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U.S. microdistillery rums

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Shaun of theTiki posted on 09/16/2009

Since the St. George distillery will soon release their rum, I've become more interested in other rums made by American microdistilleries. Unfortunately, many of them are made in tiny batches and are only available in a few places.

I'm curious if anybody has tried Charbay's Tahitian Vanilla rum, Rogue's dark rum and Dogfish Head's honey and orange/coriander rums.



uncle trav posted on 09/16/2009

I haven't tried any of the micro rums. Not that I don't want too but the price is way out of my rum budget at the moment. Here's one that I would like to try in my area.


rupe33 posted on 09/16/2009

Have had Rogue's white (have not seen the dark yet) and it was pretty good.

Dogfish Head's honey is interesting - if you enjoy spiced rums, it's sort of a semi-sweet spiced rum. Since they have some brewpubs in the DC area, we can sometimes find their rums locally in stores.

Either is worthy of seeking out if you're looking to try something out of the ordinary. Both ventures make terrific beer as well.

kick_the_reverb posted on 09/19/2009

I have an opened bottle of Charbay's Tahitian Vanilla rum and another one of their Islands cane rum, that I was given by Marko from Charbay. I have only tried the light rum, and it is very good, light rum that you can sip. I will report after I tried the vanilla rum.


Rum Connection posted on 09/22/2009

The Charbay and Dogfish Brown Honey are both nice SWEET rums. If you're into flavored rums, you should try them. Rogue has definitely stepped up the quality of their spirits as of late. My favorite is their Hazelnut Rum. It's made the old fashioned way with a clothe sack of hazelnut spices suspended in the column of the still. Magically, the perfect amount of flavor is absorbed during the process.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 03/28/2010

I recently tasted and enjoyed Rogue Dark and Thomas & Leopold. I found the Rogue in a tiny liquor shop near CA's Folsom Lake while I tried the Leopold at a midtown Sacramento bar. Both rums have a mellow and delicate vanilla flavor - they're best for sipping neat rather than mixing with. The prices aren't that bad ($30 range). I'm now on the lookout for the Tuthilltown rum (made by the NY distillery that produces the Hudson whiskies).

Rum Balls posted on 03/29/2010

I have a bottle of the second batch of rum House Spirits produced (they're the folks that make Aviation Gin & Medeyoff Vodka). You can only buy the rum at the distillery here in Portland. Luckily for me, it's about a mile from my house.

The rum is pretty good...made from Hawaiian turbinado sugar cane. A few details on their website, and that's a picture of the rum on the page:


The Gnomon posted on 03/29/2010

On 2009-09-22 07:51, Rum Connection wrote:
The Charbay and Dogfish Brown Honey are both nice SWEET rums. If you're into flavored rums, you should try them. Rogue has definitely stepped up the quality of their spirits as of late. My favorite is their Hazelnut Rum. It's made the old fashioned way with a clothe sack of hazelnut spices suspended in the column of the still. Magically, the perfect amount of flavor is absorbed during the process.

Guess what happens when I try to go to rumconnection.com.


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Swanky posted on 03/29/2010

Not sure how far flung Prichard's is. Made here in TN. I am thinking of going on a tour of the place. Reports re the rum is good, but I have yet to try it.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 03/29/2010

On 2010-03-29 07:40, Rum Balls wrote:
I have a bottle of the second batch of rum House Spirits produced (they're the folks that make Aviation Gin & Medeyoff Vodka). You can only buy the rum at the distillery here in Portland. Luckily for me, it's about a mile from my house.

The rum is pretty good...made from Hawaiian turbinado sugar cane. A few details on their website, and that's a picture of the rum on the page:


I'll have to try that rum when I visit the Smugglers Cove in SF, I believe they're the only bar that serves it.

rev_thumper posted on 03/30/2010

Folly Cove Rum (Ryan & Wood Distilleries, Gloucester, Mass.) is now on the shelves in Massachusetts.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 04/04/2010

I just got the St. George distillery's newsletter and they're releasing another rum this year called Agua Libre. I'm dying to try it out as their Eurydice rum rocks.

arriano posted on 04/09/2010

I received an email the other day from Ballast Point Spirits in San Diego saying its Three Sheets Rum will soon be available.


Shaun of theTiki posted on 08/12/2010

I just got a press release from St. George and their Agua Libre rum is finally being released this month in two kinds: fresh-squeezed (I'm guessing it's light rum) and aged. The catch is that they're only being sold in the following places:

Beltramos - Menlo Park
http://www.beltramos.com 650.325.2806

Blackwells Wine & Spirits – San Francisco
http://www.blackwellwines.com 415.386.9463

Bottle Barn - Santa Rosa
http://www.bottlebarn.com 707.528.1161

Cask – San Francisco
http://www.caskstore.com 415.424.4844

Corti Bros - Sacramento
http://www.cortibros.biz 916.736.3800

D and M – San Francisco
http://www.dandm.com 415.346.1325

Eddie's Drive In Liquors - Oakland

Healthy Spirits – San Francisco
healthy-spirits.blogspot.com 415.255.0610

Jackson's Wine and Spirits - Lafayette

John Walker and Company- San Francisco
http://www.johnwalker.com 415.986.2707

Jug Shop - San Francisco
http://www.jugshop.com 415.885.2922

JV - Napa
http://www.jvwine.com 707.253.2624

K and L- Redwood City and San Francisco
http://www.klwines.com 415.896.1734/ 650.364.8544

Ledgers - Berkeley
http://www.ledgersliquors.com 510.540.9243

Swirl on Castro – San Francisco
http://www.swirloncastro.com 415.864.2262

Wine on Piedmont - Oakland

[ Edited by: Shaun of theTiki 2010-08-11 19:47 ]

captnkirk posted on 08/13/2010

I'm from Delaware and we do have Dogfish head's Rum in the stores.

If you want a bottle of it send me a personal message.
PayPal the cost+shipping to me, and I will mail a bottle of it to you no problems.

phinz posted on 08/13/2010

On 2010-03-29 09:54, Swanky wrote:
Not sure how far flung Prichard's is. Made here in TN. I am thinking of going on a tour of the place. Reports re the rum is good, but I have yet to try it.

Remind me next time you're over and we'll break out a few of the Prichard's bottles.

freddiefreelance posted on 08/20/2010

On 2010-04-09 08:27, arriano wrote:
I received an email the other day from Ballast Point Spirits in San Diego saying its Three Sheets Rum will soon be available.


It is available now, all over SD.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 08/26/2010

I finally got a bottle of St. George's Fresh Squeezed Aqua Libre Rum and my first impressions are quite positive. It has a strong grassy, agave-like flavor that's found in many agricole rums. The rum has a nice kick if tasted neat. This calls for a Ti Punch.

Anybody tried their Aged Agua Libre?

[ Edited by: Shaun of theTiki 2010-08-25 20:19 ]

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