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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Help Me Name

Pages: 1 23 replies

chrisandsarahb posted on 06/26/2010

Help me name my Tiki Adventure Travel Show. Trying to come up with something that is tiki, but can also have crossover appeal alla "No Reservations","Bizarre World", and "Insomniac". I know you creative types will have some real doozies, looking forward to reading what you come up with. Thanks so much!



P.S. If you haven't subscribed to my Youtube channel, please do, here is the linky:


JOHN-O posted on 06/27/2010

How about the "chrisandsarahbshow" ??


tikitony posted on 06/27/2010

Chris Crossing California
Retro Revisited
Retro Expeditions
So Far Safari
Far Out Safari
Far Off Safari
Far Away Safari

Casting Your Net with Chris & Sarah

The Tiki Chronicles
Tiki Time Chronicles
Tiki Time
Chronicles Barnacles
Cocktail Chronicles
Exotic Concoctions & The Chronicles of Tiki
Tiki Time Travel
Tiki Ahoy!
Urban Jungle Safari
Traveling Adrift
Drifting & Dreaming

For the names below I could see the show intro with you and Sarah consulting over a vintage map and both dressed like a Don & Betty Draper from Mad Men. You see a vintage light up globe spinning with a vintage toy car rolling over the globe, then its on the flat map you are looking at, then the red dashed lines for your travel like Indiana Jones.

Mapping it out with Chris & Sarah
Vintage Map Travels
Map Chris Crossing
Maps and Martinis
Post Mid Century Modern Mapping

I'll probably come up with more, but thats my first go around. Hope that helps. BTW, thanks for the videos of the events!

chrisandsarahb posted on 06/27/2010

TikiTony, dang man, thanks, those are GREAT! John-O, why I oughta! :wink:

WooHooWahine posted on 06/27/2010

Lost in Paradise

JOHN-O posted on 06/27/2010

How about the "Big Kahuna Show" ??

Oh wait, wrong "Can I?, Should I?, What should I?, How do I?" thread.

I think we should have a separate forum category for Tiki naming, carpet, and automotive selection. Let's be proactive and throw Tiki pets in there as well.

PS ( :D )

Chris, great YouTube stuff on Caliente and especially Bahooka. Two big Tiki thumbs up !!

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-06-27 14:43 ]

Hulaville posted on 06/28/2010

Tiki Quest

Hulaville posted on 06/28/2010

Tiki Trek

captnkirk posted on 06/28/2010

How about "via con tiki". (go with tiki)

JOHN-O posted on 06/28/2010

Do not use the word "Tiki". That would be painting yourself in a corner.

There is so much amazing mid-century stuff in LA which is not Tiki. How about "So CA Low Brow Adventures with Chris" ??

Dude, hit me up for Nautical Bar or Koreatown suggestions. Your content Rocks !!

chrisandsarahb posted on 06/28/2010

Woohoo, I dig, I dig. Really great stuff guys, so much creativity here on TC, I love it. Lol John-O, in a round about way, its a "general" tiki question about my sort of kind of "general" tiki show, so I thought this would be the more appropriate place to put it rather than the bilge. I agree with you that using the word "tiki" pigeon holes it. Although tiki is really my primary focus, I'd love to reach a wee bit more viewers then our little niche, as well as promote some fantastic places/bands/artists/carvers/dancers etc....

John-O, mahalo for the compliments on my current content. I was hoping to finally meet you at the Bahooka shindig.

JOHN-O posted on 06/28/2010

On 2010-06-27 21:49, chrisandsarahb wrote:
John-O, mahalo for the compliments on my current content. I was hoping to finally meet you at the Bahooka shindig.

HA, I was standing right next to you in the pit during the Hula Girls set at the Galaxy. :)

What ever happened to YOUR name change ??

chrisandsarahb posted on 06/29/2010

Yah, but I didn't know you were standing right next to me in the pit. There was a really really really really drunk guy standing by me as well as a really cute vintage pin up looking babe. Were either of those you, LOL! I haven't changed the name yet, I have to start over, and can't seem to bring myself to do it. Plus, I don't know what the heck I would call myself. Ha!

chrisandsarahb posted on 06/29/2010

I'm really diggin the name "Lost In Paradise" or "Adventures In Paradise" (like the old tv show, wonder if I would get busted for using it, HA)

What do you guys think of either of those?

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 06/29/2010

If it's a travel show, wouldn't "Paradise... Found" be more appropriate than "Lost in Paradise"?

DJKen posted on 06/29/2010

New here...first post...

Lemme see,...something tiki without being tiki...portends travel and discovery...

"Palm Pilots"

...with a palm tree logo on the fuselage of a pontoon plane!

[ Edited by: DJKen 2010-06-29 15:41 ]

A Frame posted on 06/30/2010

For me, Douglas Nason & Jeff Fox already came up with the best name of all. They used it for their 2008 TIKI exhibit in Glendale.

'In Search of Tiki!' perfectly sums it all up.

Maybe you can borrow it!

[ Edited by: A frame 2010-06-29 18:24 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 06/30/2010

On 2010-06-29 10:07, chrisandsarahb wrote:
I'm really diggin the name "Lost In Paradise" or "Adventures In Paradise" (like the old tv show, wonder if I would get busted for using it, HA)

What do you guys think of either of those?

I vote for Lost in Paradise, doesn't everybody want to get lost?? :)

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 06/30/2010

Maybe "In Search of Paradise" ?

Or you could compromise with everyone's suggestions and name it:
"Lost In Search of Paradise Found: Casting Your Net with The Tiki Chronicles of Chris and Sarah's Retro Expeditions"

(at the very least, Tiki Tony should get some kind of reward for the sheer number of titles he suggested. impressive.)

chrisandsarahb posted on 07/01/2010

Wow, okay than...

[ Edited by: chrisandsarahb 2010-06-30 20:43 ]

chrisandsarahb posted on 07/01/2010

P.S. Yes, TikiTony definitely needs a reward for so many ideas. How creative is that guy? I owe him a beer, a burger, or a spot as a future sponsor, LOL!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

OK, now that the show name is resolved can we turn this thread become a "Help Me Name..." for everything else too?

My wife wants to be called Nani instead of Granny (Granny just sounds so OLD!). I just found out nani means "beautiful" in Hawaiian, coincidence? I think not! So now I want to rename Leslie's Lanai to something that includes "Nani" JUST KIDDING!!! :lol: (kidding about the name change, I'm serious about the beautiful part :) )

ATP Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10975/623661409e322.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=ac3e54982f1b400d4ef8d9e7fa792d36

What! you didn't like "Super Freaky Sex Tiki"!

ATP Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10975/623661409e322.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=ac3e54982f1b400d4ef8d9e7fa792d36

Really you need names,I got Names!

Bikini Atoll-A Tiki Roll-A
Howling Tiki Wolf
Crawling Tiki Eye
Mr and Mrs Tiki
They call Me Mr Tiki
Kon Air Tiki
Tiki gotta gun

you can go my way, how about...
New Wave Tiki
Tiki Rat Pack
Coconut Punk
Pineapple Punk


Pages: 1 23 replies