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Apocalypse Island

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I noticed that no one had bothered to comment or complain or ridicule the history channel's recent psuedo science documentary "Apocalypse Island." I regrettably did not get to see the whole thing but I'm guessing there was no mention of Kon-tiki type attempts to link the civilizations of Mexico & South America with the polynesian statue builders.

Well the documentary was mostly about a long boat ride to an island with an airport -apparently Robinson Crusoe Island of the coast of Chile. To discover this rock formation.

Which James Turner http://www.apocalypseisland.com/ believes to have originally looked more like this - which strikes me as a cross between Mayan and Easter Island statues. Also a mayan jaguar as well.


I'm thinking that someone's trying to read WAY too much into that rock formation! LOL If ANYthing that formation looks like a camel!

"Something, something, something, Dark Side, something, something."

[ Edited by: beadtiki 2010-06-27 18:11 ]

I've tried to watch it three times but each time I fall asleep, I like it though and look forward to watching all of it so I can be freaked out slightly about 2012.

I think whomever owns the History Channel has a dubious agenda. I've noticed alot of pseudo-history and questionable topics with a religious bend to them. Some good stuff, yeah, but lately more speculation presented as fact stuff.

In today's world of reality TV and fake "Survivor"-type series the journalistic ethics of what comprises a documentary have devolved from solid education based on facts to "edu-tainment" and finally to pure entertainment, all because that -supposedly- is what the masses want to see. The media is rapidly becoming the mind-numbing machine that was so aptly parodied in the film "Idiocracy", and "documentaries" are no exception.


On 2010-06-28 12:10, bigbrotiki wrote:
In today's world of reality TV and fake "Survivor"-type series the journalistic ethics of what comprises a documentary have devolved from solid education based on facts to "edu-tainment" and finally to pure entertainment, all because that -supposedly- is what the masses want to see. The media is rapidly becoming the mind-numbing machine that was so aptly parodied in the film "Idiocracy", and "documentaries" are no exception.

While watching "Idiocracy" I kept thinking, "This would be a lot funnier if it weren't so true.

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