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The Tiki Oasis band thread

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tiki mick posted on 08/23/2010

I thought maybe it might be a good idea to have a thread about just the bands that played at tiki oasis.....

(If not, someone please merge this thread with the "official" thread)

But here are some of my favorite moments:

Squid sitting in with the Swank Bastards...awesome, just totally awesome! The man is so loose, yet so tight at the same time. This was one hell of a room party!

The Martini Kings with their singer brought a lot of class to the stage, that's for sure! I am sure Mr Vegas, John-O, would have approved!

The elevator show with the Mai-Kai gent's bass player and guitar player. These guys were throwing down some serious jazz! Makes me happy to see such a level of high musicianship. That bass player is too awesome for words! As drunk as I was, this was actually one of my favorite things I heard over the weekend!

Jim Bacchi sitting in with Lushy (did I get that right?) on his bongos.....wow!

The band chum was really killing it during a room party...loud and wild, but they were GREAT! I did not realize the drummer is also in the Insect Surfers!

And then there was APE. Ok, I have seen them before but really was not expecting the level of tightness they showed, considering they hardly ever play. Every member of that band is excellent...but a special shot out to that crazy drummer. The man needs to be committed to a mental institution...what with that homicidal look in his eyes! God DAMN he is good! C-Al was like a lord among men, prowling the stage, singing, dancing, hacking away at his tiki. I even got a wood chip in my glass!

Well that's it for now......

MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2010

I didn't get to see the Saturday night bands but the Friday night lineup was great. And I just have to say that after 50 years, Kim Tsoy still has the sauce!

RickshawRecords posted on 08/24/2010

Part of CHUM's set at the Car Show is posted on my YouTube channel:

  • Rick
Tonga Tom posted on 08/24/2010

Here's some shots from The Tikiyaki Orchestra's first set on Thursday night...

Jeff Central posted on 08/24/2010

On 2010-08-23 11:29, MadDogMike wrote:
I didn't get to see the Saturday night bands but the Friday night lineup was great. And I just have to say that after 50 years, Kim Tsoy still has the sauce!

I agree!!! Kim Tsoy and the "new" Sauce rocked the house Friday night!!!!! :)

Sophista-tiki posted on 08/24/2010

everything Lucas Vigor said were also my favorite moments. thers no point in repeating it. I was even going to start off with Dave sitting in withe Thee Swank Bastards, hes got a great old school jazz flair. what a treat!

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2010-08-24 15:09 ]

squid posted on 08/24/2010

Although I didn't get to catch many of the acts, everyone I managed to hear at Oasis was awesome.

Project Pimento with guest JonPaul on bass-o-phone were the perfect complement to the Keep A Breast art show. Hope you're feeling better JP!! Buy their stuff!

The Hula Girls were swinging their collective asses off in the ballroom! Gary Brandin on steel did his usual stellar job of filling in as if he'd been with the band for years. And I believe I saw Sabu Le Coconut Boy cuttin' some serious rug as well... Buy their stuff!

I caught the Ding Dong Devils in a drunken room crawl haze. (me, not them :) ) I had no idea what to expect and I'm still not sure what it is I did hear! I hate putting labels on bands or doing the old comparison thing so I'll leave it at this: They were the most enjoyably quirky ensemble I've heard in a long time. Buy their stuff!

Sand Devils!!! Ran and the lads was smokin'! Thanks for the cocktails! Buy their stuff!

Thee Swank Bastards... Black Sabbath, burnin' proto-punk surf and Szandora? What's not to like? Thanks for letting me sit in fellers! Buy their stuff!

APE.... FINALLY!!! I have never had the APE experience. I feel totally violated... in a very good way. Buy their stuff!

Martini Kings with Sonny Moon... Smoooooth, baby, smooth!! Congrats to Tony and Val. Buy their stuff!

Oh, and go see "NUTTY", Sonny's kooky band!!!

Did I mention you should buy all these bands' stuff?

What could be better than seeing any of the bands? Seeing Marie King up and mobile with a big old smile on her face!

[ Edited by: squid 2010-08-24 15:24 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 08/24/2010

Here's some shots from The Tikiyaki Orchestra's second set on Thursday night with Marina.

tikiyaki posted on 08/25/2010

HeyO !!! Paydirt...

Great photos Tom !!!

TikiG posted on 08/25/2010

Yeah! GREAT PICS Tom -

and Jim, man, no doubt Marina - grinding on the stage - kicked your set into overdrive. Fanfrickintastic.

I'm sorry to have missed the gig and Oasis this time.

Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2010

Ding Dong Devils during daytime...

crazy al posted on 08/25/2010

this look sums up the fire show thursday night!

vintagegirl posted on 08/25/2010

Unfortunately, with all the running around this weekend, I didn't get to see that many bands aside from the Mai Kai Gents (who are always in top form). But I did want to say how honored I was to go-go dance for APE on Saturday night along with Atomikitty as my dance partner. I decided to bring out my previous Oasis award-winning costumes (made by Atomic Cocktail) for the 10th anniversary occasion: Jungle Josie (the monkey fur bikini and banana skirt, also my tribute to Josephine Baker) and Shipwrecked Sally (worn by Atomikitty). Many thanks to APE for playing such an amazing and energetic set that was loads of fun to dance to!

And here's another nice action shot taken by Sherrill Yurth of Ace Shirt:

heylownine posted on 08/25/2010

All of the bands I saw and heard put on awesome sets. My own personal highlights:

  • Any time I get 2 sets of Tikiyaki in 1 night I'm happy. Normally I have to play my Mayflower DVD for that.
  • The Martini Kings played a set that got my "new to Tiki Oasis" friends hooked since they recognized some standards like Witchcraft.
  • APE pretty much had me gawking at what I was experiencing on stage. I was in awe when they finished.

Like I said, every band I saw was great, these were just a few of the personal highlights. Oh and frantically trying to find someone selling the Hula Girls CD on Sunday only to run into them late afternoon at the BBQ stand where I got my CD.


Jason Wickedly posted on 08/25/2010

Does anyone know why "Johnny Aloha" aka Richard Cheese didn't make it Saturday night?

martini kings posted on 08/25/2010

Martini Kings live featuring vocalist sonny moon at tiki oasis 10.
"fly me to the moon"

Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2010

Ding Dong Devils during nighttime...

Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2010

Here's Thee Swank Bastards
Unfortunately, I only got shots from the 5th or 6th floor.

PolynesianPop posted on 08/25/2010

Here are some shots of The Hula Girls

tiki mick posted on 08/25/2010

Alright! Finally some Hula Girls love!

Thanks Poly!

Lucas Likes!

Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2010

APE and sexy dancin' ladies: part one

Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2010

Project Pimento Pictures

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 08/26/2010

I want to know who switched the event banners during the Hula Girls show. That was one of funniest pranks of the whole event.

tiki mick posted on 08/26/2010

On 2010-08-25 18:01, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
I want to know who switched the event banners during the Hula Girls show. That was one of funniest pranks of the whole event.

Despite the fact that security was briefed beforehand, and there were pictures of him near the sign in/wristband desk, Tiki Bong managed to get it!

crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

i never thought i would get more pic posts then Marina! thanks Tonga Tom!!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-08-25 19:52 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 08/26/2010

On 2010-08-25 19:38, crazy al wrote:
i never thought i would get more pic post then Marina! thanks Tonga Tom!!

You're welcome Al, wait 'til the rest of the set goes up!

crazy al posted on 08/26/2010
crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

the elevator!!! check out how clean this sounds!!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-08-25 22:54 ]

crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

TO-9........just posted?? Blue Hawaiians!!

can't wait for TikiOasisTV of APE!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-08-25 23:08 ]

bigtikidude posted on 08/26/2010

one of the reasons I go to Oasis it the Music,
the others being the good times with friends and drinks.

all 3 nights of music were off the Richter scale this year.
Highlights for me were of course Tikiyaki Orchestra(exotica rock stars anyone)?
and Ape, such a fun swinging time.

I am bummed that I missed the Martini Kings with Sonny Moon.
I was needed to bar back in the Nor. Cal. room for Ran(kick the reverb)


crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

God i love these guys...... TO9.....too

congawa posted on 08/26/2010

On 2010-08-25 13:06, Tonga Tom wrote:
Ding Dong Devils during nighttime...

Tom, thanks so much for capturing the madness of the room party, including some of the dancing and the beach balls, and even some of my "Jack La Lame" moves!

Caltiki Brent

Tonga Tom posted on 08/26/2010

APE and sexy dancin' ladies: part two

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monet2u posted on 08/26/2010

can someone tell me the name of the band who has the dude with the HAIR? Their music was awesome! Saw some pics of them playing by the pool during the swimsuit show, but wasn't outside then. Heard them get up and jam after Chum in the pj party Saturday nite in Tiki Heaven's room. I sipped my pineapple drink to some dreamy surf tunes.

crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

My Original with Eric Rindal "El Borracho"
another APE Original by Mitch Tobias 'Life is a Bowl of Cherries"
T!Tom is a mad man with a lens!
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Jeff takes a chip to the face! Yah!
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[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-08-26 16:24 ]

tiki mick posted on 08/26/2010

On 2010-08-26 14:54, monet2u wrote:
can someone tell me the name of the band who has the dude with the HAIR? Their music was awesome! Saw some pics of them playing by the pool during the swimsuit show, but wasn't outside then. Heard them get up and jam after Chum in the pj party Saturday nite in Tiki Heaven's room. I sipped my pineapple drink to some dreamy surf tunes.

Jason Lee and the R.I.P Tides?


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-08-26 15:36 ]

bigtikidude posted on 08/27/2010

Bingo Lucas,
you got it.

I got a few chips in the face,
one in the mouth, and one in the eye.

damn that log smelled and tasted horrible.
where did you dig it up?


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GROG posted on 08/27/2010

It came from the pet shelter. They had to cut it down because it died from all the dogs peeing on it.

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Tiki-Tim posted on 08/27/2010

Here's one that I just finished.Lots more to come..........
The Tikiyaki Orchestra - Shake Hula Bossa Nova

HD Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gt-0eicF1g&hd=1
Standard Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gt-0eicF1g
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[ Edited by: Tiki-Tim 2010-08-27 00:13 ]

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mp posted on 08/27/2010

Here are my pics of the Swank Bastards. A little blurry
but what the hell! What a fun show.

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Good times!!!

Tonga Tom posted on 08/27/2010

On 2010-08-27 00:11, Tiki-Tim wrote:
Here's one that I just finished.Lots more to come..........
The Tikiyaki Orchestra - Shake Hula Bossa Nova

HD Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gt-0eicF1g&hd=1
Standard Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gt-0eicF1g
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Awesome! One of my favorite songs, and one of my favorite drinks!
Great work Tiki-Tim, can't wait for more!

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Bad30th posted on 08/27/2010

Just another shout out to the Tikiyaki Orchestra - it was my first time seeing them and WOW what an amazing show Thursday at the Bali Hai - I'm a fan for life !! Hope you guys are at Oasis next year too !

Cheers -

Tonga Tom posted on 08/27/2010

The Martini Kings with Crazy Al from Sunday afternoon...

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monet2u posted on 08/27/2010

On 2010-08-26 15:36, lucas vigor wrote:

On 2010-08-26 14:54, monet2u wrote:
can someone tell me the name of the band who has the dude with the HAIR? Their music was awesome! Saw some pics of them playing by the pool during the swimsuit show, but wasn't outside then. Heard them get up and jam after Chum in the pj party Saturday nite in Tiki Heaven's room. I sipped my pineapple drink to some dreamy surf tunes.

Jason Lee and the R.I.P Tides?


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-08-26 15:36 ]


yep, that's got to be them, I did catch his name was Jason. Have to check them out online.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/175297b5e8556eca21ce12770e247d62?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
chrisandsarahb posted on 08/27/2010

Awesome photos Tonga Tom!!! I think you were shooting some stuff by me during the Ape set. We were getting pelted with wood chips. I found some later in my coat pockets, too cool. Now they have a home in one of my Crazy Al mugs.

Tonga Tom posted on 08/27/2010

On 2010-08-27 13:42, chrisandsarahb wrote:
Awesome photos Tonga Tom!!! I think you were shooting some stuff by me during the Ape set. We were getting pelted with wood chips. I found some later in my coat pockets, too cool. Now they have a home in one of my Crazy Al mugs.

Thank you! Yes, I was right by you, and here you are in the lower left of this photo.
BTW- Looking forward to more movies.
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C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/175297b5e8556eca21ce12770e247d62?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
chrisandsarahb posted on 08/27/2010


crazy al posted on 08/28/2010

if i only had a dollar for every wood-chip i've found in my pocket... or someone's guitar case, peddle stand, amp?

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