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New Here - My outdoor bar

Pages: 1 7 replies

probesport posted on 08/11/2010

I just found this place and you guys have all done some seriously great work. I figured I would post my outdoor bar in progress here. I wished I would have found this place before I got started, I love some of the ideas I've seen so far...

My neighbor and I have been building a complete outdoor entertainment area and over the past week we've been doing a bit more stuff....

I'll start at the beginning;


You can see the cedar hot tub in the back there a bit as well, finally got this all together and running with a new spa pack just building the decking for it now.

Cup dispenser I made yesterday;

side view of some of the water feature, still need a river

Fire pit;

This has been a great project and it just keep's on growing.

RevBambooBen posted on 08/11/2010

awesome tiki bar!!!

Tikilizard posted on 08/11/2010

SWEET! You should carve the outer legs of the bar as tiki's.

tikigodz posted on 08/12/2010

GREAT!! Job Is that an effin cup holder!!

beadtiki posted on 08/12/2010

My sister would LOVE what you've done - she's really into the "lodge" look and your birchbark bar looks great and your water feature reminds me of the Country Bears Jamboree at D-Land!

"Something, something, something, Dark Side, something, something."

[ Edited by: beadtiki 2010-08-11 21:11 ]

probesport posted on 08/13/2010

Thanks for all the compliments guys!

The sides will have a tiki style thatch roof I think and I love the idea of the logs up front being carved...

WooHooWahine posted on 08/13/2010

WooHoo! Looks Great! It's beautiful where you live..what state??

probesport posted on 08/13/2010

Michigan, and we enjoy the area all year round bonfire & hottub in the middle of winter with 2 feet of snow is very enjoyable :)

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