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A polynesian tiki at Akumal, Riviera Maya, Mexico

Pages: 1 3 replies

vanzac posted on 09/13/2010

Hi, everyone,
Last month I was still in Mexico, near Cancun. And we decided to visit Akumal, a little city not far from PLaya del Carmen, in Mexico. Akumal is famous for its turtles sanctuary. Not far from the shore, one can see giant Sea Turtles, (Loggerhead turtles as far as I can remember).
THere is a vast programm of wildlife protection, and turtles are kind of National Treasure there in Akumal.
And when you 're finished with swimming , you can take a a few COrona's with lime at the polynesian style cabanas allalong the beach.
In one of them, I found this very peculiar tiki like creature, which really looks like the famous one in the "Upeke site", near the city of Taaoa, in Hiva Oa Island in Marquesas, FP.
It's a little round tiki, an ancient one, so to speak, with big eyes, and a very primitive style....
I don't know if the Maohi Navigators practiced "spring break" so far from their bases, but check and tell me if one cannot see any similarity with my discorvery in Akumal!!!
And by the way, check my site "Tahitiblues" (it's both in French and in english depending on the mood of the day....)

Stephane is a french architect, currently living in Paris France. He spent a couple of years in Tahiti, and wrote a travel guide with his better half Katy. They both work on a travel diary project (which did 'not find an editor yet...) about Tahiti and her islands.

[ Edited by: vanzac 2010-09-13 13:54 ]

christiki295 posted on 09/14/2010

Good find.

christiki295 posted on 09/14/2010

I like the international tri-national flava, too.

bigbrotiki posted on 09/14/2010

Ancient looking, roughly hewn primitive stone carvings indeed have a special mana, like this Hawaiian one at the Berlin Dahlem Museum:

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