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face shields? breathers? what do you guys use?

Pages: 1 3 replies

pjc5150 posted on 09/16/2010

So, I'm getting a little tired of breathing tons of sawdust and constantly washing crap out of my eyes.

Unfortunately safety goggles just fog up too quickly for me to use them, and I just can't see. And breathing all of this crap can't be good for my lungs.

So I'm thinking about a face shield & a breather.

Do any of you guys use these?

Any recommendations?

tikigodz posted on 09/16/2010

U can wear a lite dusk mask and spit in your goggles before use.
Other than that its a dirty ass hobby!

AlohaStation posted on 09/17/2010

Anything from the little paper-filter masks ($1-Store specials) to a canister breather (what I use) are better than filling your lungs full of sawdust. Some woods are worse than others - some are even toxic. Anything that keeps the dust out is good - even an old t-shirt wrapped around your head.

I use the new safety glasses from HD - stylish and helpful. They don't keep all the dust out, but they keep chunks from flying in.

coconuttzo posted on 09/17/2010

I used to tie a bandana around my lower half of face but the microscopic bone dust would still seep through. After a whole week of being sick because I assumed was coming from the bone dust, I figured to just make the investment in an industrial filtered mask with replaceable cartridge filters which I bought new on ebay for $14 which was a steal since similar type ones go for $25 & up at home depot. I've never been happier carving since.

As far as eye protection, I'd suggest any ANSI approved safety glasses. They're not as bulky as safety goggles, & like regular glasses, they allow your skin around the eyes to breathe thus preventing fog-ups, & they're cool looking with a wide range of styles to fit your look. You could wear it wherever you please out in public & you would'nt look like a duffus unlike safety goggles. I have tinted ones & clear ones, the clear ones I use the most for caving my bone pedants, I don't want the tints to interfere with my judgement in lighting. The tinted ones I use to weedwhack my yard or any outdoor activity, like cruising to the park, jogging or canoe paddling. Oh yeah almost forgot, my day job, trimming trees. How'd I even forget that?

[ Edited by: coconuttzo 2010-09-17 13:36 ]

[ Edited by: coconuttzo 2010-09-17 13:38 ]

[ Edited by: coconuttzo 2010-09-17 13:41 ]

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