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Does anyone else besides me like good food?

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Tiki_Bong posted on 10/09/2003

I really like good food. I get that from my mom I think.

(I guess I'm hitting a dry spell here...)

Traderpup posted on 10/09/2003

I really like bland, flavorless food... I get that from my mom, I guess.

Humuhumu posted on 10/10/2003

I like Cheese Nips. I do not like Cheez-Its, which are gross and taste like Play-Doh (although, when I was a kid I liked the taste of Play-Doh). Except for the green tabasco flavor Cheez-Its, those are okay. And I like Better Cheddars best of all -- they have the best salt-to-cracker ratio, because of their larger and thinner shape. Extreme Pizza Flavor Blasted Goldfish Crackers are the worst cracker ever created.

SES posted on 10/10/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:12 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 10/10/2003

Thanks for the cracker breakdown Humuhumu.
I love that Sienfeld when Kramer has the line in the Woody Allen movie... "These pretzles are really making me thirsty."
I've really been craving Chinese food lately.

SES posted on 10/10/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:13 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/10/2003

My wife made me a 6 course Chinese dinner when we were dating. I do the cooking now...

SES posted on 10/10/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:13 ]

seamus posted on 10/10/2003

Yesterday my wife bought me one of those giant bags of popcorn at Walmart for one dollar. It was all gone by lunch today.
Does that qualify as good food?

Evil Mastermind posted on 10/10/2003

Hi. I like cheese.

I always thought that Chik'n-on-a-biskit was the worst cracker, but I try to keep an open mind...

Humuhumu posted on 10/10/2003

Chicken in a Biskit is a Cracker Paradise compared to Extreme Pizza Flavor Blasted Goldfish Crackers. You'll have to take my word for it. Really, don't attempt to eat them. It's like an artificial pizza flavoring nuclear explosion, which might sound like fun, but it turns out it's not.

Feelin Zombified posted on 10/10/2003


My wife is a "FOODIE" she watches FoodTV all damn night (I refer to it as her "food porn") I had hoped TC would be my safe haven from foodspeak... So say what you gotta say and get it over with.


PS- General Tao Chicken extra hot with a side of hot & sour soup please.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/10/2003

who the hell would like good food? that's ridiculous Bong

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 10/10/2003

I like whip cream topped nipples.

Now THAT's Good Food!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/10/2003

SCD? Would those be your own nipples?

Evil Mastermind posted on 10/10/2003

I hear tell that soup is good food.

Also: I try to stay on the good foot, a la James Brown.

[ Edited by: Evil Mastermind on 2003-10-09 19:43 ]

tikifish posted on 10/10/2003

I like good times.

emspace posted on 10/10/2003

I like food that tastes like absolute crap.

I'm not kidding,

vintagegirl posted on 10/10/2003

OK, so what's everyone's favorite food?

purple jade posted on 10/10/2003

Why don't "good" and "food" rhyme?

RevBambooBen posted on 10/10/2003

I hate food! Takes too much time out of the day to eat. That's an approx 2.5-3.5 hrs a day that I could be working instead!

freddiefreelance posted on 10/10/2003

On 2003-10-09 19:14, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
I like whip cream topped nipples.

Now THAT's Good Food!

I want to form a band called Sugar Frosted Nipples, is that on topic?

SES posted on 10/10/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:14 ]

kctiki posted on 10/10/2003

I like yellow or pink marshmallowy things. Good, but not good for you, so I just eat part of it.

I bit all the heads off a dozen Marshmallow Peeps and left the bodies on the supervisor's desk. The sugary skin goes crunch when you bite it and its fluffy inside.

I peel the pink marshmallow coconut dome layer off Hostess Snowballs and save the stale chocolate cake part for later.

Marshmallow Circus Peanuts. I confess if I'm freaked out enough to eat these, they go down whole.

purple jade posted on 10/10/2003

On 2003-10-10 06:51, kctiki wrote:
I like yellow or pink marshmallowy things.

So you only eat the hearts and moons?

tiki-riviera posted on 10/10/2003

People are damn freaks when it comes to food. I manage a restaurant and I actually had a lady start crying once when she found out we didn't have her favorite soup that day. Slapping her like she deserved probably would of cost me my job.

Humuhumu posted on 10/10/2003

I have a decorating tip for marshmallow peeps -- if you're going to string up oh, say, a couple hundred peeps from the ceiling, make sure they're good and stale first. Or you'll hear a hundred peeps gradually plopping to the floor all night as they slowly split off the dental floss you strung through their plump little bodies.

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-10-10 09:57 ]

kctiki posted on 10/10/2003

Purplejade, I don't consider those so-called marshmallow charms in Lucky Charms to be marshmallows at all, the bite and texture is all wrong. And none of those descriptions on that website fit my boudoir persona at all. There's no listing for people who indulge in pirate fantasies when they need to get in the mood quickly.

Humuhumu, if I were at a party with Peeps hanging from the ceiling, I wouldn't be able to resist eating them.

Tiki-riviera, a lady yelled at me when I served her a cup of coffee. She hissed, "That's not the Cream of Broccoli soup I ordered, it's French Onion, and it does't have any onions in it! I'm not going to pay!" I said, "It's the cup of coffee you ordered." She apologized and said she was having a bad day, so I didn't have to slap her.

tikichic posted on 10/10/2003

My all time favorite ice cream is Haagen-Dazs Bailey's Irish Cream. It tastes just like the real thing! It's only made during the holidays so I stock up once a week and buy 4 at a time. It's that good! Once December hits it's hard to find in the stores. If you like Bailey's than you'll love this ice cream.

Humuhumu, thanks for the tip on the Peeps. I'm a Peep lover and never know what to do with the stale ones. ha

Erika posted on 10/10/2003

Another good Haagen-Dazs flavor is hazelnut gelato. To avoid buying and eating whole pints, I only buy it a scoop at a time, when I go to a Haagen-Dazs ice cream shop.

By the way, has anybody tried Peeps Cocoa Bats? For before Halloween, I can't decide whether to get the bats, the Spooky Cats, or the amazing macaroni-and-cheese orange colored "Creepy Peeps" chicks. (After Halloween, I'll just see what's in the clearance bin once the packs are down to 25 cents.)


P.S. For anybody who likes Peeps . . .

tikichic posted on 10/10/2003

Personally, I don't care for the cocoa bats. I like the Halloween little orange pumpkins and 2nd choice is the white ghosts. At Christmas time my stores have the green Christmas trees. Those are my favs to find on Christmas morning. :wink:

SES posted on 10/10/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:15 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 10/10/2003

Once back when I was a movie caterer we had a grip say "What is this $&)#!" and throw a whole serving bowl of salad across the serving table. My partner replied "I don't know, what's this $&)#!" and throw another serving bowl of salad back. This situation quickly devolved into us throwing all the food at the grip, tipping all the steam tables over & dancing on top of the food. Needless to say the grip was fired & we weren't.

SES posted on 10/10/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:15 ]

Formikahini posted on 10/10/2003

Humuhumu, you're killin' me on this thread!

Did y'all ever see the various websites on the melting point of Peeps in a microwave? It's my kind of sick humor. Here's one:

A Peeps Hater
(Truly, the world is divided into Peeps lovers and Peeps haters. But I adore lots of other nasty candy.)

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2003-10-10 14:37 ]

Humuhumu posted on 10/10/2003

I actually really, really, really hate Peeps. My mom loves them, and every year I would get a ton of them in my Easter basket, and every year I'd say "Mom, I don't like Peeps," and she'd say "Really? I thought you loved them." Every damned year. And then she'd eat them.

A few years back just before Easter, I related to a friend of mine the Endless Cavalcade of Unwanted Peeps that was my childhood. Just days later I happened to be in a grocery store with said friend and my Mom at the same time, and I said to my friend "watch this" and then pointed to the Peeps display and said "Mom, what do I think of Peeps?" She looked at me, started giggling uncontrollably, and said "Don't you like them? I thought you liked them!"


At least we both like black jelly beans. She was never able to eat all my black jelly beans, though it wasn't from lack of trying.

Evil Mastermind posted on 10/11/2003

On 2003-10-10 16:13, Humuhumu wrote:
I actually really, really, really hate Peeps. My mom loves them, and every year I would get a ton of them in my Easter basket, and every year I'd say "Mom, I don't like Peeps," and she'd say "Really? I thought you loved them." Every damned year. And then she'd eat them.

This post is freaking me out! Are you me?!? It it tomorrow, or just the end of time? This phenomena must be more common than anyone expected. Moms of the world are gallivanting around in blissful ignorance of their offsprings peep preferences, whle the peep megacorporation fatcats get richer all the time. Maybe someone should make a pamphlet...


cynfulcynner posted on 10/11/2003

On 2003-10-10 16:13, Humuhumu wrote:
I actually really, really, really hate Peeps.

Here's what I did with Peeps for the SF Easter Parade a couple of years ago:

I didn't win the contest -- the drag queens always win these things.

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/11/2003

On 2003-10-09 22:47, purple jade wrote:
Why don't "good" and "food" rhyme?

**** NOTE - This is NOT a religious post, just normal stupid, dubm-ass Bong stuff ****

"God is great, God is good, and we thank him for this fooud" (?)

seamus posted on 10/11/2003

Oh My God! I thought peeps was a cute word for penis. This thread has cleared up a whole lotta things about my childhood.

purple jade posted on 10/11/2003

"God is great, God is good, and we thank him for this fooud" (?)

Yeah, that's what I mean...always bugged me.

And now, the Carver's Prayer:

"Lono's great, Ku is good, help me carve this piece of wood."

And Spiccoli's Prayer:

"God's a really bitchen dude, we're stoked about this gnarly food."

Humuhumu posted on 10/11/2003

When my brother started attending a Catholic middle school (why, I still don't understand, we were raised atheist/agnostic, but I digress), he took to saying:

"Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, yaaaAAAY GOD!"

MTKahuna posted on 10/11/2003

I hear that the latest fad diet is eating only foods that are the color orange.

Cheese puffs
Candy Corn
Spagetti Ohs...

SES posted on 10/11/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:16 ]

purple jade posted on 10/11/2003

My ex boyfriend made a bet with his college roommates that he could eat only foods that began with "C" for a month. They gave in when they had to watch him scarf canned codfish cakes and creamed corn, cold.

donhonyc posted on 10/11/2003

I like good food.

Formikahini posted on 10/11/2003

Here's what I did with Peeps for the SF Easter Parade a couple of years ago:
I didn't win the contest -- the drag queens always win these things.
NICE Easter bonnet, Cynfulcynner! I'm guessing you let them get nice & stale, as per Humuhumu's advice, so that they didn't do the plop-plop-fizz-fizz thing about which she warned?

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2003-10-11 09:12 ]

suzywong posted on 10/11/2003

Any fellow DOO DAD'S or

boba nai cha (Vietnamese bubble tea) fans out there?

Pages: 1 2 63 replies