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A Cannes Palme to a french movie about Burlesque

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virani posted on 05/24/2010

Yesterday, the movie "Tournée" by Mathieu Amalric won a Cannes Palme Award (best direction). It's the story of a french promoter that takes some of the greatest Burlesque performances all around France (with Dirty Martini, Mimi le Meaux, Kitten on the keys...)

Congratulations to them all.


ikitnrev posted on 05/24/2010

When I first attended my first Burlesque event (the first Tease-o-Rama, New Orleans, 2001) I wondered how long it would take for some of those glamorous personalities, particularly Dirty Martini and Julie Atlas Muz to appear on the big-screen.

Kudos to the French movie industry for filming a neo-Burlesque themed movie (featuring U.S. stars) before Hollywood did.


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