbachie

Many of these artists jumped at the chance to lend their talents to one of the most iconic pop culture characters in film history.

"This could not be a timelier event," Kelemer said. "The pop surrealist/ lowbrow/graffiti/designer art scene is exploding around us. A canvas is what you make it, from bunnies to cows to toilet seats. The 'platform' group show has been around, and we have seen it all."

Ugly Doll co-creator David Horvath said it best: "It's Darth Vader! !! It's the most recognizable character in the universe. After this exhibition we don't ever need to be in a platform show again."

The Vader Project

The Vader Project originally premiered at Star Wars Celebration IV in Los Angeles in May 2007. From there it traveled to Star Wars Celebration Europe in London in June 2007. July 2007 brought 10 new helmets to the Star Wars Pavilion at the famed San Diego Comic -Con on International . The Project's exhibit at Star Wars Celebration Japan marks the first time the collection will be on display in Asia. The future plan is for the exhibition to travel to museums, galleries, and events around the world. The helmets will then be offered publicly at auction. Details will be announced later. For more updates sign up at http://www.thevaderproject.com

Dov Kelemer & Sarah Jo Marks

The Vader Project Co-Curators and Co-Founders of DKE Toys Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks make up one of the largest designer vinyl and art-toy distributors in the world, exclusively representing over 100 companies, artists, and designers. Kelemer started the business selling Star Wars memorabilia more than 15 years ago. With The Vader Project he has finally found a way to meld both his passions. Marks divides her time between managing DKE art exhibitions and all DKE promotions including STUFFED: a plush food show. http://www.dketoys.com



Artist List

Troy Alders Kii Arens Attaboy Anthony Ausgang Axis Aye Jay Gary Baseman Andrew Bell Tim Biskup Mark Bodnar Andrew Brandou Buff Monster Mister Cartoon Mr Clement Robbie Conal CRASH Steven Daily Dalek Cam de Leon Bob Dob Tristan Eaton Marc Ecko Eelus Ron English FERG David Flores Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design Paul Frank Sunich Huck Gee
Fawn Gehweiler Mike Giant Girls Drawing Girls Gris Grimly Joe Hahn
Haze XXL Jesse Hernandez Derek Hess Jeremyville kaNO
Sun-MinKim & David Horvath Jim Koch Frank Kozik David S. Krys - DSK Designs Peter Kuper Wade Lageose - Lageose Design Joe Ledbetter Simone Legno - Tokidoki Mad Marka27 Mars-1 Bill McMullen Melvins Brian Morris Nanospore Niagara Mitch O'Connell olive47 Estevan Oriol Alex Pardee The Pizz Plastic God Playskewl Dave Pressler Ragnar Jermaine Rogers Erick Scarecrow J. Otto Seibold Shag Sket-One Shawn Smith Winston Smith Jeff Soto Damon Soule Bwana Spoons Jophen Stein Suckadelic Gary Taxali Cameron Tiede Touma UrbanMedium Michelle Valigura VanBeater Amanda Visell

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/03/2009

here's an update on the show: Next stop, andy warhol museum in pittsburgh!!!!

100 Reimagined Darth Vader helmets complete THE VADER PROJECT
Premiering at The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Show runs February 13 – May 3, 2009

The Vader Project - a reimagining of the iconic Darth Vader helmet by some of today’s hottest underground and pop surrealist painters, artists and designers - makes its museum premiere and will be on display February 13 – May 3, 2009 at The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. http://www.warhol.org

The Vader Project is curated by Dov Kelemer & Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys. Kelemer and Marks gathered 100 contemporary artists. Each artist was given a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet used in the STAR WARS™ films. Each helmet served as a blank slate for each artist to paint, design, mash up and customize.

Featuring work by Shag, Peter Kuper, Attaboy, Gary Baseman, David S. Krys, Tim Biskup, Dalek, Paul Frank, Ron English, Jeff Soto, Michelle Valigura, Frank Kozik, Wade Lageose, Joe Ledbetter, Alex Pardee, Suckadelic, Cameron Tiede, Michelle Valigura, Mister Cartoon, Marc Ecko, Amanda Visell and many more, The Vader Project provided an opportunity for artists to use one of the most iconic pop culture characters in film history as their canvas.

“It’s because of trailblazing artists like Andy Warhol that The Vader Project can even exist today. We couldn’t be more honored to be showcasing The Vader Project at the Warhol.” says Kelemer.

The Vader Project originally premiered at Star Wars Celebration IV in Los Angeles in May 2007. From there it traveled to Star Wars Celebration Europe in London in June 2007. July 2007 brought 10 new helmets to the Star Wars Pavilion at the famed San Diego Comi-Con International. Then in July 2008, 13 Japanese artists joined forces with the existing Vader Project when their helmets premiered at Star Wars Celebration Japan.

Dov Kelemer & Sarah Jo Marks are Co-Curators The Vader Project and Co-Founders of DKE Toys, one of the largest designer vinyl and art-toy distributors in the world, exclusively representing over 100 companies, artists, and designers. Kelemer started the business selling Star Wars memorabilia more than 15 years ago. With The Vader Project he has finally found a way to meld both his passions. Marks divides her time between managing DKE art exhibitions and all DKE promotions including STUFFED: a plush food show. http://www.dketoys.com

For further questions, to discuss interview opportunities or for press photos please call DKE Toys at 818.765.3500

STAR WARS™ and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

" In a perfect world...Elvis would still be alive ....and all the elvis impersonators would be dead!!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-02-02 17:41 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/12/2010

auction catalogs are available soon !!

go to this link for more info:


the show has finally come back from it's 2 year tour and the vader heads will be auctioned off this summer in Los Angeles.......


[ Edited by: tipsy mcstagger 2010-05-12 13:43 ]

Tom Slick posted on 05/14/2010

HAHA, MAN! I dont know how I missed this thread! My Top 3 are The Statue of Sitherty, Sith Lords motorcycle helmet, and your ratfink roth tribute is completely Krazy Kool! my choices are not in any specific order, either.
F'n awesome!
The Sith Lords looks fully functional, and had me cracking up!

L Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9ae505f21bde1fc2a721020eb195d843?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
leleliz posted on 05/14/2010

This is really cool..i had not heard about it either.

Your helmet turned out awesome!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/18/2010

Thanks for all the kind words everyone!!

Here's the latest press release for the show!!

My Darth Fink was chosen to be one of the 10 helmets used on the postcards that will be sent out for the show and auction....

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/2706/4bf278ac.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a19e09de076f6755e7227433491f4115

The 100 Helmets of THE VADER PROJECT

Freeman's Los Angeles Auction Preview Exhibition
Opening Reception: Friday, June 11, 2010 6-10pm
Los Angeles Exhibition On View: June 12 - 20, 2010 Noon-6pm
6812 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, California

The Vader Project Catalog Signing - Los Angeles
Featuring 20 Participating Artists
Saturday, June 12, 2010 2pm

Freeman's Philadelphia Auction Showing
On View: July 5-9, 2010

Freeman's Philadelphia Auction
July 10, 2010
Freeman's Auction House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This summer, The Vader Project launches the final chapter of its four-year art odyssey. The iconic collection features 100 Darth Vader Helmets re-imagined by today's most notable artists. Completing its epic world tour, The Vader Project returns to Los Angeles in June for a special ten-day exhibition in Hollywood as a preview to the upcoming Freeman's Auction in Philadelphia.

The Los Angeles Preview Exhibition is free to the public with an opening reception on June 11 from 6-10pm. The show will also feature a 200-plus page, full-color, limited edition catalog that is being produced for the auction and is available for pre-order now at http://www.thevaderproject.com. On June 12, the space will present a catalog signing event with over 20 participating artists in attendance beginning at 2pm on June 12. The Los Angeles Preview Exhibition will be open June 12-20 daily from Noon to 6pm.

In July, The Vader Project travels to Freeman's Auctioneers and Appraisers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the final opportunity to view the helmets in person before they are sold at auction. "The result is astounding" said Simeon Lipman, Pop Culture Specialist at Freeman's. "The sale will give members of the public the chance to purchase unique artworks made from these iconic symbols of the movie industry by a number of well known artists including Shag, Marc Ecko, Tim Biskup, Frank Kozik and many more." The Freeman's Auction will take place July 10, 2010 at Freeman's Auction House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania preceded by a 5-day exhibition there July 5-9. http://www.freemansauction.com

Collectors and art connoisseurs worldwide will have the opportunity to bid online at Freeman's website, http://www.freemansauction.com. Most bidding will begin at $1,500. For more information about how to participate in the auction, please visit "How to Buy at Auction" at http://www.freemansauction.com/buying.asp.

Curated and produced by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys, The Vader Project features 100 of the best underground artists and designers working today. "From a simple idea in 2005 to a record-setting exhibition in 2009, it's time for our child to venture forth into the world," Kelemer and Marks said. "We are pleased to have partnered with Freeman's to make these fine pieces of art available to the public for the first time."

For this unique project, each artist customized a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet featured in the STAR WARS™ films. Notable artists involved with the project include: Shag, Peter Kuper, Jermaine Rogers, Gary Baseman, BXH, Tim Biskup, The Pizz, Dalek, Paul Frank, Ron English, Jeff Soto, Michelle Valigura, Frank Kozik, Plasticgod, Simone Legno - Tokidoki, Bill McMullen, Secret Base, Joe Ledbetter, Alex Pardee, Suckadelic, Cameron Tiede, Mister Cartoon, Marc Ecko, and Amanda Visell.

Since its premiere in 2007, The Vader Project has toured the world. The collection launched in May 2007 at the Star Wars Celebration IV event in Los Angeles, and travelled internationally to Europe in July 2007 and Japan in July 2008. Most recently The Vader Project was on display from February 13 - May 3, 2009 at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

This auction is not sponsored or endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd., and has no relationship with Lucasfilm. Star Wars and all related intellectual property is © or ® 2010 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vader-Project/79133235168?ref=ts
Twitter: twitter.com/SarahJo

Hi-res images available upon request.

The Vader Project Press and Media Inquiries
Angelique Groh | Charm School

Freeman's Los Angeles Auction Preview Exhibition
6812 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, California
Open Daily from Noon to 6pm

Freeman's Auctioneers & Appraisers
1808 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
T: 215.563.9275

Freeman's The Vader Project Auction

Featuring the art of:

Josh Agle (Shag) Troy Alders Kii Arens Attaboy Anthony Ausgang Axis Aye Jay Gary Baseman Andrew Bell Tim Biskup Mark Bodnar BXH HIKARU Andrew Brandou Buff Monster Mister Cartoon Chino Mr. Clement Robbie Conal CRASH Steven Daily Dalek Dehara DGPH Cam de Leon Devilrobots Yoko d'Holbachie Bob Dob Tristan Eaton & Azk One - Thunderdog Studios Marc Ecko Eelus Ron English FERG David Flores Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design Paul Frank Gargamel Huck Gee Fawn Gehweiler Mike Giant Girls Drawin Girls Dan Goodsell Gris Grimly Joe Hahn Haze XXL Jesse Hernandez Derek Hess Itokin Park Jeremyville kaNO Mori Katsura- RealxHead Sun-MinKim & David Horvath Jim Koch Frank Kozik David S. Krys - DSK Designs Peter Kuper Wade Lageose - Lageose Design Joe Ledbetter Simone Legno - Tokidoki Mad Mad Barbarians Madtwiinz Marka27 Mars-1 Bill McMullen Melvins Mori Chack Brian Morris Nanospore Niagara Mitch O'Connell olive47 Martin Ontiveros Estevan Oriol Alex Pardee The Pizz Plasticgod PlaysKewl Dave Pressler Ragnar Jermaine Rogers Erick Scarecrow Secret Base J. Otto Seibold Sket-One Shawn Smith Winston Smith Jeff Soto Damon Soule Bwana Spoons Jophen Stein Suckadelic T9G Gary Taxali Cameron Tiede Touma UrbanMedium Usugrow Michelle Valigura VanBeater Amanda Visell

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2010-05-18 04:26 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/18/2010

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2010-05-18 04:24 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/03/2011

THE VADER PROJECT nominated for Most Influential Event

Designer Toy Awards 2011


We need your help now! Please register to vote!
Everyone can vote once a day!

Tell a friend! Please call, write, fax, email, carrier pigeon, raven, telephone can, IM, text, facebook, skype, tweet, flamethrower, ping, pong all your friends, do it, go!

Register to vote for the Designer Toy Awards

Make The Vader Project the
Most Influential Event!

Curated and produced by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys (www.dketoys.com),
The Vader Project features 100 of the best underground artists and designers working today.

For this unique project, each artist customized a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet featured in the STAR WARS™ films.

Since its premiere in 2007, The Vader Project has toured the world. The collection launched in May 2007 at the Star Wars Celebration IV event in Los Angeles, and travelled internationally to Europe in July 2007 and Japan in July 2008. The Vader Project was on display from February 13 - May 3, 2009 at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In June 2010 the exhibit showed for 10 days in Los Angeles before it went up for auction at Freeman's Auction House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Hi-res images available upon request.

DKE Toys Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15785058@N00/collections/72157624303828394/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vader-Project/79133235168?ref=ts
Twitter: twitter.com/SarahJo

DKE Toys
vaderproject [at] gmail.com
T: 818-765-3500

Featuring the art of:

Josh Agle (Shag) Troy Alders Kii Arens Attaboy Anthony Ausgang Axis Aye Jay Gary Baseman Andrew Bell Tim Biskup Mark Bodnar BXH HIKARU Andrew Brandou Buff Monster Mister Cartoon Chino Mr Clement Robbie Conal CRASH Steven Daily Dalek Dehara DGPH Cam de Leon Devilrobots Yoko d'Holbachie Bob Dob Tristan Eaton & Azk One - Thunderdog Studios Marc Ecko Eelus Ron English FERG David Flores Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design Paul Frank Gargamel Huck Gee
Fawn Gehweiler Mike Giant Girls Drawin Girls Dan Goodsell Gris Grimly Joe Hahn Haze XXL Jesse Hernandez Derek Hess Itokin Park Jeremyville kaNO Mori Katsura- RealxHead Sun-MinKim & David Horvath Jim Koch Frank Kozik David S. Krys - DSK Designs Peter Kuper
Wade Lageose - Lageose Design Joe Ledbetter Simone Legno - Tokidoki Mad Mad Barbarians Madtwiinz Marka27 Mars-1 Bill McMullen Melvins Mori Chack Brian Morris Nanospore Niagara Mitch O'Connell olive47 Martin Ontiveros Estevan Oriol Alex Pardee The Pizz Plasticgod PlaysKewl Dave Pressler Ragnar Jermaine Rogers Erick Scarecrow
Secret Base J. Otto Seibold Sket-One Shawn Smith Winston Smith
Jeff Soto Damon Soule Bwana Spoons Jophen Stein Suckadelic T9G
Gary Taxali Cameron Tiede Touma UrbanMedium Usugrow
Michelle Valigura VanBeater Amanda Visell

" I may not know karate..... but I do know crazy !!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2011-07-02 20:54 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/15/2011

I just received word and I'm happy to announce that My Darth Fink piece has SOLD !!!!

This officially concludes this thread. Thank you all for your kind words and support throughout this entire adventure.

Tom Slick posted on 07/16/2011

Congrats Tipsterz!
(Had I had dough to cough up, I'd have bought yours and the candy apple red metalflake "Sith Lords" biker helmet. The two best pieces in my eyes!

Pages: 1 19 replies