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TikiRenee posted on 06/04/2010

Hi all,

I ran across this lamp in a store today. I have seen some WITCO, but this is unfamiliar to me. Can anyone identify it? Is it WITCO? I know they did a lot of items with a "Spanish" influence, but this looks a little...off...to me. Sorry about the photo quality, it came from my phone.

Thanks for the assistance,

Bongo Bungalow posted on 06/04/2010

Well, the dust looks Witco... and the location behind all that other stuff looks Witco...

Polynesiac posted on 06/04/2010

looks like a witco conquistador to me, but I'm no expert on witco.

I would like to know how much those blocks are in the foreground and (after you decide whether or not you are going to by the witco) can you tell me what store that is?

I honestly don't care about witco pieces, but I go ga-ga over nautical crap.

TikiRenee posted on 06/04/2010

Thanks for the info, I may pick him up.

Polynesiac, The store is in Florida. I'll check on the block prices next time I go there (perhaps Sunday) but what is shown is less than .00001% of what is there. This is one of those places where, if you move wrong, you will end up buried. Not cheap but not designer prices either.

Unfortunately they don't sell online.

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/04/2010

On 2010-06-04 11:55, TikiRenee wrote:
Thanks for the info, I may pick him up.

Polynesiac, The store is in Florida. I'll check on the block prices next time I go there (perhaps Sunday) but what is shown is less than .00001% of what is there. This is one of those places where, if you move wrong, you will end up buried. Not cheap but not designer prices either.

Unfortunately they don't sell online.

Is this store on Dixie Highway,east side of the road, just a little north of
Fort Lauderdale?
if it is ,I know that place ,he gets some neat shit in there from time to time.
and you are 'dead bang' on his prices.
it kinda looks like his back room ,nautical salvage, mixed in with witco and tools(cutting torches)
I make it one of my stops every trip to SoFla.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2010-06-04 12:06 ]

Polynesiac posted on 06/04/2010

Thanks for the nautical info, and sorry about unintentionally hijacking your thread, tikirenee.

Because of that I did some searching and honestly couldn't find a picture of that particular lamp.

I didn't go through the entire thread, but there may be a picture hiding in here somewhere:
the "Show me your witco" thread: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=20416&forum=5&hilite=witco

There is also a thread about witco conquistadors, no picture of this lamp, but there is a bar there that has some relief carving that resembles the style:

and more links through the search feature:

good luck!

keigs20 posted on 06/04/2010

Its a Witco lamp called "Spaniard" Nice hat the old boy has on :) Found it in a 1971 catalog. Although it could be older or newer.

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