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New Kon Tiki Tucson mugs arriving this Fall!!

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MakeDaMug posted on 06/10/2010

It's been a while since I've posted up here to the marketplace, so I thought a cool new post would be a TC exclusive sneak-peak of our new Kon Tiki Tucson mugs.

The 3 Tikis shown here are originl Milan Guanko carvings found within the Kon Tiki. Rendered up by my pal Pizz, we'll be sure to provide more information as to the launch of the mugs as information becomes available.

LOL Tiki posted on 06/10/2010

Ooooh, I like those!

Trader Tom posted on 06/10/2010

Those are beautiful!

cheeky half posted on 06/10/2010

Can't wait to road test 'em. Nice work Holden & Pizz!

bigbrotiki posted on 06/10/2010

Wow, three in a row! That means they really dig the attention! It is so nice when owners of an original Tiki temple appreciate that we appreciate them!

teaKEY posted on 06/10/2010

Da Big Head is da Coolest

ron-tiki posted on 06/10/2010

sweet mugs holden!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 06/10/2010

WooooHooo! The Kon Tiki is one of our Favorite Places. Can't wait to get a mug :)

danlovestikis posted on 06/10/2010

I want all three, they are terrific, Wendy

bigbrotiki posted on 06/11/2010

Here are three of Guanko's creations in his yard, early 60s.

When was the Kon Tiki built again?

cheeky half posted on 06/11/2010

Kon Tiki was built in 1963 and is still going strong!

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