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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Tiki Central / California Events

3 nights of Rum, Fun, and Reverb at Don the Beachcomber, Fri. Sat. Sun. Aug. 6th, 7th, 8th

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bigtikidude posted on 08/04/2010

bigtikidude posted on 08/04/2010

Fri. Night, in the LongBoard Room,(Far right of building)
local Faves, Outerwave, 2 International bands, and Wash. DC. best surf band.
10 dollars, 8pm to when the music or the people drop.

Sat. night, in the Dagger Bar
after party for the SG101 convention.
The Amazing Glasgow Tiki Shakers play from 9pm to midnight.

Sun. Night. in the Dagger Bar
Matt Quilters Wave Machine,
Come see/hear what Instrumental Karokee looks/sounds like.

and maybe even get up and join in on a few songs.
7pm to 10 pm, free.

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