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Outdoor Lounge Designs

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Jungle Trader posted on 10/12/2003

Anyone know where I can get some A frame outdoor lounge room design plans/drawings?

Kava Dan posted on 10/12/2003

It's not an "A" frame, in fact it's not even Tiki (Florida Indian Hut), but it's pretty close and looks like it wood be a fast build.

tikifish posted on 10/13/2003

I have a plan for an a-fram roof that goes over your patio - it's in one of those mid century modern books that I often have on Ebay. Which book, now that's a question, and if I currently have one in stock is another good question. It is not rain proof, it is more decorative, and for shade. If you are interestied I will try to track it down. It is just a roof, not a whole room.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/13/2003

Thanks Kava Dan, tikifish.
I'm looking for the whole thing, decorative, for shade and not rain proof is fine. I need actual dimensions for cuts, bolts, etc., design/drawing. Similar to the one Paumana posted.
I really appreciate your input.

RevBambooBen posted on 10/13/2003

JT- I'll get you A-frame drawings. Just send me the sizes and 10k. No worries bra!

p.s. I thought you were the contruction dude type. Just do it!

tikitony posted on 10/13/2003

if you build it, they will come...

Jungle Trader posted on 10/13/2003

Boobam Ben, wish I could "just do it". I'm good at landscaping but not so good at building wood structures. I'd screw it up bad if I just did it. For me, first time, I gotta have a picture. I'm slow like that.

RevBambooBen posted on 10/13/2003

JT- you got a "Sheds r Us" or Similar near you? Just go study them and then......or I think Home Depot even has free classes on basic construction. Or, is there a library in Turlock? You don't need to be a pro, 20 yr, bad back, beer drinkin',cat callin' framer, to do that. Just...Do....It!! I know you can! (think Mr. Rogers!!!!) (or, Eddy Murphy!!)

seamus posted on 10/14/2003

Hey JT,
Your library or local bookstore will have books on back yard garden structures. they may not be specific down to every detail, but some show an example that you can order plans for. I love picking up old garden and patio books at thrift stores and garage sales. Some of 'em have really cool backyard structures in them that would be perfect for what you're trying to do. If you need help, I'll work for much cheaper than Bamboo Ben!

tikifish posted on 10/14/2003

I found the book I was talking about but the instructions aren't as detailed as you would like - in fact they are completely vague. Sorry!

Kava Dan posted on 10/15/2003

Jungletrader, if your really in a pinch, I could draw a set of plans for you to your specifications. I'm in desperate need of a Tiki for my backyard, maybe a little barter? If your interested, email me at [email protected]

I usually do elevations and a full 3D perspective in my plans. I can send you some samples of non Tiki structures I have done for my customers. They always have critical dimensions, but normally not the cut angles, I could add that if you need it. I also have a few tropical 3D renderings that I have not yet gotten to the elevations yet.

BTW: I'm in the East Bay Area, so were not that far apart.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/15/2003

Thanks everyone.
Kava Dan I'm not in a hurry, I'm going to build one for my new house and then I will offer to build them as part of my biz. I'd like to see your designs. The more the better.
I just took pics of one that is so simple but strong. Can't believe how simple. Thatch could be easily attached. These were built with 6", 3" dia. lodge poles and standard lodge poles for bracing trees.

Oh, and obviously these are not "A" frames. They don't have to be "tiki".

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-10-14 22:52 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 10/15/2003
Kava Dan posted on 10/15/2003

Jungle trader, I wouldn't use thatch on the flat roofed overhead you posted, thatch need to have an angle on it or the rain will sit inside and prematurely wrought it. Ideally for "rainproof" thatch should have a 45% angle on the slope, since rainproofing isn't important to you, you can get away with a much milder slope, at least enough so the water will drain out. One of the things I see quite a bit in my South Pacific travels are similar structures with coconut frowns on top for shade. They use them mainly for beach side boat repairs and shade. Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L)
would be a good alternative and are in abundance here in California, as I'm sure you know! :wink:

Cut them off several feet from where they protrude from the trunk, they are pretty sharp and not as dense. They will shrink 50% or more when they dry, so plan to use 2-3 times as many as you think you will need. Simply lash them to the lattice starting in the center and work your way out. Soak your rope you will lash them with in water and lash them when they are still wet, when the rope dry's, it will create a very tight knot.

Also, I don't think that structure will meet California code without a few changes, that's fine for your back yard, but for your customers it could be an issue.

Neat idea using the tree stakes for the top lattice! I have been trying to come up with an idea for the rafters and cross members on my Tiki hut and that looks like it will work perfect! :D

seamus posted on 10/28/2003

Here's a couple cool pictures I came across.
This first one is taken from a 1961 Sunset Patio Book. The caption says the material is redwood snow fencing, but It could easily be lathe- strung together and hung like fabric over steel pipe posts to form a tent like shade cover.

This one could easily become a very nice backyard Tikibar with a few polynesian or asian touches added to the structure.

[ Edited by: seamus on 2003-10-28 11:28 ]

[ Edited by: seamus on 2003-10-28 11:30 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 11/10/2003

Thanks for posting those images Seamus. I'm looking forward to seeing more. I think my own NEW backyard will be a nice experiment.
We've moved into the new house and I'm back on-line. Can't wait to start playin' in the dirt and building a new Tiki Jungle. Just like Poly Pop, I think I'm going to build my bar in the 3rd garage or in the backyard rather then have folks luggin' their drinks downstairs from my office.
Keep posting those designs folks.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/17/2004

I'll probably buy one of these, take it apart, put it back together then start makin' 'em myself HAHAHHAH J/K, But I am going to buy one, unless Boobam Ben wants to make me one.

here's the link, they are very cool.

Tiki-Todd posted on 01/18/2004

I live about 20 miles North of Boston Massachusetts. I am currently in the process of transforming my basement into a full on tropical / tiki bar and lounge. But I would love to build something in my back yard . Thatch is something I love the look of but I have always been afraid that the New England weather would destroy it and I dont want to add a roof every 6 months. Is there an alternative to thatch that gives close to the same look, yet could take the hell that is New England?

Thanks Everyone.

tikitony posted on 01/18/2004

Well, for starters, we have the traditional A frame built up on stilts to avoid flood damage...

There's the domed thatch, good for overly windy conditions,...

And once again, the A frame from the side.

Here in Ventura Co. and all the way up to San Luis Obispo, Bamboo grows near train tracks and river beds. Its not native but it sure gets around. It was originally used shreaded up in packaging in the 30's-60's on shipments from China, somehow it got dumped somewhere, and now its everywhere. I used it here on my remedial hut in my back yard. I also used the palm frawn idea, only I used Queen Palm, because the frawns are so whimsical and loopy, which makes a nice shaggyness... uh. yup. Good luck Jungletrader, can't wait to see the results!

mY TiKi sLide sHow:
hEre & TC page
eMaiL mE fOr cUsToM TiKiS, Lamps, mAsks, sHeLvEs, sHiFt
Darn stupid fingers

[ Edited by: tikitony on 2004-01-18 02:12 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 01/18/2004

Hey Tony, you're artwork is influenced by Dr. Seuss, correct? I like.

tikitony posted on 01/20/2004

must be, since thats what peeps tell me, now that I think about it, I remember my mom reading me Green eggs and ham sam I am, when I was wearing pj's with the feet in 'em. I probably requested that every night, 'cause thats the only story I remember her reading me..

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