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making tiki mugs first time

Pages: 1 5 replies

tikibad posted on 07/14/2010

Hi all,well after 18 years of quiting ceramics, I just had the itch, so heres what Ive done in the past 3 days. I really impressed my self, no notes, no drawings, just let it flow out, and this is what happened. I did 8 mugs and figured, well, if it flowing out, just keep going, hopefully soon I will cast them, make limited amount and see what happens.thanks tikibad

TIKI BAD, Fire Good!

[ Edited by: tikibad 2010-07-14 16:40 ]

Tobor64 posted on 07/15/2010

Looking good so far!

LiddleLola posted on 07/15/2010

You are definitely channeling some great mug maker from the other side. Go with the flow, don't fight it. Can't wait to see the final results.

tikibad posted on 07/15/2010

thanks guys, having fun doing this!

tikibad posted on 07/23/2010

heres 3 more I did today, its just flowing I have 18 mug done now and getting ready to make the molds. thanks tikibad

Atomicchick posted on 07/24/2010

Wow, those are, really awesome! Put me on your list I want to get me some of those!

Pages: 1 5 replies