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My wife made me a tiki painting!

Pages: 1 7 replies

pennjones posted on 08/30/2010

So I get a text at work last night from my wife asking where the blank canvases are. She hasn't painted in years, but I told her the stretched ones are in the garage. Well she keeps texting me throughout the night saying she just felt the need to paint and that she doesn't want to stop. I get little teasers throughout the night of what she's painting but can't make out much. At around 4 in the morning I get a text with the actual full picture, and it blew me and my coworkers away! I couldn't believe it. She was really motivated it and I think it's extremely great! These pictures don't do the actual thing justice, but later today after I sleep I'll try to get some good pictures in the daylight. Please let me know what you think!

Without flash:

With flash:

croe67 posted on 08/30/2010


WOW!! You've got one talented lady - and fortunate for you that she has turned her talents to tiki :wink:

Very Nice!!!!!!

MadDogMike posted on 08/30/2010

Very cool! What a great gift to come home to.

zerostreet posted on 08/30/2010

Cool! Interesting composition!

ZeroTiki posted on 08/30/2010


Robb Hamel posted on 08/31/2010

It's always great to hear about someone picking up their brushes after many years and doing something really nice like this piece.

Is your wife a Tiki fan? It sure looks like she'd have to be.

Is she thinking about continuing to paint? She's got the touch, it'd be a waste if she stopped.

Maybe she could enter the "Birds of Paradise" swap to get in touch with fellow artists?

What a cool gift to you!

TikiG posted on 08/31/2010

Yeah - what Robb said!

pennjones posted on 08/31/2010

Thanks for all the compliments guys! I was really blown away by this when I came home this morning. I didn't get any pictures in the daylight because it rained most of the day here, but I will hopefully tomorrow. She's not really a tiki fan, but she fully supports my hobby! I hope she continues to paint, because I agree that she has a great talent. I'll try to talk her into the Birds trade! Thanks again for all the compliments, I'll pass them on to her!

[ Edited by: pennjones 2010-08-30 22:30 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies