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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Polynesian Supper Club and Lounge (Dave Wu's), Washington DC, (restaurant)

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Name:Polynesian Supper Club and Lounge (Dave Wu's)
Street:1018 Vermont N.W.
City:Washington DC

Ok, this is a cool one. I have been looking around at old Tiki places from Washington DC for a while - there were an amazing number of places that flourished in the nations capitol.

I found an image of a matchbook from the Dave Wu's Polynesia Supper Club and Lounge a while back and saved it.

Then I remembered seeing a mug on ebay from Dave Wu's Polynesia Supper Club a long time ago. I checked out Ooga Mooga and low and behold Johnny Velour had one posted. Only thing, he listed it from Silver Springs, MO?? instead of DC.

I am hoping Johnny Dollar (or others) can follow up on this with some more research.

(Washington) DC

hm - very interesting! also interesting, this location in dc was listed as a chinese restaurant - google maps street view although you can't see it in street view. the building certainly appears like it could have been contemporary with this restaurant.

the "silver springs MO" might be a typo and a locationo - i would guess it was trying to say "silver spring, MD" but silver spring is about 7 miles north of here at the dc/md border.

another scenario is, like the luau hut, the polynesia supper club had both a d.c. and a silver spring location.

business rivals perhaps?

Johnny Dollar,

I was thinking along the same lines that there may have been another Polynesia in Silver Spring, MD. Maybe Johnie Velour can chime in on how he got the mug and what info he has. I will send him a PM.


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