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Halloween Tiki Costume

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MauiTiki posted on 11/04/2003

I've been away from Tiki central for a week because I've been creating a Tiki Costume!

I started with some wire fencing and wrapped it in a sheet. I painted the sheet with wall paper paste and began adding Paiper Mache to the frame. Then Painted the whole thing and added a Hula Skirt! Easy!
Here the work is 90% complete.

Trying it on for the first time.

All finished, I arrived on Front Street for the Kids Parade with my Daughter.

Back for the evening crazyness of Front street with the Adults. I'm too tall for the parking garage.

Posing with my wife and friends!

Any other Halloween Tiki's out there?

SES posted on 11/04/2003

[ Edited by: SES on 2004-01-02 03:05 ]

Mrs. B posted on 11/04/2003

Very, very cool.
About 50 of those costumes would be perfect for the next OC Crawl.

SES posted on 11/04/2003

On 2003-11-03 20:57, Mrs. B wrote:
Very, very cool.
About 50 of those costumes would be perfect for the next OC Crawl.

Night of the Living Tiki!


purple jade posted on 11/04/2003

This is why I love TC...all deez wunnerful, klazy kids.
I wipe away a proud tear.

sosavage posted on 11/04/2003

That costume is AWESOME!! Great job!

Tiki-bot posted on 11/04/2003

Outstanding costume, MT. I hope the party was outside. How did you fit into any doorways or rooms with it on?

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/04/2003


Great costume and nice residence also!

mrtikibar posted on 11/04/2003

What an effort. Very nice. Was it hard
to walk and sit in? Where are your arms and could you get them out in front of you if you lost your balance or if you wanted to insert a straw into the Tiki mouth? Would you change anything if you did it again?
I think that is about the coolest costume I have ever seen.

sweetpea posted on 11/05/2003

I saw a hula girl in one of the pictures.
Was that someone elses costumes?

Formikahini posted on 11/05/2003

WOW MauiTiki!!!! I wouldn't have been able to look at anything else all night if I'd been near you!!

And SES, you definitely make a hot Blonde, but I don't know if you carried off the Bimbo part; you look just too damn sharp! Maybe after a half dozen Mai Tai's you were able to carry off the "dumb" look, but in those photos, ya just look like an intelligent blonde with veeeeeery revealing dress :wink:

SES posted on 11/06/2003

[ Edited by: SES on 2004-01-02 03:06 ]

SES posted on 11/06/2003

Did you build a seat into that costume or did you have to stand all night? How long were you wearing it? I get uncomfortable just donning a rubber mask and can't imagine being inside that all night. Was it hot?
I think it's really great and can't believe how fast you created it. I've done huge papier mache projects so know the work involved to create one.:)

MauiTiki posted on 11/06/2003

Thanks for all the positive feedback.

I had shoulder straps holding it up, so the weight didn't bother me. No, I couldn't sit down or walk through doors. I wore it for the kids parade which lasted an hour, then put it on for the evening for another 3 hours (9 to midnight). There is some room inside, I actually had a beer inside for much of the night. Because of the shoulder straps, my hands were free.

It was like being Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, everyone wanted me to stop for pictures.

I'm going to build a small table to stand it on, so I can have it on display year round in my office.

MauiTiki posted on 11/06/2003

On 2003-11-04 15:29, mrtikibar wrote:
What an effort. Very nice. Was it hard
to walk and sit in? Where are your arms and could you get them out in front of you if you lost your balance or if you wanted to insert a straw into the Tiki mouth? Would you change anything if you did it again?

It was easy to walk and get around as long as I had enough head room. My arms were inside, I had more than one person try to push me over, but it was fairly stable, and I could move pretty well. If I were to fall there would be no hands to catch my fall. (good thing I didn't)

If I had to do it again, I'd get all my female friends to dress as hula girls and we'd do a dance for the Contest!


[ Edited by: MauiTiki on 2003-11-05 23:31 ]

SES posted on 11/06/2003

On 2003-11-05 23:30, MauiTiki wrote:

If I had to do it again, I'd get all my female friends to dress as hula girls and we'd do a dance for the Contest!

Hahahah... I think you might get more attention if you didn't limit it to just the female friends dressed as hula girls.

Monkeyman posted on 11/10/2003

Very cool. Nicely done. You apparently have some skill in paper mache work. The end result is nice and smooth and the paint job really turned out well. Was it difficult moving around that day? Did you have a seeing eye tiki to escort you?

freddiefreelance posted on 11/10/2003

Maui Tiki, do you know Michael Mahnensmith, AKA Mike the Sandalmaker? He works in old Lahaina.

MauiTiki posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-10 07:22, freddiefreelance wrote:
Maui Tiki, do you know Michael Mahnensmith, AKA Mike the Sandalmaker? He works in old Lahaina.

I know the shop, but not Mike himself.

MauiTiki posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-09 20:55, Monkeyman wrote:
Very cool. Nicely done. You apparently have some skill in paper mache work. The end result is nice and smooth and the paint job really turned out well. Was it difficult moving around that day? Did you have a seeing eye tiki to escort you?

I could actually see quite well, and moving around was easy, I just had to watch my head and pay attention when going up or down curbs and stairs.

Futura Girl posted on 11/12/2003

hands down - one of THE BEST costumes i've ever seen. congrats!!!

MauiTiki posted on 09/25/2004

Halloween is approaching and I've started TWO new Tiki Costumes. One for me and a second for my wife. I'll let my Dad wear last years Tiki.

Construction (How to) Photos to come!

PalangiGirl posted on 10/06/2004

THAT COSTUME IS AWESOME!!! I gotta try that one of these days.

This year I'm making a costume for my 16 year old lineman to be a "witch doctor" type. He'll wear a tiki mask with lots of raffia hair going down the back, and then a typical poly war outfit with red/black raffia arm bands, leg bands, lavalava, fake tats... etc. It should be cool.

cynfulcynner posted on 10/06/2004

If I get my costume finished in time, I'll be wearing it to the opening of the new SF Trader Vic's. It will be most appropriate. :D

MauiTiki posted on 11/02/2004

Got some photo together of this year's Halloween.

Starting to paint on the primer of the two new Tikis.

Last years Tiki with the new guys

Finished painting and ready for hula skirts

Heading out on Halloween night

We ended up with 4th place in the largest Contest in Hawaii.

My kids in their Halloween pajamas the next morning.



[ Edited by: MauiTiki on 2004-11-02 01:59 ]

DawnTiki posted on 11/02/2004

You came in 4th place??? How can that be? Who came in 1st?

Monkeyman posted on 11/03/2004

Super Super Cool. The only thing better than last year's costume was 2 more of Last years costume.

Nicely done. A true inspiration to the Halloweenies everywhere.

The Sperm Whale posted on 11/03/2004

I love the costumes. I think it must have been hillarious seeing three Tiki's running amuck in Maui. Too Cool!!! Good Job!

DawnTiki posted on 11/03/2004

You were robbed! These are fantastic! I agree with everything Monkeyman and The Sperm Whale said! :tiki:

SES posted on 11/03/2004

WOW! Those are huge! You just keep getting better. If you keep multiplying each year you will have an army soon.


MauiTiki posted on 11/04/2004

The people who did better in the contest had skits or mini performanaces planned. We just ran around like Freaky Tikis.

Travellin' Tiki posted on 11/05/2004

Coolest halloween costumes I've ever seen! They are totally fantastic!!!! :)

Benzart posted on 11/08/2004

Ditto! Those were really COOl.It takes a lot of work to turn an idea like that into reality, and to do it SO Well, and 2 times even. Bravo and Well Done.

rodeotiki posted on 10/02/2005

Halloween is coming , anyone else gonna make a costume ?

Moondance posted on 10/02/2005

Man those costumes are incredible!!
Totally awesome job. 1st place in my book!

cynfulcynner posted on 10/04/2005

On 2005-10-02 15:21, rodeotiki wrote:
Halloween is coming , anyone else gonna make a costume ?

Yes, but this year it's not going to be Tiki. I'm going as Edith Head!


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Capt'n Skully posted on 10/18/2006

[Halloween Bump]

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1solidtiki posted on 10/22/2008

Thank-you for the inspiration this is the early phase of my costume. Ill be wearing an awesome hawaiian shirt and a grass skirt with this mask, i made it out of 1" foam, i still need to cover the mouth with black screen. more pics to come. there is also pics of my jack o melon. j
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Trad'r Bill posted on 10/22/2008

Here's my dog's costume from last year... it won first prize at the local Petco!

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...and yes, those are walnut shells :)

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tikipaka posted on 10/22/2008

Love this one.

Here's my dog's costume from last year... it won first prize at the local Petco!
Nice, and I notice she's wearing a Sponge Bob necklace. :lol: And that coconut bra fits her perfectly.. :lol: Can't wait to see what else shows up here..

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Trad'r Bill posted on 10/23/2008

thanks tikipaka - still makes me laugh every time I see that picture... ridiculous... yes - funny... f-yes

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1solidtiki posted on 11/01/2008

Tiki Mon was a hit! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=9844&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi147.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fr293%2FOjohnnyskates%2Fjasons%2520pics%2F100_1526-1.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d46d53970afdc6bbfb54da0b9ae1f10d

MauiTiki posted on 09/17/2010

It's time to start working on your Tiki Halloween costume!

here is a link to the instructions:


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Trad'r Bill posted on 09/17/2010

Here's one I was thinking about doing:


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MadDogMike posted on 09/17/2010

Both are very nice. I have to come up with a Wizard of Oz costume this year - is a flying monkey "tiki". It will have a bellboy hat instead of a fez, does that make it "para-tiki"?"Semi-tiki"?"Quasi-tiki"? :lol:

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Haole Jim posted on 09/18/2010

Way into stratospheric level cool!

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TikiTosh posted on 09/21/2010

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last year as a blue hawaiian

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DrTikiKeyWest posted on 01/07/2013

Congratulations! That is a truly EPIC tiki costume! Wow, I thought I had problems with overhead clearance. Great construction method also. I can appreciate all the effort you put in. You should come down here to Key West for one of our festivals! It's all worth the effort when you make hundreds of people smile.

I've enclosed a photo of one of my alter-ego's named "Doctor Tiki". He's the southernmost Tiki doctor in the continential United States, as he resides in Key West. Dr. Tiki has been prescribing hangover cures for tourist for two years now. ("You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up...")

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My construction took about 40 hours and is carved out of styrofoam. 40 rings of 1" thick styrofoam were laminated into a blank, then carved with razor knife and hot knife. If you do this, be sure to use water-based spray paint or your creation will melt!

Best regards,


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