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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving


Pages: 1 20 replies

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

This girl is dangerous.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-10-05 08:28 ]

tikifille posted on 10/07/2003

Mr. Kahuna--Dude thanks for posting my work. In fact, thanks for posting all my fellow carver's work. I must confess that I now zip down to this thread first. Great work!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/07/2003

Merci, la fille charmante, mais vos techniques sont grandes et devrait être montré au monde avec le repos des sculpteurs doués ici! Plus de photos, plus de photos!

tikifille posted on 10/07/2003

Maintenant je sais pourquoi je trouve tous les mecs avec qui je fais des connaissance ennuyeux. Les gentilhommes chez Tiki Central n'ont pas des equivalents dehors d'ici. Je commence a travailer avec le bois encore. Mon "guest house" est fini. Je montrerai des photos tout de suite...ok give me couple of weeks. Grosses Bises, Dawna

tikitony posted on 10/09/2003

Nice stuff, Dawna, does someone from La Conchita (Ventura area) have some of yo' tikis? I sold a 7 footer to a guy who said he had tikis by Dawna?

tikifille posted on 10/10/2003

Tony-is La Conchita kind of near Carpenteria? Was he an older gentleman? (Ken) If so, yeah. He's a friend's dad who bought 4 off me a while ago (being a teacher, he hit me up at the right time...end of the month...teachers are paid monthly...so he got a great deal). He bought a 7 footer off you? That's awesome because, if it's the same guy, which it must be, he's a huge fan of tiki.

tikitony posted on 10/10/2003

yup, dats him!

GECKO posted on 10/15/2003

wats up with da wahine? I haven't seen nothin in a loooong time! I like your carvings! give me sa mo mama!!!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/19/2003

Where you at, gorgeous? I previously forgot to include you Book Of Tiki tiki!

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-12-19 00:09 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/19/2003

To carve yer very own tiki
Step 1-Contact a total stranger on another continent and ask for a full shot of the tiki you plan on trying to duplicate for a fellow tiki fan that bestowed kind words on you.
Step 2- Get to work. Draw a crummy sketch on the shorter than hoped for log (but the only one with the somewhat correct width to height dimensions)

Step 3- Get permission (by no verbal dissention) to take artistic liberties with the design of the tiki's derriere.

Step 4-Take evidence shot with dog, niece, tiki in progress, and troublemaking daughter.

It has away to go, but the body is now close to finished and the headdress is moving along.

[ Edited by: tikifille on 2003-03-14 23:11 ]

[ Edited by: tikifille on 2003-03-15 07:44 ]

tikifille posted on 12/31/2004

Here is the Lucky Tiki that was created for the Lucky Tiki Bar (Tiki Bob's new place) in L.A.. This was designed by Kevin Kidney. The design was a sort of neo-Marquesian based concept. I had never done anything like it and was happy to be challenged.
This is the blueprint I worked off of.

The base was simply 4 pieces of 4x4 laminated together, cut on a band saw, dadoed with a skill saw, routed out in the middle, and routed with a detail. Not a chisel was touched.

The body was a solid chunk of douglas fir from ridge beam fall off 6" x 12" x 36". I band sawed the basic shape, then carved the rest.


The natural grain on the butt was similar to the conscentric circles Kevin had designed on the prints, hence we were lucky.

The front of the body was equally as lucky since the grain followed one pattern all the way out.

The head became another issue. I cheated and called many moulding supply houses in search of a 9" sphere. No luck. Then I tried to turn the laminated layers on a good old Oliver lathe. No luck. Then I belt sanded and skill sawed it into as close to a sphere as humanly possible. Mediocre luck.


That was the stained body and the head before it was stained. There were a lot of stain issues on the head piece. It was primarily end grain so it absorbed more stain than the body and blah blah blah. Here are the final pictures of the finished project. Feel free to visit him at the bar.
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I tried to fix some of the small photos and enlarge them. oops.

[ Edited by: tikifille on 2004-12-31 17:18 ]

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Polynesiac posted on 12/31/2004

I can't wait to see this one in person! what a process...nice finishing job!

glad to see that you're still carvin away!

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/01/2005

Fucking Awesome!

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Aaron's Akua posted on 01/03/2005

Those are outstanding, Tikifille! It's great to see more step-by-step carving posts these days. Except.... those little picture are making me squint.

Keep up the excellent work. We need more wahine carvers around here.


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virani posted on 01/03/2005

bravo tikifille. J'adore ce que tu fais.

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Tiki Diablo posted on 01/04/2005

D-Girl, that is tight and DYNOMITE!

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Benzart posted on 01/08/2005

Looks Awesome. Here's the pix that were too small for me to see
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Nice Step-by-Step, Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

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[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-01-07 19:35 ]

tikifille posted on 01/08/2005

Benzart- Just when I finally got time to go in and fix the pictures, you saved me! Thanks so much and thanx to all for the sweet comments. Please try to hit Bobby's bar. The collective work is completely in the good tiki spirit and the bar is just awesome.

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Tangaroa posted on 01/28/2005

Tikifille -aaaaaamzing work! Really nice stuff! I wish I had known about your work sooner - you're up there with Crazy Al in my book...

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/18/2005

Dawna is probably one of our best kept secrets around here, and easily one the most resourceful and talented... (...bump!)

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/18/2005

P.S. Where are you, girl?

Pages: 1 20 replies