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Dashboard Hula Girl...Green Or Tan Skirt?

Pages: 1 3 replies

DejaVoodoo posted on 05/27/2010

When choosing a dashboard hula girl, there are a surprising number of options available:


I think I've narrowed it down to the "Flower Placing Pose" girl, however elsewhere on the web, she is available in a tan skirt, as well as the green one pictured at the link above. I'm not sure which I like better and that got me thinking: which color is more historically accurate in both the full-sized, wearable-by-humans hula skirt and its diminutive dashboard figurine counterpart?

Tiki-mingo posted on 05/27/2010

I'd love to give my opinion...but I think I'm automatically disqualified as my "dashboard hula girl" is really a pink flamingo in a hula skirt... :wink:

Dancingcat posted on 05/29/2010

DejaVoodoo, regarding the color of the dashboard hula skirt. I would venture to say the brown skirt is more likely to be authentic apparel since using the green ti leaves is a more "modern" version. I haven't seen any old Hawaiian photos using the green leaves which is more common nowadays. Hope that helps answer your question.

DejaVoodoo posted on 05/29/2010

On 2010-05-28 19:34, Dancingcat wrote:
DejaVoodoo, regarding the color of the dashboard hula skirt. I would venture to say the brown skirt is more likely to be authentic apparel since using the green ti leaves is a more "modern" version. I haven't seen any old Hawaiian photos using the green leaves which is more common nowadays. Hope that helps answer your question.

Yes, it did. Thanks for the reply! :)

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