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1968 Tiki room, at International Joes Restaurant, Daly City CA

Pages: 1 6 replies

johnotak posted on 09/15/2010

Ad from a 1968 San Mateo CA Newspaper 1968. The "Tiki Room" at International Joes Restaurant. No numbered address.


John B.

JOHN-O posted on 09/15/2010

Hmm... That signage is similar to the Original Joe's in San Fran (shut down due to fire) and the one in San Jose (still operational, shown below).

I wonder if there's a connection ??

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-09-15 08:27 ]

Shaun of theTiki posted on 09/16/2010

I believe that building still exists, it's now just called Joe's of Westlake.

JOHN-O posted on 09/16/2010

Nice catch !!


Someone in No Ca go conduct a little urban archeology and report back. :)

Shaun of theTiki posted on 09/16/2010

On 2010-09-15 21:06, JOHN-O wrote:
Nice catch !!


Someone in No Ca go conduct a little urban archeology and report back. :)

My bad, the spot is actually on the western edge of the city. The Skyline Plaza is still around.

aquarj posted on 09/16/2010

Resembles this building, still there in the Skyline Plaza.


tikidon posted on 09/19/2010

Got the matches a few years ago on ebay, they owned the Joe's of Westlake too.

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