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ENCORE! The SOUND of TIKI Tour hits the valley -SUN, May 23rd- Mixed sounds matching mixed drinks!

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bigbrotiki posted on 05/11/2010

To complete the LA Tiki Axis, Sven Kirsten will do a CD listening and signing (and drinking) party on Sunday the 23rd of May, from 6:00-9:00 p.m., at the Tonga Hut. You can purchase the CD for 25.- bucks (cash please) and have me sign it for you, and Kelly will mix cocktails matching some of the songs on the track list, while the capable Marty Lush will spin the appropriate tunes. Have a "Pieces of Eight" while listening to the song "Pieces of Eight". Hear the soundtrack to "Hawaiian Eye" while imbibing the potion of the same name! Actually, Kelly will decide which of the Beachbum Berry REMIXED recipes are gonna be used and announce it here.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2010-05-14 09:24 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/11/2010

Cool, Can't wait.
I will have made all 3 of the listening partys.

that is unless we do more.
San Diego/Bali Hai anyone?


Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/11/2010

On 2010-05-11 13:31, bigtikidude wrote:
Cool, Can't wait.
I will have made all 3 of the listening partys.

that is unless we do more.
San Diego/Bali Hai anyone?


Looks like we will make Svens Sounds of tiki a trifecta, hat trick, etc...too!

Bora Boris posted on 05/11/2010

Ok, this time I'll get off my ass and make it out there. :wink:

JOHN-O posted on 05/11/2010

Tonga Hut !! That's saving the best for last. :)

Maybe we can get the lyrics printed out for the Don Ho "Hawaii 5-0/Quiet Village" medley.

That way we can do a Tiki Central sing-a-long. It'll be awesome.

Bigbro says it himself: "If there ever was Karaoke in a Tiki Lounge, this would be the piece to perform."


Uh oh, the PM's have started. Let me restate that:

"That's saving the best (NORTH of Orange County) for last" :)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-05-13 08:07 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 05/12/2010

I am so excited on behalf of the Tonga Hut to have Sven Kirsten include the Hut on his long awaited the "Sound of Tiki" Tour! Were batting with the Big Boys now!

I will be mixing Vintage Cocktails from the Bum's "Re-Mixed" cocktail book as Marty Lush spins the corresponding tune off Sven's now released the "Sound of Tiki" CD for your delight!

Tomorrow I will have another listen to the the Sound of Tiki CD and refer to the Bum's "Re-mixed" again for changes compared to the Grog Log etc. Maybe I will run some cocktails out to the thirsty crowd at Kirby's Rumpus Room Wednesday night for good measure. I mix Grog Log drinks on a continues basis at the Tonga Hut because of our VIP program "Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard" complete all 79 of the standard cocktails in the book and you have earned one way to become a VIP in our fine 1958 Tiki Lounge. I'm very familiar with these drinks.

------> Again, Save the date Sunday May 23rd doors open at 4:00pm Tiki Party begins with
*Exotic Cocktails *Food *Snacks & Fun!

Sven starts signing at 6:00pm

New to TC or your a Tonga Hut Regular? This Event is a meet and greet so if you have never had the pleasure of chatting with Sven now is your chance.

Get your copies now folks as this is the last stop in SoCal and the signing lines for Sven and Shag at Oasis are always very, very long!

More info to come on the Menu of the day and I must say, the Tonga Hut is So Very Pleased to present:
-----> Sven Kirsten's The Sound of Tiki !

Tonga Hut Tiki Lounge Est. 1958

12808 Victory Blvd (at Coldwater Canyon)
North Hollywood, CA 91606-3013
(818) 769-0708

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2010-05-12 14:50 ]

GROG posted on 05/12/2010

It almost sounds like "scratch & sniff". Instead it's "listen & drink". Hear the song and drink the drink by the same name. Cute. If it's a Hiphipahula concoction, you KNOW it's going to be tasty!

bigtikidude posted on 05/13/2010

lovin this cd.
make sure you come get one from Sven.

JOHN-O posted on 05/13/2010

On 2010-05-11 21:19, Hiphipahula wrote:

"We're battling with the Big Boys now!"

Bump. :)

Tonga Hut is edgy, it's scrappy, it can and will take risks. It's on the cutting edge of the Tiki Revival. (Not to mention it's the oldest of the old-school So Ca Tiki joints.)

Witness the recent "Latin Music in the Tiki Bar" event and Kelly's net new Tropical drinks which rival (and IMHO exceed) the classics. And don't forget about other events like movie nights, parking lot art sales, and Marty Lush DJ Sundays.

It's the "Hong Kong Cafe" to DTBC's "Madame Wong's". (Late 70's LA Punk Rock reference). Have I said that before ?

Two great places, two different vibes.

As Elvis once said to me (no, not that Elvis, I mean the beer drinking Tonga Hut barfly Elvis):

"You drive 20 miles just to drink in this bar, you're crazy !!". :D

No I'm not crazy, but any So CA Tikiphile who hasn't been to the "new" old Tonga Hut yet is. If you ever needed an excuse to visit, make this event.

Also it's a fantastic CD and booklet (but where the heck does the Bigbro sign it ??)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-05-13 10:16 ]

Marty Lush posted on 05/13/2010

Hear, Hear John-O. Couldn't have said it better myself. The Hut has come a long long way. I was a champion of the place way back years ago when it was just a dive. People in LA decry the fact that there are precious few original tiki places left, yet the Tonga Hut has always been there. It's even better now to boot. The cocktails are way way better than they used to be and when Kelly is behind the bar, the drinks are some of the best there are...hands down. I'm so happy to see my little hang out start to get the recognition it deserves.

TikiG posted on 05/13/2010

Tonga Hut. Two words. Frickin' terrific.

God bless this North Hollywood mainstay. A survivor. A neighborhood landmark. When I bring newbies into the fold, even they recognize the importance of this space while the fantastic cocktails seal these thoughts into their psyche. Nobody forgets warm and cozy. We love our time spent at this preternatural bridge between the past and present.

I can't visit as much as I would like, but walking into the bar is akin to walking into a comfortable and familiar home. With Tonga Hut's continued support by friends of the DROOLING BASTARD, I need not worry...I feel I'm welcome there.

Thanks to the present owner - Thanks to Kelly and other staff members - Thanks to the Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard. You people are extended family.

Oh yeah! almost forgot to say I'll be seeing everybody at Sven's signing. Cheers! G

RoseRed posted on 05/16/2010

can't wait! indeed, savin' the best 4 last. MOST X-clnt indeed
John-O said it best!

tikitony posted on 05/16/2010

The booklet in the CD is awesome, beautifully and artfully composed. I'm not a big CD buyer especially since iTunes, for downloads, but you'd really miss out without that amazing booklet and music! Nice work Sven!

Tonga Tom posted on 05/17/2010

heylownine posted on 05/18/2010

Excellent...I can't wait for a Pieces of Eight with my Pieces of Eight.

tonga hut posted on 05/18/2010

Aloha Tiki Central! 

 The Tonga Hut Very Proudly Presents, Sven Kirsten the "Sound of Tiki" Listening Party and Signing Event! 

Kelly Hiphipahula will be mixing three excellent cocktails from the Bum's "Re-Mixed" cocktail book they are "Pieces of Eight"  "Hawaiian Eye"  and the remix of the "Sven-Tiki".  From Beachbum Berry's "Sippin' Safari" Hiphipahula will be mixing the "Bali Hai"  as DJ Marty Lush spins the corresponding tune off Sven's now released the "Sound of Tiki" CD for your delight!

• Doors open at 4:00 PM  Serving up tasty Tiki Cocktails until 2:00AM
•At 5:00 FREE FOOD until it's gone! Snacks all evening long. A Tonga Hut tradition is to bring your favorite cookie or snack so please, feel free to do so! Best tasting "Homemade" Cookie wins a FREE Cocktail!

•At 6:00 The Sven CD signing event begins!
•Next Sunday May 23rd doors open at 4:00pm  Sven Kirsten's the "Sound of Tiki" CD Signing And Listening Party!
Exotic Music *Exotic Cocktails   *Food   *Snacks & Fun!

Tonga Hut Tiki Lounge Est. 1958

12808 Victory Blvd (at Coldwater Canyon)
North Hollywood, CA 91606-3013
(818) 769-0708

bigtikidude posted on 05/18/2010

Sadly I can't make this show on Sunday. :(
I need to go down to San Diego to pick up some donated art for the Mariepalooza event.
but that is the good part :)

2 out of 3 ain't bad.


bigbrotiki posted on 05/19/2010

Hey! In another ENCORE performance, I will be on KXLU 88.9 FM again tonite, talking about the CD, promoting the above event, and chatting with DJ Cyrano on the Molotov Cocktail hour, 10 - 12:00 p.m.

This is one of the longest standing Lounge radio shows out there. Co-host Senor Amor is on tour with Luch VaVoom. Cyrano and I will discuss the fate of the Kelbo's logo Tiki, "Wiki the Tiki"!

Listen to it here: http://www.live365.com/stations/kxlu1?site=pro

JOHN-O posted on 05/19/2010

How about the story about Carlin Dinkler's Luau restaurant ??

Is 1962 the year that Tiki peaked ??

Luau --> Tiki.

bigbrotiki posted on 05/19/2010

The Dinkler story is for Swanky to tell, he did the most research on it. There is no "peak year" for Tiki but it is AROUND '62 that it peaked: 61-64, I would say. I'll get into that.

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1961surf posted on 05/19/2010

Sven I will tune into the radio show tonight.I don't know how it happened , however you
slipped out of Don's the other week for your tiki CD release and I had not bought a CD
before you had left...swift one you are .I hope to see you soon to pick up a CD or two .
Great art direction as always Sven , top notch .

JOHN-O posted on 05/19/2010

Another interesting session. Bigbro didn't get a chance to chit chat as much as on Stella's show, but he did introduce some different tracks. There was one Paul Page song (not on his CD) where he (Paul) sings through a list of every Hawaiian singer from the 50's (even earlier?) through the 60's. That one was really cool. Jack Lord was even mentioned. That one puzzles me.

Paul Page was always below the radar for me but now I'm really interested in learning more, especially with his Westside (Marina Del Rey) connection.

Also there was a funny story about the 8-foot Kelbo's Tiki being discovered rotting away and covered with vines in someone's backyard. When they tried to "free" him, they had to retreat since a swarm of bees had made a home inside him. Since then, anyone who's come into contact with the Tiki has suffered a mysterious fate (OK, I made that part up :)).

Also lot's of publicity for the Tonga Hut event so maybe we'll see an indy hipster/geek for every Tikiphile there.

Hiphipahula posted on 05/19/2010

Speaking of Kelbo's.... Did you know the Tapa swag lamp hanging in the big back booth at the Tonga Hut is out of Kelbo's? Bet you didn't it was a gift to Jeremy (owner, my boss) a few years ago from a family member I believe. Have a look some time when your visiting. There I also now a large scraping of Bamboo hanging the Tonga Hut from the Stockton Islander before it was demolished the bamboo is tagged and numbered as to what section of the Islander it came from. Gifted to the Hut by Eric October the Stockton Islander was Eric's hometown Tiki establishment. See if you can spot it when you come out for Sven's Sound of Tiki signing party.
As for the Tiki's in the Tonga Hut? There is still many a story as to where they came from back in 1958....

Hiphipahula posted on 05/19/2010

Great thanks to Tonga Tom for doing a swell photoshop job on the event poster for the Tonga Hut! Kudos to Kevin Kidney and Sven for a outstanding Cd cover truly awesome.

bigbrotiki posted on 05/19/2010

Yes, thanks Tom for the lay out....I couldn't do that.

It is also planned now to have my CD permanently installed in the Tonga Hut juke box. That's so cool, my compilation in a Tiki bar juke box, that's as cool as having a bar's restrooms wall-papered with my book pages. I love being represented by all these old-fashioned 20th Century forms of media:

First BOOKS, now RADIO, and then a JUKE BOX. Oh, and a CD, which is old fashioned nowadays too, if I look at my son's way of getting his music :)

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2010-05-19 16:47 ]

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tobunga posted on 05/19/2010

On 2010-05-19 09:31, Hiphipahula wrote:
Speaking of Kelbo's.... Did you know the Tapa swag lamp hanging in the big back booth at the Tonga Hut is out of Kelbo's? Bet you didn't it was a gift to Jeremy (owner, my boss) a few years ago from a family member I believe.

Hey Kelly, I think that lamp was given to Jeremy by Jeffrey Valance, the artist/author who's article on Tonga Hut is framed and hanging in the back hallway.

Glad to hear the Sound of Tiki will be added to the TH jukebox!

And awesome flier, Tonga Tom!

See everybody on Sunday!

GROG posted on 05/20/2010

Wow, it's THIS Sunday! It's coming up quick.

bigbrotiki posted on 05/20/2010

Looking forward to this Sunday, to be
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...and the BALI HAI

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and thank you Kelly, for surprising me with the SVEN-TIKI, a rare treat! :)
Perhaps the first time it will be served in a real Tiki bar!

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(Disclaimer: Sorry, the above cocktails will NOT be served in any of the themed vessels pictured above :) )

TikiG posted on 05/20/2010


Tonga Tom posted on 05/21/2010

On 2010-05-19 09:37, Hiphipahula wrote:
Great thanks to Tonga Tom for doing a swell photoshop job on the event poster for the Tonga Hut!

On 2010-05-19 13:23, bigbrotiki wrote:
Yes, thanks Tom for the lay out.

Kelly, Sven...You're welcome, and thank you for the kind words!
Looking forward to Sunday!

GROG posted on 05/21/2010

Hiphipahula serve a "Pieces of Eight" to GROG last night at the Rumpus Room. GROG like. Very tasty.

bigbrotiki posted on 05/21/2010

Oh goody!

This will look better at the beginning of Page 3, as we know everyone is too busy/lazy to go check the previous pages. :)
We are living so in the NOW, baby!:

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Oh boy, I am looking so forward to this Sunday, to be
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...and the BALI HAI:

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or the HAWAIIAN EYE ! :

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and thank you Kelly, for surprising me with the SVEN-TIKI, a rare treat! :)
Perhaps the first time it will be served in a real Tiki bar!

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(Disclaimer: Sorry, but the above cocktails will NOT be served in any of the themed vessels pictured above :) )

GROG posted on 05/21/2010

Maybe we should get a dunk tank for this event. Sven, will you sit in the dunk tank? 3 balls for a dollar to sink Sven!

GROG posted on 05/21/2010

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bigbrotiki posted on 05/21/2010

Only if the tank is filled with the Sven-Tiki cocktail! You know I work not for pennies, but for cocktails. :)
Waitaminnit, now THAT would make it a REAL Sven-Tiki cocktail: A big tank full of the libation, WITH Sven-Tiki in it!

Hiphipahula posted on 05/21/2010

Nowwaitaminnetagen, if we have that many people drinking that huge of a tank of Sven-Tiki cocktails I think we will have to refer to it as the "Drunk Tank" of Sven-Tiki cocktail. :roll:
I couldn't resist, it was a great set up :wink:

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2010-05-21 13:09 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/21/2010

Drunk tank! :lol:
good one Kelly!

Look forward to sampling your Sound of tiki drinks my dear!
And also your new velvet taboo! MMMMMMMMM! Hearing good things about
that one too!

JOHN-O posted on 05/22/2010

Wow, at least there won't be any indecision as to what drinks to order. This Sunday's line-up is all laid out right here.

Also maybe Poison Ivy will show up, I think she's a Val.

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[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-05-21 20:45 ]

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chrisandsarahb posted on 05/22/2010

Poison Ivy! Tres Cool!

GROG posted on 05/23/2010

GROG see ya'll tonight at the Tonga Hut.

GROG looking forward to getting this CD/booklet, Bigbro. GROG bring your Java Bob for you.

GROG not have enough time to rent a dunk tank, so maybe GROG just "accidently" spill water on Bigbro, and that'll have to do.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-05-23 12:49 ]

JOHN-O posted on 05/24/2010

Made it through the night's special drink list. Whoa.... !! Goddamn those drinks were good. My favorite was the "Hawaiian Eye".

The thing I most distinctly remember is Kelly yelling at me to use two hands when bringing the Bigbro his cocktail in his special Sven-Tiki mug. "Don't drop it, don't drop it !!". :)

Another classic Tiki evening in a classic Tiki place, drinking classic Tiki drinks and listening to classic Tiki music. And let's not forget the classic Tiki people.

Thanks again Bigbro, Hiphipahula (Kelly), Marty Lush, and TH owner Jeremy !!

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-05-23 22:45 ]

Bora Boris posted on 05/24/2010

That was fun, thanks everyone!!

heylownine posted on 05/24/2010

Thanks to all those involved with this evening's event. My wife and I had a good time and had some great drinks. I personally enjoyed both a Pieces of Eight and a Hawaiian Eye. Slight edge to the Pieces of Eight, though both were excellent. The music was top-notch as well.


Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/24/2010

Great time last night.
Went to all three Sound of Tiki parties
and tonga hut was my favorite time. Love the
drinks matching the songs. Great job Jeremy,
tasty drinks Kelly, and congrats again to Sven!

GROG posted on 05/24/2010

GROG have fun.

bigbrotiki posted on 05/24/2010

On 2010-05-24 14:47, GROG wrote:
GROG have fun.

Indeed! Grogster, this is the song I had mentioned to ya:
A classic of the cave man genre!

I had a really nice time, it was just the right size of crowd, where I felt I could take it easy, and yet I got to talk to almost everybody personally.
Kelly's rum rhapsodies were naaaice, she is not only a great mixologist, but also a great story teller: That story about the (recently deceased) 40-Year Tonga Hut regular named Dotty was fascinating! Every detail was so classic. Thanks so much everybody! :)

P.S.: Grog, I almost forgot the follow up to Troglodyte: Anthropoid!

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2010-05-24 21:49 ]

GROG posted on 05/25/2010

GROG remember "Troglodyte" song now. Bertha Butt, one of the Butt sisters. :lol:

GROG hadn't heard "Anthropoid" before. Thanks for links Bigbro.

Tonga Tom posted on 05/25/2010

The SOUND of TIKI Tour was a total blast when it hit Tonga Hut, and here's some pics for those of you who missed it...

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[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-05-24 23:29 ]

[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-05-24 23:30 ]

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