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Aloha to a real gone "tiki" cat

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AquaZombie posted on 09/14/2010

All of you know Otto and Doe but not everyone knows that they had a cat named Chungking, a very sweet, suave tuxedo. When they adopted him, his name was "Chunky," since he was a big boy, but Doe decided "Chungking" sounded more dignified, and at least somewhat "tiki." When Monica and I shared a duplex with Otto and Doe, Chungking began to come visit us, apparently because our place was quieter (their son Vander was very young, and Dash was on the way.) Eventually Chungking stopped going back upstairs, even to eat, so we all agreed Chungking could live with Monica and me, especially since we have no children of our own. This was back in 2005, when Bubba was already 9 years old. Bubba and I especially became very close. He followed me everywhere, reminding me of a cat I lost in 1995, a Russian Blue called "Puss." He was literally like a son to us.

Since then, Monica and I bought a condo in Alameda, and the Von Stroheims moved to a different house here on "the island." Chungking - whom by now we simply called "Bubba" - moved with us, along with our young female cat, Tiki.

I am posting this as a tribute to Chungking "Bubba" Von Stroheim Cortes Viharo, who lost his battle with intestinal cancer on Monday, September 13, 2010, at age 14. He was peacefully put to sleep here in our home, listening to "Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.

We all miss him more than words can say. Our grief is indescribable, but these pictures reveal what a cool cat he was.
Aloha, little buddy.

dcman posted on 09/14/2010

Mucah mana headed your way -


AquaZombie posted on 09/14/2010

Mucho mahalo. I'm sure Bubba can feel the love, wherever he is. He was a very, very special little dude.

Tobor64 posted on 09/14/2010

Looks like "The King" lived the hi-life everyday with the two of you, Aqua. I'm sure he knew he was loved. We'll raise a mai tai tonight and we'll give each of our three boys an extra helping of Tiki Cat cat food in his honor.

Zeta posted on 09/14/2010

Salud for Chungking! Bonito gatito...

MadDogMike posted on 09/14/2010

I was touched by your story and I don't even like cats! But I understand the love for a pet, thank you for sharing :)

ron-tiki posted on 09/14/2010

chungking is in tiki heaven now waiting for us all to arrive...losing a family member is one of the hardest of lifes experiences..r.i.p chungking!!!!!!

AquaZombie posted on 09/14/2010

Thanks, all. Bubba was so much more than a "cat" to Monica and me. He really was a little man in a fur tuxedo. Very sweet disposition, very loyal, followed me everywhere, my constant companion. He loved listening to Jazz, too! Hard to convey how devastated my wife and I are. Bubba was first diagnosed with a tumor in his intestinal tract back in January. They gave him two months. But with Prednisone (all we could afford) and lots of love, he lasted another eight. He had a great summer. He went into remission and we had an all too brief reprieve from the inevitable. He went downhill fast. In fact, it began right before Tiki Oasis. We almost canceled the trip but I was already committed to hosting the Movie Nite, and didn't want to let Otto and Doe down. He was all we could think about while we were in SoCal, so we didn't really enjoy Oasis this year, sad to say. When we got home, he had lost two pounds, down to 9 (from 14 when we first got him). He had diarrhea, and we put him on some more meds, but he never fully recovered. The other night, Sunday night, or really early Monday morning, stuff happened, and it was just time to make the call. You know when it that time comes, even if you don't want to admit it.

My special song for him was "My Buddy" by Mel Torme. Bubba left us on Mel's birthday, 9/13. I had no idea till somebody told me afterwards. http://www.rhapsody.com/mel-torme/spotlight-on-mel-torme/my-buddy

Anyway, thanks for letting me share our grief with the tiki community - of which Bubba was a royal, loyal member. We are inconsolable, but somehow, it feels right to publicly express our grief, and raise Bubba consciousness. Aloha, my buddy, and and mahalo to you all.

[ Edited by: AquaZombie 2010-09-14 14:57 ]

Hakalugi posted on 09/14/2010

So sorry for your loss. We went through a similar situation a few years ago and someone sent me a worthwhile "poem" named Rainbow Bridge.
Here it is:

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

AquaZombie posted on 09/14/2010

btw and ps after Chungking moved in with us, Otto and Doe adopted two other cats who were abandoned by our next door neighbor, Cosmo and Blackie - now they're one big happy family, so it worked out for everybody.

AquaZombie posted on 09/14/2010

The doctor who made the house call was from Rainbow Bridge end of life services
That's why playing "Over the Rainbow" during the brief procedure seemed so appropriate, as dramatic
as it was. Thanks so much for sharing.

AquaZombie posted on 09/14/2010

That poem reminds me: Earlier this year I had a dream that I was swimming across a pool, and Bubba was paddling serenely alongside of me. When we reached the end of the pool, I lifted him up and out of the water onto the concrete, then I woke up. It was so vivid, I remember it like an actual event. This dream seems like a metaphor for my journey through life with him. I actually recounted this dream in my book A MERMAID DROWNS IN THE MIDNIGHT LOUNGE, and Bubba is in the book, too, though I call him "Buddy." I can't go swimming in our pool now, not for a while. I miss him too much.

Humuhumu posted on 09/14/2010

I'm so sorry, Will. I know how much an animal can be family, and how crippling the loss can be. I feel for you guys. How wonderful it is that you got to share so many close times with your buddy, he must have been an unusually lucky and happy guy.

AquaZombie posted on 09/15/2010

Thanks, Humu. I know many of you may have met Chungking when he was Otto's cat (for about 2 years, I think, before he moved in with us of his own accord!) so I thought an announcement here was appropriate (though it got moved from General to the Ohana forum without my knowledge - at first I thought it had been deleted! But this is a great forum for stuff like this, didn't even know it was here.) These pictures I'm sharing are both somewhat therapeutic and incredibly painful for me to look at now. It's so hard to believe he's gone. I was holding him just yesterday, but that's how Life (and Death) works, for everyone. Somehow, showing these pix to others makes him seem more, I don't know...alive, at least in my memory. Cheers to Bubba.
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[ Edited by: AquaZombie 2010-09-14 22:21 ]

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8FT Tiki posted on 09/15/2010

Thanks for sharing your story and we're sorry for your loss. Some pets are just
animals that live with us but a few are something remarkably special, almost human. Your kitty was surely one of those extra special pets. We have 3 rescued cats and we'll give them all an extra hug in memory of your buddy.

The 8FTs

AquaZombie posted on 09/15/2010

Thanks so much for the kind sentiments. Here's a shot of us in happier times, only a few short months ago. This is how I remember us:
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Sophista-tiki posted on 09/15/2010

looks like he had a good cat life

MadDogMike posted on 09/15/2010

When I get to the Rainbow Bridge, they will be a whole buttload of pets waiting for me (mostly dogs, but one cat, a rooster, and an iguana) What a reunion that will be!!! Tommy & Fritz & Princess & Bonkers & Kannardly & Kori & Iggy &...

AquaZombie posted on 09/16/2010

I was on a pretty severe downward spiral, so we took an "exploratory", therapeutic trip to the Alameda shelter - and voila, meet our new baby boy, GOOGIE! This proactive reaction to my intense grief will help me to both move on and honor Bubba's precious memory. Cheers to Bubba, Tiki - and Googie!
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MadDogMike posted on 09/16/2010

Congrats on the new love! :D

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Otto posted on 09/16/2010

Will, Here's to a speedy recovery of your heart.
Chun King had a good life with you and Monica (and with us but even better with you)

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