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Bar tip...Tsetse fly, Red eyed bugger, bar fly, what have you....

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/11/2010

We call them tsetse flies. Maybe you call them fruit flies or red eyed devils. All of a sudden they have appeared. I can't keep a piece of fruit on the counter for more than 15 minutes. Uncut!! It isn't even hot here yet.

I am not scared of them but, they do annoy. Strangely, they even like hot wings. Is it that zippy vinegar hot sauce?!

Derail. I'm eating hotwings with my bro. Wing in hand, bro sees tsetse land on my wing, bro and I look at each other. I say, "i'll eat it! He says "no way" I eat it!! Red eyed bugger and all. "Ef you Red Eyed Devil!"

Long story short!! Before anyone comes over I'll pour a little of the sweet stuff, Pyrat maybe into a shot glass (at the bar and in the kitchen) for my homeyflies. Thirty or so show up for a taste and "BLAMO!!!, I Windex their ass!

Just a tip I thought I should share.

MadDogMike posted on 08/11/2010

Those are fruit flies - your "cherry" is rotten :D

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/11/2010

On 2010-08-11 06:32, MadDogMike wrote:
Those are fruit flies - your "cherry" is rotten :D

:) more like my rotten banana. Those buggers live along time.

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