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Ding Dong Devils CD - preview of Derek Yaniger cover art!

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congawa posted on 06/20/2010

Here's a sneak peak at the Derek Yaniger cover art for the upcoming Ding Dong Devils CD "Tassels, Mai-Tais & Mischief." We're in the process of finishing up recording and mixing with Dave Klein, and plan to have it ready in time for Tiki Oasis (where we'll also again be hosting and playing some room parties, as we did last year):

bigtikidude posted on 06/21/2010

Very cool,
can't wait to get a copy.
when you guys playing again?


JOHN-O posted on 08/04/2010
Vince Martini posted on 08/06/2010

I am ready to sample!!! Will this release be available via CD Baby and/or Amazon.com?

congawa posted on 08/09/2010

Vince (and everyone else)!

The "Tassels, Mai-Tais & Mischief" is now available at CD Baby:


Within the next month or so it will be available on Amazon and most other online retailers, and downloads will also be available on CD Baby, Amazon, iTunes, etc. (though I'm pretty sure everyone on Tiki Central will want the CD version for Derek Yaniger's cover art!).

On 2010-08-06 05:58, Vince Martini wrote:
I am ready to sample!!! Will this release be available via CD Baby and/or Amazon.com?

Gavin posted on 09/01/2010

This is a really fun album. Some songs are very B-52's-ish. Also some are sort of like a mix between Screamin' Jay Hawkins and the Beach Boys...
if they sang about Sippin Mai Tais, or Tiki Torches, and Luau Pigs.
Really cool tunes. Rob Roy cracked me up.
want more comparisons?...Boris Pickett & The Cryptkickers meet The Ventures at Trader Vic's and play some drunken karaoke, while drinking Sufferin Bastards with the Belly Dancers of Bali Bali.
Great Party Album.

(Free Bong)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/01/2010

I resisted getting this,I mean how good can it be? it's all musical and stuff.
Everywhere I went the DingDong Devils were playing live,it was like they are following me?

So last Sunday Brent comes up from behind me at this little BBQ, I don't know what he hit me with
but I was out,all I saw was black, Black as the inside of my pockets.

I awoke sometime later on the sticky floor of a unfamiliar Tiki bar, music cranked up to eleven.
Over and over again it boxes my ears with songs of Bali Bali,Mai Tai's & Tassel's

I subsisted on old jars of Cherry's & Olives, I don't know how long I was in the dank Tiki bar
one day the door just opens, the sunlight burned my eyes like a red hot wire.

I found my way back & the BBQ was still going on, I was only gone for about an hour.
no one even noticed I was gone.

So end of story & you know what,the CD? its pretty good!I can't stop playing it!
it's alot of fun, just don't tell Brent I said so..........

bigtikidude posted on 09/06/2010

isn't there a cd release party comin' up?


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