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Black Sabbath goes...exotica?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Rum Balls posted on 07/16/2010

Well, not on purpose, but give it a listen. Fark had this link to Black Sabbath done nursery/rockabye-style. For a laugh, I checked out the sample of "Iron Man," and dang if it doesn't sound like exotica! Complete with bird calls, nature noises, etc.


(I'm picturing Ozzy drinking a Zombie to this...) :drink:

Thunderlips posted on 07/16/2010


I always thought the original "Planet Caravan" was rather exotic but that lullaby version
is straight-up on the Arthur Lyman tip!

The Mrs. & I are expecting our second child in September; would it be wrong to replace our "Lullaby Classics" CD with
the likes of "Sweet Leaf" and "War Pigs?"

tikiyaki posted on 07/16/2010

On 2010-07-16 15:26, Thunderlips wrote:

The Mrs. & I are expecting our second child in September; would it be wrong to replace our "Lullaby Classics" CD with
the likes of "Sweet Leaf" and "War Pigs?"

Not at all ..Sabbath rules !

The cardigans do a really lounge-y version of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath that sounds downright Astrid Gilberto-ish.


[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2010-07-16 16:37 ]


"Laguna Sunrise" on Black Sabbath Vol 4 is somewhat exotica-ish.
The only example I can find is a sample on Amazon.

Amazon: Black Sabbath Vol 4

Thunderlips posted on 07/17/2010

On 2010-07-16 15:26, Thunderlips wrote:

The Mrs. & I are expecting our second child in September; would it be wrong to replace our "Lullaby Classics" CD with
the likes of "Sweet Leaf" and "War Pigs?"

On 2010-07-16 16:29, tikiyaki wrote:
Not at all ..Sabbath rules !


*Standing before the bench is *THUNDERLIPS.

As you've already heard, your honor, these
lullabies are strictly instrumental. And
without lyrics, any so-called 'harmful
subject matter' in songs like 'N.I.B.' and
'Sweet Leaf' is rendered irrelevant. All
that's left are melodious heavy metal grooves.

Distribution of harmful matter to minors is a serious
offense, Mr. Thunderlips. Yet, it is evident that you
only have the children's best interests at heart. And
while I do feel that your parenting methods are, shall
we say, highly unorthodox, I am dismissing all
the charges.

Loud cheers erupt throughout the crowded courtroom. The ever-present scowl on the
face of the PROSECUTOR finally cracks. She tears up the documents she is holding,
tosses the pieces over her head, and flashes the devil horns --- the universal sign of metal.

(banging gavel)
Order! Order! However --- I still find you in
contempt. Wearing a hawaiian shirt to court
indicates a blatant disregard for the seriousness
of these proceedings. Bailiff!

Pages: 1 4 replies