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Happy International Tiki Day!!

Pages: 1 16 replies

Unga Bunga posted on 08/09/2003

I just wanted to wish everyone on this fantastic forum, only the best on this International Tiki Day! Let's have a drink together is spirit.
May the tiki Gods shine upon you.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/09/2003

Happy International Tiki Day from Bigbro! May this day become a legal holiday some day!

fartsatune posted on 08/09/2003

A toast to the most important day of the year!

boutiki posted on 08/09/2003

Happy ITD to everyone! We are off to Hala Kahiki to celebrate!!!

Tiki Baron posted on 08/09/2003

Yep it's that time of year again,, well for the first time.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

scigirl posted on 08/09/2003

I also send best wishes and coconut dreams to forum members on this wonderous day. I actually made and sent out cards to bewildered friends and relatives. They'll be ready for next year!

I think next year, I'll put a palm tree in my living room and decorate it with lights and appropriate ornamentation. Any suggestions for a tree topper?

emspace posted on 08/10/2003

On 2003-08-09 16:55, scigirl wrote:
Any suggestions for a tree topper?

A monkey wearing a fez!

aloha all,

inkylouise posted on 08/10/2003

Happy ITD from Ko-Huna Russell and Wahini NYC!

scigirl posted on 08/10/2003

Ahhh, my goal for the new Tiki year is to find the bestest of the best fez monkey for my Intl. Tiki Day Tree!

ecm posted on 08/10/2003

happy tiki day everyone

Monkeyman posted on 08/11/2003

Ahhhhh.... Feel the love.

Cumbayah anyone?

Ditto to all the well wishers on a unique and fun day.

GROG posted on 08/14/2010

Happy International Tiki Day!!!!

TikiG posted on 08/14/2010

Back at you Grog, sir - and everybody else. Glass held high and toast!! (a seven-year gap between posts before Grog's latest? huh?)

beadtiki posted on 08/14/2010

HERE'S the "Aloha!" Going to Pete's ITD celebration/drunken rum fest tonight! Can't wait! Gonna carbo-load before going so I can stay MORE sober! Have a fun one all!

MadDogMike posted on 08/14/2010

I'm working today! How come I always get stuck working the major holidays (New Years, Tiki Day, Talk Like a Pirate Day)? :(

RevBambooBen posted on 08/14/2010

ITJD! (international tiki jeep day)

JOHN-O posted on 08/15/2010

Buy it here !!

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