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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel

Retro Roadmap

Pages: 1 2 replies

Rapa Nui Rich posted on 07/11/2010

Disclaimer: I checked to see if this had already been posted and it doesn't look like it. Apologies if I am mistaken!

Anyway, I just discovered this Classic Cocktails section of a larger and very cool blog called Retro Roadmap. It is almost entirely devoted to Tiki:



exquisitecorpse posted on 07/11/2010

that is tiki central member modbetty's blog

modbetty posted on 07/13/2010

wow, I'm honored to have my own thread here on Tiki Central! Yes, http://www.RetroRoadmap.com is my blog/website/life - and I have an incredible soft spot for tiki even though I can never seem to get to many of the sanctioned events! I've met some incredibly nice people from TC in real life, and love the joie de vivre of the community in general, and am glad to help raise awareness of the cool old tiki places that still exist.

While most of Retro Roadmap consists of posts by me, I always welcome pictures and writeups from folks who want people to know about the vintage retro and cool old places that still exist where they live. This way Retro Roadmap can be a resource for EVERYONE who likes to visit this type of place when they travel, versus the big and boring chains.

So if you have a place you love that makes you feel as if you step back in time when you visit it, share it with RetroRoadmap and I'll share it with the world! It's becoming a full time labor of love for me, but I feel like I'm doing my part to make these places easy to find, so they get visited and stick around for a while longer.

Beth / Mod Betty / RetroRoadmap

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