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You were there: Official Hukilau 2010 Photo Thread

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Basement Kahuna posted on 06/16/2010

Post your Hukilau 2010 photos here.. This was probably one of the most 'swingin years I have seen of the 8 Hukilau years that I have attended (or is it that they just keep getting better??). Thanks to everyone for attending! Hope to see everyone next year for the 10th anniversary of Hukilau and the 55th for the Mai Kai!!

atomikitty posted on 06/16/2010

Hukilau was a BLAST! The company was stellar and the Mai Kai was magical! :drink:

I'll be posting some photos tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing everyone elses too!

Mahalo to Basement Kahuna for starting this thread. :)

Vince Martini posted on 06/16/2010

Basement Kahuna, I didn't see this thread earlier. I started a photo journal on the General Tiki page. Here is the link...


JETSETTER posted on 06/16/2010

Posted earlier in the Official Hukilau thread...

It appears Facebook may be the scene of all the early photo action.

Here's a link to my gallery which also includes some photos from the Pre-Hukilau Dinner at the Mai Kai from Wednesday night.



leisure master posted on 06/16/2010

Here's a couple of hundred more...


I'm not an alcoholic, I'm an enthusiast.

[ Edited by: leisure master 2010-06-16 07:54 ]

robotiki posted on 06/16/2010
Tiki-Troll posted on 06/16/2010

I've been putting up pictures on the blog the last couple days. Have some good ones of the fashion show and will have more candids up tomorrow and the next day. Right now its pretty Justin oriented.

crazy al posted on 06/16/2010

sorry... double post...
72 hours and i took twelve pics!!????????
one was like this

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-06-17 17:52 ]

3 Exoticat Stooges...

Caught me this at the Wreck Bar...

[ Edited by: Marina the Fire Eating Mermaid! 2010-06-16 14:12 ]

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/17/2010

Here's some coverage from the mainstream press ...

Review and photos from The Palm Beach Post, video from WPBT (Miami):

Photo gallery from Broward Palm Beach New Times:

And in case you missed it, this preview story on Beachbum Berry from the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel:

JETSETTER posted on 06/17/2010

I just posted another album to Facebook with 100+ photos from the 2010: A Cocktail Odyssey Room Crawl and Master Mixology Cocktail Challenge. Not the best photos, but taken while judging room decor and cocktails, with a little buzz on (with a new camera that seemed to switch modes on its own).

I'm also about to post another 100+ taken at the Mai Kai Saturday night.

I don't have the patience to upload them to my gallery, so feel free to view them on Facebook. Chances are we're already friends, and if not, let's be. If you're not on Facebook, get with the program. It's the 90's now :wink:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/17/2010

... and if you have a flickr gallery, don't forget to post your photos to the Hukilau and/or Mai-Kai pools:



I'll be adding mine soon.


JOHN-O posted on 06/17/2010

I'm really underwhelmed by the photographic documentation efforts of Right Coast Tikiphiles. (Except for Vince Martini)

Tonga Tom posts 10 times the photos just for weekly TC Sundays at the Tonga Hut !!

Maybe everyone's still recovering. :)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-06-17 11:51 ]

ikitnrev posted on 06/17/2010

It was a good Hukilau.

I've attended many Hukilaus, but some first-time highlights for me included ...

  • Watching the World Premiere of 'DVD of Tiki' - This is a great, great film - the best documentary of tiki I have seen so far. They did an amazing job of 'animating' some classic historical tiki photos, that really made them come to life. They even covered some topic areas that even I had not been aware of. I'm now looking forward to Part 2 being released.

  • the Sweet Hollywaiians - Wonderful music, and excellent harmonies, that had me thinking of the 1930's and the original Don the Beachcomber era

  • Wearing my space helmet outfit to the '2010 Cocktail Oydessey' Room Crawl and enjoying the late night space vibe antics of the Disasternauts set in the Cabana penthouse suite

  • Loved the Weeki Wachee mermaid presentation, and hearing an original 1947 mermaid tell her stories. Lu Vicker's 'Weeki Wachee' book is well worth purchasing

  • Sitting next to the Mai Kai stage, with a Jet Pilot in hand, as two friends exchange their wedding vows on stage .... and then a few minutes later, feeling the breeze on my face as the Mai Kai dancer's grass skirts sweep by.

  • I was finally was able to fulfill a roadside travel goal and drive to Monkey Jungle.

  • So many other things - good friends, great drinks, Beachbum cocktail seminars (with generous refills), all the vendors, the fashions, the Mai Kai drinks and gardens, the sensory overload, the memories .....

Photos. I did not take many photos this year, but have posted a few of the best ones on facebook. I also included a couple of shots of the Tiki Ti, which I visited in early May, and a few photos of my visit to Monkey Jungle.



gooneybird posted on 06/17/2010

We had an awesome time this year - so many great people...
Here's a few more pics (and one video): http://www.flickr.com/photos/gooneybird12/sets/72157624172507277/

Trader Rick posted on 06/17/2010

OK, here are a few of my pictures from the best Hukilau ever!

Robby getting set up in his place ready to wow the Ohana!

My bar setup for the room crawl. Talk about overkill!

Lovely Ms.Anthea: Our server of the Astro Tango and our room crawl hostess with the mostess!

Checking out the Tiki sales in the ballroom on Saturday. Why am I so poor? I wanted to buy it all!

Shag signing Robotiki's somewhat smaller version of Robbie the Robot!

My nerdiest picture ever!

To fully appreciate the Hukilau you need your friends to come as well. Here's all of the MMLEG Saturday night right before the Mai Kai opened.

Yes, I am married. Here is my wonderful wife who's idea it was to have a Hawaiian party for our house warming party and started my obsession with Tiki!

Everybody's favorite, The Mai Kai's Rum Barrel!

We just happened to be sitting at the same table at the Molokai Bar that some of the Tiki Royalty was at the night before. I'm pointing at Beachbum Berry's signature on the shade! (We didn't steal it. It's still there for all I know.)

Somebody put alcohol in our booze!

A magical night and a great Hukilau! Thanks to all responsible for this. Words can't thank you all enough!

All Hail Floyd!! (Mira Mar League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)

[ Edited by: Trader Rick 2010-06-18 07:12 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 06/17/2010

Thank you to everyone sharing pictures! As a vendor we missed a couple of things so now we can live vicariously through you guys.

Koitiki posted on 06/18/2010

Starting with a bang...

Kiki VaVoom!

Son of famed Mai Kai bartender Mariano Licudine shows us his scrapbook of the Mai Kai and shares stories of playing there as a child. What a treat.

I think the boys just got hit with an atomic bombshell!

Mixology challenge- Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this was the winning cocktail called Hell in a Handbasket by Grady Johnson. I'm sure Bohemiann got a good shot of this in all its flaming glory.


Getta loada dem shoes!


How perfect does Orchid Wahine's Benzart pendant match this dress?!

Sometimes a top kill and a junk shot require a little Painkiller

Insert caption here including the words "metallic" and "nipples"

Aloha til next time!

crazy al posted on 06/18/2010

my point exactly...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/18/2010

Robbie the Robot, No way!

robotiki posted on 06/18/2010

On 2010-06-17 19:59, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Robbie the Robot, No way!

Yes way. It was almost gonna be Gort, but he's the silent type. We had Robby singing Don Ho music.
See the whole lot of them in beyond tiki

Mira Mar League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

[ Edited by: robotiki 2010-06-18 17:41 ]

talo ka posted on 06/18/2010

On 2010-06-17 19:59, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Robbie the Robot, No way!

way dude it was flipping fantasic. you saw the pic.

pdrake posted on 06/19/2010

this was one of the best photos of mine . . .

phinz posted on 06/19/2010

How perfect does Orchid Wahine's Benzart pendant match this dress?!

There's a pendant in that picture?

TikiTomD posted on 06/19/2010

Hukilau 2010 was so engaging that, alas, taking photos was an afterthought. Here are a few of the scenes and activities that I captured.

The Bahia Mar and views from our fourth floor balcony:

The entryway to the Bahia Mar Commodore Ballroom:

Inside the Commodore Ballroom:

Here's young Samuel and sister entertaining with King Kukulele as Stolen Idols set up:

Stolen Idols inside the Commodore Ballroom:

The Sweet Hollywaiians inside the Commodore Ballroom (this group & Stolen Idols were my kind of exotica):

Elena the Hoola Hooper Extraordinaire takes a bow (sorry, Elena, for taking advantage of the angle):

Sabu the Coconut Boy & Jeff Beachbum Berry anticipating the Sarong-O-Rama:

The Sarong-O-Rama in the Bahia Mar Grandview Room:

The Mai Kai gardens on show night:

Seated in the Mai Kai Tonga Room, the Mystery Drink arrives at an adjacent table with ceremony:

A tiki alcove above our table in the Mai Kai Tonga Room:

Mai Kai dinner show stage area:

Tiki Kiliki & King Kukulele on Mai Kai stage (many thanks to Tiki Kiliki & supporting organizers for an extraordinary Hukilau!):

The Mai Kai dinner show begins:

Indulging in the Mai Kai drink menu not recommended for this act:

KikiTiki posted on 06/19/2010

One of the best Hukilau's ever- and they have all been fabulous thanks to Tiki Kiliki!
Friends have become like family over the years, and I still love meeting new people there and
getting to know others better. Mahalo!
Here's just a few shots....I'll be posting a Facebook album soon. See you all at Hukilau 2011!

Tiki-Tim posted on 06/19/2010

I put up a couple 720p HD video's on Youtube.First one is...

1)Marina the Fire Eating Mermaid at the Cabana Kickoff Show

2)King Kukelele Mai-Kai Gift Shop Show Pt1
Full version here.Parts 1,2&3

3)Shag Signing

4)Walk The Plank Wedding Party

Kiki...it was good to meet you my http://www.luxuriamusic.com chatroom buddy..

[ Edited by: Tiki-Tim 2010-06-20 10:59 ]

Kenike posted on 06/19/2010

Some of the musical highlights from Thursday & Friday night...

The record for the shortest Hukilau set goes to The Intoxicators who played 3 songs before power was lost, ending their show. (They reappeared later dressed as primates).

Then came The Woggles

The next night...

Walk The Plank

King Kukelele entertains the kids with some between-band banter.

Stolen Idols

Sweet Hollywaiians

Tiki-Tim posted on 06/20/2010

Great Pictures Kenike......

crazy al posted on 06/20/2010

On 2010-06-19 20:16, Tiki-Tim wrote:
Great Pictures Kenike......

Kenike posted on 06/20/2010

bigbrotiki posted on 06/20/2010

Really nice lookin' stuff, good enough to grace a Mai Kai calendar! :)

Kenike posted on 06/20/2010

phinz posted on 06/20/2010

On 2010-06-20 11:15, Kenike wrote:

My Preciousssssss...

Kenike posted on 06/21/2010

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KikiTiki posted on 06/22/2010

Kenike, you really capture the exotic ambiance of the Mai Kai!!!

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TikiG posted on 06/22/2010

Aloha! Tiki peeps take a look-

Made it back to Cali intact following a two week getaway to Florida to attend the Hukilau party and visit friends.

I had a great time as you can imagine. Thanks to my bros TikiMango and TikiHana, I was introduced to several awesome new poly-pop friends. Florida peeps are just fantastic. Just one example of Florida hospitality I experienced concerned my sketchbook that I brought along during my trip. I actually lost it three times over the course of a very boozy evening and can you dig it? My sketchbook was returned to me three times personally by those that had found it!

My Cali friends knew I was taking Amtrak across America from Los Angeles to Chicago to Washington DC and then down to Orlando. A freakin' awesome experience over four days to reach my destination.

Because of requests to view them, here is a selected group of pics extracted from the 500+ pics I snapped...enjoy.

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Waiting for my grand tour to start at the Van Nuys, California Amtrak station

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Somewhere in New Mexico

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Coming into Chicago by train

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Standing under the Washington Monument

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Cocoa Beach, Florida's legendary Wayne Coombs meets California's TikiG

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Ron Jon surf shop in Cocoa Beach with omnipresent tikis

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TikiMango at his workbench

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Bahia Mar Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale

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TikiMango's sales table at Hukilau receives much fanfare

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Randy Wong of Waitiki7 is interviewed for the camera

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TikiMango and Crazy Al w/ TikiMango's hand carved guitar to be raffled

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TikiMango begins the guitar raffle

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TikiMango and guitar raffle ticket winner phinz

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TikiHana hand carved wooden pendant with wonderful handcut eyes

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A crowd favorite and my pick for "most desirable" item, a vintage 1966 tiki. Price? $2000

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Marina the Mermaid, TikiG and Otto share a photo op

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Mai Kai sign taken from the gardens

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TikiMango, Crazy Al and TikiG enjoying their Mai Kai Rum Barrels

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Randy, Helen and TikiG share a giggle in Mai Kai's Molokai bar

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TikiG with Mai Kai's cocktails menu

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TikiG sits at the Molokai Bar inside the Mai Kai

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Beautiful sunrise at the beach in Ft. Lauderdale

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Yachts at Ft. Lauderdale

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TikiG, Shag and TikiHana at a Hukilau room crawl

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Ben Davis (Benzart) shows TikiG his scrapbooks of an amazing tiki carving career

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Ben and tiki

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TikiG sits within inches of legendary tiki carver Benzart

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Benzart working on an awesome tiki pendant

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TikiG at TikiHana's living room

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TikiG wooden bowl painting done for TikiHana's collection

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This Tang is mine! Carved by TikiHana. This beautiful carving will be in Cali soon.

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TikiG collects shells at Satellite Beach, Florida

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TikiG at I Dream of Jeannie Lane!

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Sebastian Inlet- my last day in beautiful Florida

Thanks TikiMango, TikiHana, Benzart, Wayne Coombs, the organizers of Hukilau and all the many new friends I made while in Florida. This was a trip of a lifetime but not my last to the land of sunshine! See you all next year!
Take Care, Aloha! G

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tiki since '67!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2010-06-22 13:39 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2010-06-25 23:06 ]

Vince Martini posted on 06/22/2010

TikiG, it was great meeting you at Hukilau. Thank you for the swag, by the way! You're the best!

Phinz, I hate you...in a friendly way! I can't believe t=you won the carved ax. But, it couldn't happen to a coller cat. So, I guess I'm not hating too much.

I hope to see both of you guys at the next tiki gathering!!!

talo ka posted on 06/22/2010

hs... i didn't knowthe guitar was being raffed off. aww poo. i bought 1 of tiki hana's fine rude boy hats. i will wear it next year.

[ Edited by: talo ka 2010-06-22 16:05 ]

JETSETTER posted on 06/23/2010

On 2010-06-22 16:04, talo ka wrote:
i bought 1 of tiki hana's fine rude boy hats. i will wear it next year.

[ Edited by: talo ka 2010-06-22 16:05 ]

You could have saved some dough by walking the beach in the early morning. Hana's hats were everywhere :)

[ Edited by: JETSETTER 2010-06-22 17:11 ]

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kingstiedye posted on 06/23/2010

great pics, g!

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Otto posted on 06/23/2010

Tiki G and Kenike, thanks for the photos
So that's what happened at Hukilau!?!
I saw some of that!

I have some stuff to prove I was there! - its all about the stuff!
and there's a Bob Ho bone necklace I found later that is not shown (sorry Bob/Tiki Hana)

and I saw a lot of beautiful women but mostly they were blurry cause i was at the Mai Kai most of the time
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and the goods:

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JETSETTER posted on 06/23/2010

On 2010-06-23 00:28, Otto wrote:

So that's what happened at Hukilau!?!
I saw some of that!

I have some stuff to prove I was there! - its all about the stuff!

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Not now I recall, I never DID get that drink for the robot patch, did I? LOL

talo ka posted on 06/23/2010

On 2010-06-22 17:10, JETSETTER wrote:

You could have saved some dough by walking the beach in the early morning. Hana's hats were everywhere :)

[ Edited by: JETSETTER 2010-06-22 17:11 ]

so i heard.

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AllisonV posted on 06/25/2010

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zerostreet posted on 06/26/2010

Great to see all these pics! We were only able to make it out Saturday, partly due to a previous commitment and the fact that we have a 9 month old! :)

In going through the many pics posted I caught glimpses of my wife and 4 year old at the Sarong-o-Rama and spotted one of my t-shirts on artist Luis Diaz at the Harold Golen Gallery.

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robotiki posted on 06/26/2010

On 2010-06-23 04:25, JETSETTER wrote:

On 2010-06-23 00:28, Otto wrote:

So that's what happened at Hukilau!?!
I saw some of that!

I have some stuff to prove I was there! - its all about the stuff!

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Not now I recall, I never DID get that drink for the robot patch, did I? LOL

I could see that coming.....
I just got my first fez prototype from overseas. As a sample they made it with our Hukilau patch as above but without the dark border on a maroon wool fez. Stand by whilst I replace my camera and I'll get some pictures up....

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/26/2010

Check out all the thrilling action from 2010: A Cocktail Odyssey ... the room crawl and Master Mixologist Cocktail Challenge. (Photos courtesy of Go11Media.com, Mike Jones and Robotiki)


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