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Edmonton Tiki Event 08/26/2010

Pages: 1 3 replies

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/25/2010

This was in today's Edmonton Journal:


We may be a long way from the beach but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a rum-laced, umbrella-topped drink for a good cause.

On Thursday, tropical-themed fundraiser #yegTIKI will feature a Worst Hawaiian Shirt Contest and a silent auction where bids will be paid not in cash, but in donations to the Edmonton Food Bank.

Every 100 grams and 100 mL of food and drinks pledged to the food bank will be worth $1 toward apparel, passes and gift certificates to local bars and restaurants.

#yegTIKI happens Thursday at the Cha Island Tea Co., at 10332 81st Ave., at 7:30 p.m.
© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2010-08-25 10:44 ]

TIKIVILLE posted on 08/27/2010

hey, that around the corner ...wish I knew about it sooner!

Brandomoai posted on 08/27/2010

Once again, SDT, you let us down by not giving us notice. Yes, this is all your fault. Maybe when some local coffee shop decides to throw a "Tiki Party" they should go online and see if there might be a forum dedicated to this sort of thing where they could do a bit of advertising or search out local afficionados. Heck, maybe they would even learn something about the history and (pop) culture behind it. If only there was such an online forum... Well, anyway, next time there's something going on in this city I wanna' know about it!

[ Edited by: Brandomoai 2010-08-27 12:09 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/28/2010

I only heard about it the day before. Didn't you see the skywriting? I hired a plane and everything. I didn't go because I had other plans. Safe to say i wouldn't have won the Worst Hawaiian Shirt Contest because all my Hawaiian shirts are beauts.

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