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8-Ball in Burbank closing :(

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I just got a tragic message that 8 Ball in Burbank will be shutting it's doors soon!

This is the message I got from Naomi

An Important Message from the Boss Lady Herself, Naomi Alper

Hi there--

Let's start this letter in classic style: I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that after a great deal of soul-searching and deliberation, I have decided to accept a job offer that will give me the free time to pursue other ambitions.

Now, the bad news: For this reason, 8 Ball and 8 Ball Webstore will be closing at the end of August.

Yes, the Recession has played a big role in this decision—primarily because it forced me to think about other career options and goals that I had put on hold for so many years. It's time for me to move on.

My only regret is the disappointment my decision will cause to those of you who have loyally supported the store these past 13 years. For this, I am truly sorry. But I hope that you will understand and continue to shop with us till the end.

We'll be selling off everything--even the fixtures!--in the upcoming weeks, and to start things off right, the entire store and website is 10% off *. Now's the best time to redeem those discount coupons and gift cards, because we won't be restocking much and the biggest selection is at this very moment.

I encourage everyone who's ever loved 8 Ball to stop in, shop, stock up for the holidays--(because we won't be here!)--and give the store a send-off it deserves by making its last days the greatest ever. Because it's you, after all, that's made 8 Ball so great all these years.

Thank you all so, so much. It's been a fabulous run.

With heartfelt gratitude--

Naomi Alper
Owner, 8 Ball
(and Your Pals from 8 Ball, of course!)

  • sale price excludes consignment products, merchandise previously marked down and Viva Las Vegas items.

I know I'll be going there to get my hands on just about anything I can afford. Especially Sven's DVD, and some nic nacs for the house.


Well, that sucks! There was nothing like a nice Sunday walk from my house first to lunch at Porto's then on to 8 Ball to check out their groovy & swingin' stuff. We're going to miss them in the neighborhood but we wish Naomi all the best in her new endeavors.


Bummer! Thanks for the heads up.

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 4, 2010 1:01 PM


Talked to Naomi recently and kinda saw this coming.
Especially since they closed the post office nearby
which drew a lot of daily customers. Bummer!
Good luck Naomi!

That's a shame. I use to stop their frequently back when I lived in the valley.

Best wishes and good luck to you!


This is RAZZ!!

Jetson posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 1:08 AM

So sad. I will definately be going there to grab what i can.

Come and get it, kids, the store's stuff is on sale:

Naomi put on a tough fight, believe me, I witnessed it every day. With the post office on the left and the baby store on the right closing, there was no winning it anymore. Now she will have her life back, and she (and I) are happy about it!


happiness is the most important thing in life!!!thanks for all the great stuff over the years..i hope your next chapter brings much happiness.


I'd like to say something positive but instead I am in the grieving stage and can't think of anything else to say but no, no, no, no , no this can't be happening!! Oh please tell me this is just a bad dream and that I will wake up. Where am I going to buy all of my wife's birthday/anniversary/christmas presents? !!!! Are you seriously going to make me venture out to the MALL!!!! I guess my wife will have to go giftless from here on out. I will just tell her to blame Naomi as I simply can't be expected to enter the halls of the Burbank Town Center unless threatened at gun point.

All kidding aside what a crying shame! Better, I guess, to have had 8 ball for a while, than not at all. I (We) will miss you and know that a little piece of Burbank's soul goes with you.

JOHN-O posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 5:01 PM

I'll miss this kind of one-stop shopping... :(

I've found cool stuff in 8-Ball that I've not seen anywhere else (not even Wacko/Soap Plant).

But 8-Ball's "loss" could be somebody else's gain. You might want to stay tuned. :)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-08-05 17:02 ]

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