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Wanted Poptiki volcano mug

Pages: 1 7 replies

trutiki posted on 09/17/2010

I want to buy a Poptiki volcano mug with orange lava. Anyone out there interested in selling?

Tiki-Troll posted on 09/19/2010

we got one of the last ones they made. Wish I could help you, its easily one of our favorite mugs vintage or new.

1961surf posted on 09/19/2010

Pics ...I don't believe I have seen that one in prior posts !

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/19/2010

Here is one version...



1961surf posted on 09/19/2010

Thanks PTD very cool.

trutiki posted on 09/19/2010

That yellow and orange is custom I believe. They started with orange and then switched to red.

Helz posted on 09/28/2010


That is indeed the case. The original ones we did were orange (the first run was of 14 mugs, and a few more after that) then we moved to the red. Along the way we did many one-offs and commission ones, like the one that PTD posted. We also did a mold that we sent to Gecko for him to do the Kilauea collaboration ones that were up on eBay. You can see some of the different ones on our website.

Like T-Troll said above, we've retired the design, and don't anticipate making any more of them. There might be a VERY occasional (no more than 1 a year), one-off, custom done when we need a break from making our usual stuff, but no more of the red/black or orange/black ones.

And just for the record, we sold the last Volcano at the Denver Modernism Show back in august.

Good Luck in finding one! Mahalo!

[ Edited by: Helz 2010-09-28 15:13 ]

trutiki posted on 09/29/2010

Oh, yeah. That fits. I'm like Steve Martin's character groovin' on the porch in the opening to The Jerk. I'm so right there after it's happened. First off, I get the idea to collect tiki mugs days after Oasis and the Modernism Show. Add insult to injury, I stumble on a Volcano a few days after someone lists it on Ooga Mooga (and naturally had already contracted with a buyer for it). But I have to console myself with what I do have: a wealth of information from a collaborative group of good people, a terrific hobby which expands geometrically as I pick and choose my way through collecting, and in the end I get to enjoy all of my collected treasures in my equivalent of a Victorian Secret Garden. Very gratifying indeed.

I will keep looking. I will keep soaking it all up. Maybe one day I'll find my Volcano (and my Hawaiian Village Good Luck-- but then again, maybe not-- just now my non-tiki husband said "If you think anybody willingly is ever going to part with something called Good Luck you are insane!")

Thanks anyway.

[ Edited by: trutiki 2010-09-28 18:51 ]

[ Edited by: trutiki 2010-09-28 18:53 ]

[ Edited by: trutiki 2010-09-29 07:48 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies