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Kahiki fireplace and Moai to be sold

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tikicat67 posted on 06/11/2010

I will be selling the fireplace that was inside the Kahiki restaurant in Columbus, OH. Also for sale will be one of the Moai heads that was flanking the entrance of the restaurant. These items will be listed on eBay in the next week or two. I will post a notice on Tiki Central with a link to the auctions at the time I list them. Here is a little info. in the meantime:

Fireplace: Approx. 23 feet tall, made of cement. It is VERY heavy. Portions of it were damaged when it was removed from the restaurant and it would need some refurbishing. As you may recall, several years ago Tiki Greg, Holden Westland from Tiki Farm and other concerned and generous tikiphiles organized a Kahiki fireplace mug sale to raise funds for the refurbishment of the fireplace. I requested at the time that the funds be put in a CD until I could begin building the structure that would house the fireplace. Unfortunately, circumstances arose in my life that prohibited me from being able to install the fireplace, and I recently contacted Holden to see if the funds could be transferred to the new owner when I sold it. I was told the funds were no longer available, but Holden graciously offered to help in some way. Perhaps the new owner of the fireplace can discuss the matter with him.

Moai: Approx. 16 feet tall, with a separate "topknot" that houses a gas burner. It has a rebar frame which is covered with metal mesh and gunnite (bumpy cement mixture). This, too has damage in places and would need repair. It is very heavy. Both pieces would require a crane and flatbed truck to transport.

It is my hope that by selling these two important pieces of tiki history, they will be saved and preserved, and perhaps installed in a place where many people can see and admire them.


tiki1963 posted on 06/11/2010

holy crap! don't tempt me!

good luck with this sale!

when you have some photos, they'd be nice to see.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/11/2010

I agree, pictures would be great! thanks

Also I think there might be a mis-communication here, I spoke to Holden about a month ago when I heard the fireplace was going to be offered for sale and he told me the funds were available. I called him today but he was out on a business call. Im sure he will post soon.


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2010-06-11 13:54 ]

TikiPug posted on 06/11/2010

On 2010-06-11 10:42, tikicat67 wrote: As you may recall, several years ago Tiki Greg, Holden Westland from Tiki Farm and other concerned and generous tikiphiles organized a Kahiki fireplace mug sale to raise funds for the refurbishment of the fireplace. I requested at the time that the funds be put in a CD until I could begin building the structure that would house the fireplace. Unfortunately, circumstances arose in my life that prohibited me from being able to install the fireplace, and I recently contacted Holden to see if the funds could be transferred to the new owner when I sold it. I was told the funds were no longer available

WTF!! How could the funds no longer be available?

tikiskip posted on 06/11/2010

See them here.
No new work done on mine.
Don't know when I will get to it.

MakeDaMug posted on 06/12/2010

Yeah, when I spoke with (forget her name... wife of the couple who salvaged the fireplace - exsqueeze me for forgettin') it was maybe a year ago and I had nearly forgotten about this project. I didn't have the funds at the time but I did put them aside shortly thereafter. They're in a checking account gaining interest - cha ching (like a coupla bucks). Whoever does the refurb, what I'd prefer is that you send me the invoices for the work done and I'll pay against those. Good luck to whoever gets this - haven't seen it in person but if the other stuff I was shown is any indicator, this fellow will need some serious TLC.
lots of TC TLC!

MakeDaMug posted on 06/12/2010

On 2010-06-11 17:48, MakeDaMug wrote:
Yeah, when I spoke with (forget her name... wife of the couple who salvaged the fireplace - exsqueeze me for forgettin') it was maybe a year ago and I had nearly forgotten about this project. I didn't have the funds at the time but I did put them aside shortly thereafter. They're in a checking account gaining interest - cha ching (like a coupla bucks). Whoever does the refurb, what I'd prefer is that you send me the invoices for the work done and I'll pay against those. Good luck to whoever gets this - haven't seen it in person but if the other stuff I was shown is any indicator, this fellow will need some serious TLC.

ebtiki posted on 06/12/2010

Sounds like a great project for the Columbus FOMs! Maybe the Ohio Historical Center could house them.

bigbrotiki posted on 06/12/2010

On 2010-06-11 21:10, ebtiki wrote:
Sounds like a great project for the Columbus FOMs!

I'd say! After all the Kahiki fireplace is their logo, isn't it?

Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/13/2010

Hi all, I emailed tikicat 67 about the other items that might be for sale like the door . I was floored at her answer and thought I would post so everyone knows in case you come across any if these items.


Posted: 2010-06-12 15:11   
Hi Amy,
I did have the door, as well as the rest of the contents of the Kahiki. Most of it was stolen from my storage building. If you ever see any Kahiki walls, doors, bar, railing, fish from the roof, etc. for sale by someone other than me, you can be sure it is stolen property.


tikiskip posted on 06/13/2010

Wow! That sucks.
I wish we had more photos of the stuff that was there.
Like Lee Henrys desk.
They did give me a fish from the roof, Thank you.
When did this happen?
Will keep Ohio eyes out for the stuff.
I do have some photos of some of the items here.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2010-06-13 15:18 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 06/13/2010

Wow, a major art theft! Who would have any interest in these thing but us? Will it forever land in some crazy Tiki collectors secret vault, only to be viewed by him in the dead of the night, while uttering "My precious" with an insane grin?

rev_thumper posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-11 17:48, MakeDaMug wrote:
Whoever does the refurb, what I'd prefer is that you send me the invoices for the work done and I'll pay against those.

Anyone who tries to take on restoring this is facing thousands of dollars in expenses just to move it somewhere. How much money is available for restoration reimbursement?

tikigreg posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-13 16:47, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, a major art theft! Who would have any interest in these thing but us? Will it forever land in some crazy Tiki collectors secret vault, only to be viewed by him in the dead of the night, while uttering "My precious" with an insane grin?

You're not that far off, Sven. The items were not so much stolen as they were "stolen".

rev_thumper posted on 06/14/2010

"Stolen" and not stolen? What does that mean?

Swanky posted on 06/14/2010

There are only going to be a small handful, more like a pinch, of people who
A) Have an interest in these Kahiki items.
B) Can afford to buy and ship them
C) Have a place to store them
D) Have a place to restore and display them

I'd dare say that number would be about one or two total, and maybe even zero. But I can maybe guess thatthere are few who are up to this task.

Will they sell together? Just the Moai, I can see a lot more people wanting that and making a way to get it.

ron-tiki posted on 06/14/2010

i have a yard that can handle these pieces. i also was a set builder for 25 years. i have the tools and knowledge to repair them. if someone wants to buy them and ship them to me. i will install and repair them as well as allow pilgrimages to see it.. maybe an annual luau????if ever person on tc donated a little to this cause then it could be saved..

tikicat67 posted on 06/15/2010
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