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We have a TIPSY factor

Pages: 1 7 replies

mrtikibar posted on 10/29/2008

Kitty and I moved to the coast a couple years ago. One thing led to another and now we are in the vacation rental business and operating a modest resort in Neskowin. Today, I surreptitiously placed a yard Moai on the grounds and established a tiki beach-head. This is a condo/motel which means units are privately owned with a home-owner association ruling on landscaping and decor so my tiki agenda is technically unauthorized.
Obviously, I plan on pushing the polynesian theme.

Haole'akamai posted on 10/29/2008

Congrats, and may I recommend the TC Thread, Tropical Gardening With Hardy Plants.

Good Luck!

mrtikibar posted on 11/01/2008

Thanks for the tip. Looks like some good information.

mrtikibar posted on 06/17/2010

Brick by brick my citizens.
After adding a few small idols in the garden we planted three windmill palms. Now we have a carving near the office. Not bad for this neck of the woods. Now we just need summer to kick in.

skootiki posted on 06/17/2010

I really like the tiki by the office.......are you the carver?

christiki295 posted on 06/17/2010

I like it.
Tiki migration!

mrtikibar posted on 06/18/2010

Yes, I carved it. I guess I'm a migrant carver.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 09/25/2010

Nice. Fight the man :)
Was that rock wall a water feature at some point?

Pages: 1 7 replies