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Surfin' Tiki Variety Show August 28 Los Angeles!!!

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Bongo Ben posted on 08/13/2010

Celebrate the end of the summer with all things exotica at the Surfin' Tiki Variety Show!

Captured Aural Phantasy Theater presents its Surfin' Tiki Variety Show, interpreting nuggets from classic surf and tiki pop culture. Revel to live, dramatic readings of vintage surf comic books, classic tiki TV and more! Plus, the evening includes surf and tiki-themed short acts, sultry singing, prizes, and live music by members of the surf band, “The Noble Gasses!”

Visit the Tiki Ti before the show and then bring your receipt to the performance for a ticket discount!
Be part of the show! Visit the website, http://www.capturedauralphantasy.com, to send in tropical vacation photos to display at the show!

the WHERE Gallery

1519 Griffith Park Blvd. (at Sunset)
in the heart of
Silverlake, Los Angeles, CA
just down the street from the Tiki Ti!

August 28, 2010
(Saturday night)
8 pm


Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.capturedauralphantasy.com
Twitter: CAPTLA
See us on Facebook!

Captured Aural Phantasy Theater combines the art, drama and comedy of a vintage radio program with the live entertainment of a variety show.

Bongo Ben posted on 08/16/2010

Less than 2 weeks to go until the Surfin' Tiki Variety Show hits LA!!

bananabobs posted on 08/20/2010

Speaking for myself, I need a little more to go on...

Bongo Ben posted on 08/21/2010

Please let me know what more you'd like to know and I'll be happy to tell you.


bananabobs posted on 08/21/2010

On 2010-08-21 07:43, Bongo Ben wrote:
Please let me know what more you'd like to know and I'll be happy to tell you.

Oh your so welcome!
(Very bubbly for 7:43am)

So let me see if I have this right, this is actors with a sheet hung up in the back yard pretending to do a TiKi surfing show/melodrama? With singing and dancing? with a villain and a heroine? Is That what Variety means?
Ole Time Radio? Like 30's style? Not much surfi'n and tiki'n back then, mostly a 50's kind of thing... Surf music? That was mostly 60's. The Noble Gasses? A surf band?
That's the more that I'd need and you don't even have to be happy when you tell me.

[ Edited by: bananabobs 2010-08-21 09:25 ]

Bongo Ben posted on 08/21/2010

We definitely mix eras in the show. The show is anchored by the performances of a few surfing stories taken from 50's and 60's comic books and TV shows read in a radio-show style with music and live sound effects and with art projected behind the actors that relates to each story. In between the stories, we have a few musical acts and more performances. An MC announces the in-between bits which are tiki-themed, including an audience participation performance of "Quiet Village", readings from island-themed record albums (late 50's) and bits from the Brady Bunch Hawaii episodes. Plus a few more things. It all happens inside the WHERE Gallery in LA at Sunset and Griffith Park Blvd.

I hope this helps. Obviously, I'm biased, but it should be a fun show.

Thanks for asking about it.

We've been performing this kind of thing for a long time, from Chicago to LA, with each show themed differently. This is our first surf/tiki theme.

And, yes, I get up early and am a morning person, prone to bubbly exclamation points. My wife hates it.

Bongo Ben posted on 08/21/2010

Oh, and these are the Noble Gasses that will be at the show:


bananabobs posted on 08/22/2010

Well the Noble Gasses are legitimate and if they are friends of Tonga Hut, they are friends of mine.

Bongo Ben posted on 08/24/2010

Only a few more days to go until the Surfin' Tiki Variety Show rides into Los Angeles for one night, August 28!

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