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Rincon Room Party-Adventures In Paradise - Sept -4th - 2010 - Update Page 4

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bongofury posted on 06/05/2010

Stay tuned for info......

[ Edited by: bongofury 2010-08-03 20:55 ]

[ Edited by: bongofury 2010-09-03 08:04 ]

Bora Boris posted on 06/06/2010

Staying Tuned!

The Sperm Whale posted on 06/06/2010

I will be waiting right here (staying tuned) with Boris!!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/06/2010

If you feel the need to do a dress rehearsal before the event, I'll gladly test out your bar and ambiance to make sure everything is ship shape!

Dustycajun posted on 06/06/2010

Definitely staying tuned to this channel for further info.


TikiSan posted on 06/07/2010

"No flipping"

  • Larry Sanders
Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/11/2010

Not changing this channel!

bigtikidude posted on 06/11/2010

taking the batteries out of the remote.


Matt Reese posted on 06/11/2010

My eyes hurt from staring at this thread. Can't stand the anticipa


tikitony posted on 06/12/2010

I knew I could smell this coming! I should have my backyard Beachcomber Shack finished by then too. I think I'm about a mile from the Rincon Room!

Is it too early for the poster?

RevBambooBen posted on 06/12/2010


Daves Not Home posted on 06/17/2010

Tune in Tokyo

bigtikidude posted on 06/18/2010

break off the tuner nob.

The Sperm Whale posted on 06/18/2010

Come in Space Command!!

Murph posted on 06/18/2010

Tuned in and waiting.

daddyeo posted on 06/18/2010

I've lived in the Ventura area all my life and where is the Rincon Room?

Dustycajun posted on 06/18/2010

I have stayed tuned for so long I'm that I am now in the test pattern stage and am standing by.


Murph posted on 06/19/2010

We now end our broadcast day...

suburbanpagan posted on 06/19/2010

It's never too early for a poster Tiki Tony! Too bad I can't find my reference pic of the waterfall so it looks like this pic will remain impressionistic! Just blur your eyes and you're magically there!

TNT posted on 06/19/2010

Staying tuned and holding. This is the Primer Nationals weekend too right?

bongofury posted on 06/23/2010

Kia Orana......looks like we missed a bunch of good stuff while we were on our own Adventures in Paradise...

TNT, it is the same weekend as the event formerly known as the Primer Nationals

Still working out some details, but this I know...we would love some guest bartenders & volunteers to help
Mrs. Fury with prep and clean-up. Send me a PM if you would like to help out.


Iokona Ki'i posted on 06/23/2010

Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Bongofury!
Judging by that photo, you did not miss a thing!

I will send you a pm as soon as we know our schedule.

Sparkle Mark posted on 06/23/2010

We can't wait!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/25/2010

You can put me down as a volunteer now, Mr. Fury. I'll give you a call as well!

bongofury posted on 07/01/2010

The Sperm Whale posted on 07/04/2010

Laura and I would love to bartend!!!

bigbrotiki posted on 07/04/2010

Guess where I'll be, Ron... :(

Daves Not Home posted on 07/07/2010

Mrs. DnH (Kim) and I volunteer to be drinkers.

bigtikidude posted on 07/07/2010

I will do a Late shift for drink making.
10 or 11 pm till close.

Nothing fancy, but strong, and simple.
Plain Grogs

can hold some rum back, or add some juice if wanted.


can't wait, can't wait.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-07-06 22:11 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 07/09/2010

I'm gettin' the day off work, I've been waiting for this!

P.S. If there is the opportunity and your guest rotating bartending shifts I'd love to be included. I'll invent something delicious & awesome and serve it up cold :)

bongofury posted on 07/09/2010

Thanks to all that have volunteered so far. We would love a few more guest bar slingers to share the load. I will start off and fill in as needed. Our last party had over 100 people....that's a lot of food and booze so this time we will put out a tip jar and we hope everyone will bring food or appetizers. More details soon...

bigtikidude posted on 07/10/2010

I will bring chicken and beef Kabobs.

and I talked to Ran(kick the reverb)
he said if he goes, he will probably bar tend.


bigtikidude posted on 08/03/2010

Can I RSVP for the couch in the Rincon room bar?


tobunga posted on 08/04/2010

"I have known adventures in paradise
I followed a dream to many a shore
All alone in harbors of pearl and spice
I searched for a face
A face to adore

While the tender stars high in the blue
Made love to the night
I have begged the stars to lead me
To that one lovely shore called “RINCON ROOM”
Then you walked into my paradise
And my happy heart adventures no more"

Well, I can't mix a drink without a recipe in front of me, but I can make some yummy tiki cookies that Manuel and I can bring along!

bongofury posted on 08/04/2010

Saturday September 4th- 2010 - Ventura County 4:00pm-11:00pm, If you would like a room we are between A & G here:


We hope everyone (except guest bartenders} will bring PuPus of some kind. Cookies would be most excellent Tobunga! The grill will be available for use. Mrs. Fury thinks she will provide pulled pork (vegetarians beware!) & rolls. Bring ice if you can. There is a Smart & Final, CVS, Vons, & Trader Joes nearby.

The band will be donating some of their tips and cd sales back to help offset the cost of the party (they are not playing for free). Get here early for a good parking spot as we are at the end of a cul-de-sac. You can block the driveway temporarily to drop off people or stuff. Ventura, Santa Barbara and the Channel Islands are close so you can make a full weekend out of it. Ventura Nationals too.

[ Edited by: bongofury 2010-08-03 22:15 ]

[ Edited by: bongofury 2010-08-04 21:27 ]

Rob Roy posted on 08/04/2010

I'll bring some type of food. Something with Velvetta in it.

Murph posted on 08/04/2010

On 2010-08-03 20:55, bongofury wrote:
Saturday August 4th- 2010 - Ventura County 4:00pm-11:00pm,

You sure you want us all stopping by tomorrow night????
Claudia and I can't wait to see your place.

bongofury posted on 08/04/2010

Thanks Murph.....I'm tired...Rob knows how much I like the Black Velvettas

Rob Roy posted on 08/04/2010

On 2010-08-03 22:19, bongofury wrote:
Thanks Murph.....I'm tired...Rob knows how much I like the Black Velvettas

I'll buy some now and set it out on the counter. It might be black by 2013.

Dustycajun posted on 08/05/2010


I think we can bring a pound or two of smoked Albacore with some crackers and cream cheese!


bongofury posted on 08/05/2010

Wow DC....that looks great!

bigbrotiki posted on 08/05/2010

You guys are killing me.... :cry:

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/09/2010

will be by after Primer Nats
are you going to come out to VTA the night before?

MamboKing posted on 08/24/2010

Bringin' 150 spam pupus & a smokin' hot bartender. Can't wait.

bongofury posted on 08/27/2010

TikiG posted on 08/27/2010

We're so there on the 4th - Thanks Ron and Mickee for hosting us. See you then with rum in hand. G

bigtikidude posted on 08/27/2010

can't wait.


bongofury posted on 08/31/2010

PM me for the address....if you have been here and don't need it, just let us know you are coming....Mahalo

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