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Gecko's carvings

Pages: 1 39 replies

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

The resident Hawaiian maestro!

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-10-05 08:18 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

this is the part i wen made up.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

GECKO posted on 11/14/2003

Tangaroa styles of mine



seating sign

New Guinea style

Alohaz peopo, betcha thought I jumped off da canoe huh....NO tink so!! I been bizzy on a few projects. Mostly bamboo and matting on walls and bars for some local shops.

HO! you guys been poundin out some real cherry stuff on "creating tiki" dats why I hate wen I don't get to check out TC fo like a few weeks cuz ya miss choke stuff. keep poundin braddahz & sisstahz

I had a little time to do some carvinz not much though. heres wat i get,this is a bar and stool combo plus da 6 1/2 foota on da left was a commisioned tiki. it's a duplicate of da "exotica" tiki I carved for Martin Denny.

I had to take a lotta pics a dis wun today cuz it was cloudy. da pics is gon all be mix plate colors because a da flash. its a cannabal design.

finally had a chance to finish the cannable(sp?)

here some older stuff i did

tiki mug shrine

one of drum base style tikis

Mr.Martin Dennys tiki I did.

[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-06 02:48 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-06 03:05 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-06 03:09 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-06 03:35 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-06 03:59 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-06 10:38 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/14/2003

Love the cannibal! And everything else of course. Good to see that your still alive I was beginning to wonder.

Lake Surfer posted on 11/14/2003

Beauty stuff Gecko! Thanks for stopping in to say hi!

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/15/2003

G, love the painted accents. I'm gonna email you some pics that are gonna trip you out. As soon as I get one sent to me.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/16/2003

Where you been, man? Missed you around here!

Jungle Trader posted on 11/16/2003

Tanks Gecko and BK, I got da' signed pic last week. Grog log is on me next time we get together. Tanks braddahs! Got to bamboo frame it now.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/16/2003

Our pleasure...sorry it took so long. It was my fault!

Tiki Mon posted on 11/16/2003

Yo, I love the tiki with the wahine hula chick on top. Is that one piece of wood? Wow!

GECKO posted on 11/17/2003

Eh Chiki, email da pics your talkin about! don't tell me you jus carved da same ting! I know how we're sometimes on da same page.

Your welcome for da pic JT.

brahz, sometimes i had turn work down, thats how bizzy it was. I missed reading post. Looks like I'm going to miss out on a lot of TC. I'm driving to da North Shore everyday for work plus da day job.

I haven't been able to carve a whole lot and
I haven't forgot about da friends and tiki collectors out there to.......

Thats why I been working on something special for my gecko tiki collectors out there. Won't be out til next year but you'll see. let's just say there will be 250 of these to go out and thats all I'm saying right now......yes mugs....now thats it.

GECKO posted on 12/12/2003

I jus completed a 6ft bar with a monkeypod top fo wun customer. I cut da monkeypod into a natural(sp?)looking shape. Monkey pod is da wood dat allll those little wooden bowls you see at da thrift stoa fo wun dolla or da kine... big fork and spoon set.

you can kinda see da carved honu(turtle) on each side of da bar top. Da couple requested 2 turtles carved on top. I just did a basic outline fo dem as dats all dey wanted. look at da grain of da wood though....cheeeery ya! almost looks like Koa.

small part of my mug collection from da local antique stoa

they gave me a pic of a tiki they already have and asked me to make a stool out of it's face. So, here it is.

breakin in da new bar. dats my beer, Hinano of Tahiti, Okole Maluna!

Mo carvings later. Happy Hollidays peopo!


[ Edited by: gecko on 2003-12-12 19:56 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/12/2003

Beautiful bar, Geck...that's a hum-dinger.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-12-12 09:33 ]

Swanky posted on 12/12/2003

I love that raw looking top. Around here there is too much of the "log cabin" woodsy set, but that color and grain make that exceptional. Just beautiful!

PolynesianPop posted on 12/12/2003

Gecko, that's a sweet bar braddah! I like the finish on that top. Good Job.

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RevBambooBen posted on 12/13/2003

How much did you get for that bar? Cool top!

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purple jade posted on 12/13/2003

On 2003-12-12 22:47, RevBambooBen wrote:
How much did you get for that bar? Cool top!

Hope it was enough to get you back here for Hukilau again!

Tiki Diablo posted on 12/13/2003

Eh G! That's the bar we were talking about. Nice. I dig the eye on that stool too. I'll call manana.

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tiki410 posted on 12/13/2003

Question for experts:

On the panels that have Aloha on them. How is that being stained/painted/finished?

I am convinced that staining is an art form in itself.


GECKO posted on 12/14/2003

hey guys,
mahaloz, glad ya like the bar.

Boobam Ben, remember when you told me some jobs are "lobster & some are spam" well this was a spam dinner with pork and beans. I screwed my self because they guy had me all confused and i quoted him a price for a 4 footer instead and I stuck with it and made it anyway. I gave him my price and couldn't back out man......although I wanted to.
Last month was 2 lobsters though! So its all good. Hey Ben, I was so inspired by your shop(work) when I was in Calli by da way that you probubly see your design in my bar. All props to you. you make some awesome bars and furniture brah.

Ya Chiki dats da one we talked about. pretty disgusting huh? You and Boobam Ben should go to the Mills and get a nice big a$$ slab of wood and cut it out naturally and throw it on top! looks beautifull mixed in with da bamboo! try to get one with two tone like mine. I'm going to make my desk out of the same top.

Eh PJ, howzit wahine! we'll see if I go to da Hukilau or not. I would love to go back to da Maikai, it's jus da flight from Honolulu to Florida HO!!! it's soooooooooooooooooooo loooooooong!
I would love to see all da kewl peopo I met the first time and maybe talk to a few that I didn't get to talk to. I'm kind of a shy and quite type guy so It takes me a little while to sometimes to yell your name across the room. So hopefully some peopo don't take me the wrong way. But I would love to go back.

Tiki410, yes thats stain on the aloha sign. It's not hard, just get yourself a sponge brush dip it and stain.

shaka! live aloha!

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purple jade posted on 12/14/2003

I hear you about that flight. I flew back to New Orleans from Honolulu on a plane with broken air conditioning, aaagggh!, and that seemed like it took forever.
But c'mon, there's gotta be something we can do to entice you into braving the wild blue yonder again...
Oh yeah...nice bar. :wink:

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/15/2003

You've gotta come...wouldn't be the same without you, Gecko. Just tell them you're headed out there for a meeting with ME and they'll upgrade you to first class, no prob! :)

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Johnny Dollar posted on 12/15/2003

bar = DROOL


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Benzart posted on 01/10/2004

Gecko, Nice stuff.
Really makes me want to find some chisels and smell the sawdust

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SES posted on 01/11/2004

Really beautiful! Looks heavy to move.

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Benzart posted on 01/15/2004

Been going back thru your pix and your Drum Base Tikisare the beginning of something I was planning and trying to find a way to duplicate. In fact that search is how I found TC.
You imagine a home walkway with these little Malibu lights along the sidewalk leading up to the house or garden.
Now take a set of tikis with the Base hollowed out (drum base) and set them over the lights. Look Nice? they may need to be cast from a high density foam to get the price down to afordable.

GECKO posted on 01/15/2004

Howzit braddah Ben,

I'm going to look for a pic I have on one of my 1000 disk of a Ku I did with my drum base bottom. I sat it over a red garden spot light and it looked ONO! It really looked sweet. I don't have a flat yard so lining my drive way with tikis over lights would not happen BUT! I can see what you are seeing! I'm eye to eye with you there.
Even if you were to take 2 tikis and put them on each side of your enterance and have maybe some red, orange or wat'eva lights comming threw the drum bottom would be sweet ya and now if you had the whole walk way lined HO BRAH! you would be da man!

Like you said mass production would be da bes! Crazy Al came out with a resin 3 footer I think it was and it came out nice...I got one. It will have to be heavyier. Plaster?

Anyways, I'm all in if your not carving anymore. I'll send you da drum base bottom and you mass it! A terrific idea but I dont have a clue how or where to start.

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Benzart posted on 01/15/2004

Thats what I've been tring to find out.
I said High density foam because Some types ar Heat resistant.For stability, a 1/2"by12" hole drilled into the bottom where you lodge a 2' piece of rebar, Shove it into the ground over the light and it ain't goin nowhere. Think cement would cost too much. I like it already.
Think, Think, Thanks

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-01-25 13:34 ]

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Benzart posted on 02/19/2005

bump up the gecko bumpit up good

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/17/2005


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Chongolio posted on 11/17/2005

And lets not forget our ol buddy's mug crafting skillz. Braddah Gecko'z Tangaroa mug has got to be held in your hands to be believed. Incredible design and detail. Gecko is Da man and heckuva great guy.



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" I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

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Tiki G. posted on 11/17/2005

B.K., that was a well deserved bump. Thanks. Always good to look back at Gecko's awesome art.

Pages: 1 39 replies