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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Cork Tiki

Pages: 1 10 replies


So I was looking at some used wine corks today and noticed that they look like little logs. So I thought I'ld give carving a cork a try. Maybe I'll make a necklace out of it.


Are you going to dip them in resin so they dont break up?

Or maybe soak them in wine (or rum - or even better - mai-tai) when not wearing it, so you always have the miasma around you when wearing them -and keep them moist? :lol:

What a great idea!

Look forward to seeing the final product.


Zeta posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 11:45 AM

Genius! I am definitely going to make some cork tikis myself! Mahalo for the idea!

I like wine. I collect corks because I think they look and feel cool but I am not sure about how to use them in my bar... I have put them inside a glass jar and they look ok, but that's not enough. Any ideas? What other things can you do to artistically to recycle corks from wine bottles? I thought about making a frame for a painting... what else?


Zeta, You can collect corkscrews and use them to protect the points. uku


Wow, it's been a while since my first post. I'm glad you like the idea. You could always put a few on a string and make a necklace or you could just add some to your collection in a jar to add some visual interest.

It would be neat to make a bar top out of them. Lay them all down and either cover them with tempered glass, or better yet, use pourable resin. That would look super cool!


Use them to keep your fishing nets afloat.

Nice cork Tiki BTW


I have been carving corks into tiki's for the last two years,
they make cool ornaments, necklaces, andt he artificial ones
can be used as key chains.DSCF0962.JPG


I have been carving corks into tiki's for the last two years,
they make cool ornaments, necklaces, andt he artificial ones
can be used as key chains.

[ Edited by: voodrew 2010-11-11 21:31 ]


Those are great looking.

Zeta posted on Fri, Sep 2, 2016 5:02 PM

I love them... I did a couple... best thing to do on the beach while drinkin da juice...

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