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fatuhiva posted on 08/09/2002

OK, I finally sat down and spent the time to create a CD from my Tiki Gardens LP. I still have to put this thing together, but it looks like i will have it available as a total package with the artwork, etc. Its the next best thing to spinning the real disc, which I don't do too much because I love it too much- its probably my favorite tiki item in my collection, and really hard to come by.

So now it has been digitized for posterity. 19 tracks of exotic polynesian paradise in Florida..

check out this track:


Tiki Chris posted on 08/09/2002

On 2002-08-09 09:34, fatuhiva wrote:

19 tracks of exotic polynesian paradise in Florida..

oh yes! this is good stuff. alooooha, y'all!

thrilled by the sounds of a polynesian fantasy,
Tiki Chris

Kentiki posted on 08/09/2002

Wow very cool. Will you offer copies for sale or trade?

What software did you use to record the tracks to your computer? I've been looking into doing it too, and havent't had success with the trial versions of software I downloaded. Also, I'm on a laptop, which has a mic input, but no "line-in." Do you know if that's having anyting to do with it?



TheTikiGuy posted on 08/09/2002

Absolutely........worth the time and effort. Just as good as some of my older Hawaiian LPs including demo Martin Denny and Les Paul stuff. -TheTikiGuy Mahalo

Would love to get my hands on a copy!!

TikiMikey posted on 08/09/2002

Fatuhiva -

Any chance of you burning a few copies and selling them to your fellow TikiCentralites?

Inquiring minds want to know! :)

TheTikiGuy posted on 08/09/2002

I second that motion..

Tiki Chris posted on 08/09/2002

i'd pay a reasonable amount for a copy

fatuhiva posted on 08/09/2002

yes I will be putting the whole thing together and selling them for a low price like $8-10 or something like that to recoup my costs, materials, etc. I actually went out and bought a stereo component CD burner because it was a royal pain to do it on my computer. It wasnt cheap, but it works pretty well.

The package would include all the original LP artwork and text, most likely on a seperate CD scanned at a high resolution so it could be printed into a CD booklet. It would also include a gallery of tiki gardens shots that you can peruse while listening to the record.

That's just a tiny sample of the weirdness and tiki-ness of this insane record. I was getting blown away all over again listening to it while I transferred it over. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience that is both totally tiki and totally kitschy at the same time.

TheTikiGuy posted on 08/09/2002

Excellent.......just let us know when copies will be ready!! -T

Kailuageoff posted on 08/09/2002

Most excellent Fatuhiva,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please let us know how to order a copy.

fatuhiva posted on 08/10/2002

I will have it all done very soon. I'll probably just put a dutch auction up on Ebay..

its sounding good.

Biotron2000 posted on 08/10/2002

Wow. Sounds very good, I can't wait!
Thanks for making it available.

thebaxdog posted on 08/10/2002

I think i am going to stand in line for this one.
Thanks for the hard work

fatuhiva posted on 08/10/2002

later next week I'll be putting it up and I'll make sure you all know about it on tiki central..

TikiGardener posted on 08/11/2002

great stuff!!! Glad that everyone will be able to listen to the sounds of tiki gardens while cruising the memorial! Line me up for a copy!

trustar posted on 08/11/2002

Nice job. Thank you for sharing.


Swanky posted on 08/12/2002

May I add this to my broadcast?

Tangaroa posted on 08/12/2002

Soooooo.... looks like the plan of the tiki gardener & myself doing this is out....
How soon can you have this available for sale? I've been wanting this for a long time.....

TikiGardener posted on 08/13/2002

If you're interested, I could write up a liner notes sheet, and possibly do a mini poster of some of the stuff I've acquired, including maybe some stuff not on the site.
Let me know.

fatuhiva posted on 08/14/2002

That would be a great addition to the image CD. Sounds like a cool idea- we could also add some links to your site.

I'm totally up for it- shoot me an email at fatuhiva@tikimug.com

I will also have some pics in there that I bet you havent seen yet (I've been saving a couple)

fatuhiva posted on 08/14/2002

sure go ahead and add it to your broadcast- spread the word of Tiki Gardens! You may want to mention Tiki Gardener's site as a place to get more info, etc

I will have a link to get a copy at http://www.tikimug.com as well.

TikiGardener posted on 08/14/2002

On 2002-08-13 19:25, fatuhiva wrote:
That would be a great addition to the image CD. Sounds like a cool idea- we could also add some links to your site.

I'm totally up for it- shoot me an email at fatuhiva@tikimug.com

I will also have some pics in there that I bet you havent seen yet (I've been saving a couple)

I'll email ya when I'm off work.

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