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witco for sale !!!

Pages: 1 2 replies

Tipsy McStagger posted on 09/14/2009

cheapy, cheapy !!!! no shippey, shippey!!!

I'm unloading these at garage sale prices.....each lamp is $30 each and the bench is $100....first come, first serve..p.m. me if interested. PICK UP ONLY -NO SHIPPING!!

both seats flip up on hinges and there is storage underneath.

all are in decent shape -table lamp comes with original shade. the second lamp is a swag lamp..has a very cool inline dimmer switch on it.

steinbeckjohn88 posted on 09/16/2009

would you like to sell this on my website that is http://www.artscad.com


Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/08/2010

bench is sold...each lamp is yours for $25 each if you want them.....i can bring these to the chef shangri-la event later this month if you want to pick them up...

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