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tiki caliente 3 (Get Your Mug at www.tiki-caliente.com)

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Wildsville man posted on 09/16/2010

Room Packages are now on Sale at


For Overflow hotel Royal Sun,this sucker is right next door......one min from door to party or less....

Travel Lodge (Host Hotel) is now SOLD OUT!!!! so we go into high gear for sales right next door at the Royal Sun.
The Royal Sun is our official Overflow Hotel and very Close to the action.

The Royal Sun packages are now on Sale at http://www.tiki-caliente.com and are at a price point for our fan's on a little tighter budget.

Each room at the Royal Sun comes with 2 wristbands.

Please Remember we are not looking to be the largest Tiki Event in California only the Best so when they are gone they are gone.

Individual Wristbands are $50 pick-up at event for weekend.


Breakdown of Timeline...

Friday May 20th 2011:
Check in Starts: 2p.m. Wristbands and Mug Release in Lobby.

~Mug’s will be $45.00 Cash (Special Price at check-in with wristband only)
~Old Inventory From TC1 and TC2 will be for sale at discount prices for people staying on grounds.
~ TC2 Mugs will be on a first come-first-served basis for people staying on grounds (Only 6 avalable) $50.00 CASH Each

DOUG HORNE WILL BE SIGNING THE MUGS FROM 3p.m.-4:30 P.M. in the Lobby.(get you picture with Doug in front of that 7 foot TC3 Tiki created by Tiki Ray to match the mug.

Early Bird Happy Hour Special in Lobby from 3p.m.-4:30p.m.

5:00 P.M. Sneak-Peak of Vendor Row before Product is open to the public.

5:30 P.M. Opening Toast with Crazy Al and Wildsville Man
(Have a drink in your hand for this one…….Bar will be open)

5:35 P.M.-6:15 P.M. Ding Dong Devils First Set (Main Stage)
(Open Bar with pre-mix special)
7:00 P.M.- 7:45 P.M. Ding Dong Devils Second Set (Main Stage)
(Open Bar with Pre-mix special)
8:35 P.M.- 10:00 P.M. Headliners the Hula Girls (Main Stage)

Saturday May 21st 2011
Vending From 10A.M.- 6P.M.

12NOON-12:45 Insect Surfers First Set.(Main Stage)

2P.M.- 2:45 Insect Surfers Second Set ( Main Stage)

3:30P.M.-4:15P.M. The Smokin’ Menehunes (Main Stage)

8:15 P.M.-10:00P.M. The Tikiyaki Orchestra

Sunday May 22nd 2011

Vending From 10A.M.-6P.M.

12NOON-1:15P.M. Insect Surfers

2:30P.M.-4:15P.M. The Dynotones

Sun Set Pool Surprise for Fan’s staying overnight in Palm Springs

Big Tiki Dude will be our D.J. from 10A.M.-11P.M.

RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR TIKI CALIENTE 3...............................................................................................................................................

Sorry Guy's but Liability insurance is a B#%CH!!!!!

No Food Brought to the Gated pool area,we have food being made on ground

No Drinks Brought to the Gated pool area, A bar is on ground to serve you

No Water Canons in the Pool,We have the Stage very close to the pool so you can enjoy the live entertainment from the pool....SORRY I DONT WANT TO BE THE GUY THAT KILLS TIKIYAKI.

Bartender will Cut you off if needed,
If you are a problem,it will be assessed by myself and handled as needed.

Room party's and On ground events after 7p.m. are for people with wristbands only. If you try to sneek-in or help somebody on grounds without the wristband YOU will be band from all further events.

Please look out for one another during this weekend.


The official Mug for Tiki Caliente 3......
300 Mugs are Created for this Event and will be set at Following
200 will be held at the front desk for people checking in on grounds to get first choice....$45 Each (Cash Only).(Special Price at check-in)
at check in the mug will come with a Tiki Caliente 3 Palm Springs Punch insert.

100 Will be for sale at the Tiki Caliente booth for people off site Friday in the main lobby for $45 each(Cash Only)
These will also come with the Tiki Caliente 3 Palm Springs Punch insert.

Saturday we will have them for sale at the Bar for $40 with wristband and $45 without wristband if any are left.(without the insert)

Get your Mug when you check in so you don't miss out......




[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2011-05-24 06:52 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 09/16/2010


bigtikidude posted on 09/16/2010

Rory sent you a PM


Easter Island Elvis posted on 09/16/2010

sweeeet! gettin pumped already!

WooHooWahine posted on 09/16/2010

It's Marked on the Calendar.......WooHoo! :)

nelsonstikihut posted on 09/16/2010

Not just woooohooooo!!!! But AWESOME!!!! can't wait!

nelsonstikihut posted on 09/16/2010

Not just woooohooooo!!!! But AWESOME!!!! can't wait!

bigtikidude posted on 09/16/2010

It's a Loooong way off.
but I am stoked all ready for this again.


TikiDude posted on 09/16/2010

We are looking forward to #3.

tikiyaki posted on 09/16/2010

Saved...dig ?

Mongoloid posted on 09/16/2010

Tiki Caliente 3 is like a lobotomy..............no brainer.

Tiki Kitty posted on 09/16/2010

May 2011 can NOT come soon enough. Sooooo looking forward to it!

Rory's the most, to say the least.

Wildsville man posted on 09/16/2010

Thank you all for the kind words I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

If your in town for the shag show this weekend stop by next door and have a cocktail with me at the bar.
I will be sling'in the drinks at Trio next door.

if your coming out for Sven and the 10 years book of tiki art show OCT 2nd, please let me know and we can also party it up.
I took the night off and have some other friends coming to town for the show.

catch ya on the flip!!!!!!!! Dig?


skootiki posted on 09/16/2010

Oh Yeah.....the date is saved!

Flaming Tiki posted on 09/18/2010

Calender's marked...can't wait!
we hope to host our first room crawl
at T.C. III.

David & Patricia

HB TIKI posted on 09/18/2010

Please count my wife and I in for your great Tiki gathering. Thanks for a great event last time. HB TIKI

cdtiki posted on 09/18/2010

Great news, the lovely wife and I look forward to joining you at the "PARTY" in Palm Springsville.


Clint and Diana

Jetson posted on 09/18/2010

Yeah baby! I dig it!

Wildsville man posted on 09/29/2010

Limited rooms and Limited Mug's only means one thing,

Maximum Fun...............

Ask Shag

The Tiki Caliente 2 Mug in hand.

If you are in town for the Sven "The Book of Tiki 10th anniversary exhibition" Say hello to me at the show and save the dates in May for Tiki Caliente 3.

or stop by the travel lodge and check out the grounds

martini kings posted on 10/26/2010

Can't wait to get to Palm springs!
The Martini Kings will perform on Saturday plus check out my ukulele duo "Capt'n Tony & Miss Kate"

Capt'n Tony & Miss Kate" will perform Saturday at Tiki Caliente.

First Class cruise ship entertainment (without ever leaving the dock)

  • The Las Vegas Sun

[ Edited by: martini kings 2010-10-26 13:04 ]

nkash001 posted on 11/04/2010

Forgive me if this has been asked already, but this would be my first time attending TC.

Do you have to make reservations or buy tickets? Or just show up?

bigtikidude posted on 11/05/2010

when Rory posts that tickets and rooms are available, you will need to buy the tix, and make reservations for the rooms if you want to stay there.


bigtikidude posted on 11/05/2010

here is a highlight video of the Last Tiki Caliente II by Chris,
of Youtube "Lost In Paradise" fame.

Man o Man,
good times for sure.
Can't wait till next year.


Wildsville man posted on 11/05/2010

Rooms and Wristbands will go on Sale 2/1/2011 for the General Public. We will only have 500 wristbands made for all inclusive package. (Fri/Sat/Sun with Room Crawl) 300+ for people staying on Grounds and 175 for people staying off grounds.

we will have a daily wristband made for Friday and one for Saturday that will not get you the full package. (access to bar and bands after 7p.m. only)

more information go to


or fallow us on facebook at


check out the photo's of the new mug at both.

Thank you for your question

TIKI-RAY posted on 11/05/2010

Just hit me up later . Im making bootleg ones right now .

Jetson posted on 11/12/2010

Those mugs look great. Can't wait to add it to my collection :)

SoCalTikiGal posted on 11/13/2010

This will be my first time attending (assuming I can get a ticket/room!). I can't wait!

Wildsville man posted on 11/13/2010

Rooms and tickets go on sale 2/1/2011 for the general public. We would love to see some new faces at tiki caliente 3.
But get that room or wristbands when they go on sale,because when we sell out,we are done. 500 people max.
Come down to palm springs and let us entertain you.

Hope to see you,


JudyLuck posted on 11/16/2010

im down let's go!

Wildsville man posted on 11/16/2010

A sneek peep of the Official Mug for TC3.........some changes taking place still before it is to be glazed.

Wildsville man posted on 11/24/2010

Look for updates on the main page.


bigtikidude posted on 11/25/2010

On 2010-09-15 21:06, Wildsville man wrote:
I know this is way early but I wanna give you time to regrow some brain cells and plan ahead. The contracts are signed and we are now ready to have three times the fun. I look forward to showing everyone a great time with some awesome music,drinks and vendors. The website has been updated and our facebook page needs more friends.



opening for headliners


Sunday (Still working on the line-up)


Updated Sneek-Peek of the Official TC3 Mug By Tiki Farm/Doug Horne

please join us in our quest for the "De-Evolution of Tiki"



If you were at Caliente 1 or 2 expect to be emailed for preferred reservations around January 15th. If any rooms are left we will open it to the public on Feb 1st.

We will not exceed 500 people for late night events.

Enjoy some fun in the sun,Dig?




[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2010-11-24 13:13 ]

Excellent times for sure!!


Luckydesigns posted on 11/25/2010

WOW! That's gonna be a great weekend!
Killer mug, Doug! Nice ass on that thing.

tikithomas08 posted on 11/26/2010

ill be there! stoked! also...anyone need a surf/garage band for the weekend? ive never been to a tiki caliente, are there room parties in need of tunes?

[ Edited by: tikithomas08 2010-11-25 21:35 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/02/2010

I'm already excited about this!

Can't wait!
Buzzy Out!

Wildsville man posted on 12/02/2010

Sunday is the Funday.

Starting off the festivities for May 22nd is a band with more energy then the Wildsville Man himself.
So get a drink in one hand and a can of OFF in the other.

This band is Just Bug'in

Tiki Caliente welcomes the

P.S. you may wanna make plan's to stay Sunday night too.
Sunday is filled with live entertainment, Discount Drinks, Specials, and a mellower version of the room crawl including "Den of the Savage" hosted by the Wildsville Man himself................Save the Date not the Brain Cells

tiki mick posted on 12/02/2010


bigtikidude posted on 12/03/2010


Wildsville man posted on 01/02/2011

Group 1 Through 5 were sent out an email today to lock in Rooms and Wristbands.
These Groups were people who stayed with us as followed

Group 1-3 (Stayed with us during Tiki Caliente 1 and 2)
Group 4-5 (Stayed with us during Tiki Caliente 2)

General sales will start Feb 1st for people who have not come to Tiki Caliente before.

Consider staying Sunday night too.....plenty of Entertainment and great fun.

Glazing samples of the mug should be received this week and put up for sale by Feb 1st also........Total 300

You do NOT want to miss this one.......Dig?

bigtikidude posted on 01/03/2011

Consider it Dug.


Sunshine Tiki posted on 01/03/2011

All of us at the Zen Tiki Lounge are getting ready for a great Tiki Caliente III. We will be hosting a room party, open to anyone who enjoys a great cocktail and a nice shindig.

Listen to the podcast for Tiki Caliente updates, great cocktails, tiki news, shenanigans and plenty more. We are the dimly lit tiki bar that lives in your head.

Find us on iTunes or the RSS application of your choice


Join us on facebook


[ Edited by: Sunshine Tiki 2011-01-18 22:19 ]

Bad30th posted on 01/03/2011

...Holding my breath until Feb 1st that there will be some tickets available for us first timers ! The countdown is on !


Wildsville man posted on 01/03/2011

Just got the call from Tony of the Martini Kings letting me know that they are unable to make Tiki Caliente 3 this year.
As We love the Martini Kings and hope to see them next year I also understand things come up in the real world some times.
The official Tiki Caliente website will not have the updated information till Feb 20th so I just wanted to give you all a heads up.

That time slot will be filled in with another great act.

We will have a toast for you Tony and Frank in May.




[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2011-01-03 14:09 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 01/03/2011

Swank Bastards???

RevBambooBen posted on 01/08/2011


HB TIKI posted on 01/08/2011

Looking forward to attending Tiki Caliente in May 2011 and the new better Hotel . Can't wait to drink a Mai Tai out of the new mug.

TIKI-RAY posted on 01/08/2011

Im carving out Doug Hornes tiki mug design to be the official TC3 necklace . Im carving the master in Koa wood and then Ill make V.I.P. pendants as well as general sales ones . Im "MF"ing Doug for putting so much detail in the design right now .Its great on the mug but to add all that detail on a pendant and scaling it down so tiny is brutal . Time to go out and get more bandaids .

Wildsville man posted on 01/08/2011

Tiki Ray is the master of working with wood. As this event has become bigger over the last couple of years it is always fun to look back and remember how little the amount of these were made. I believe only 25 were made the first year. Now that is a hard to find collectable.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/8253/4d289a41.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=1a791691812f65fff9f8da72276c5327

Here is me sporting 2 versions from Tiki Caliente 1. (Brown and Orange with modifications)

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