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Ding Dong Devils - Sat 9/18 - Don the Beachcomber - CD Release Party

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congawa posted on 08/04/2010

The Ding Dong Devils will be playing Don the Beachcomber in Huntington Beach, CA, Saturday, September 18 from 9pm - midnight

This will be our official "in-town" CD release party for "Tassels, Mai-Tais & Mischief" (though it is available now, and we will have copies at Tiki Oasis; it will also be available through CD Baby, Amazon, iTunes, and the other online sources.)

A flyer will be forthcoming, but I wanted to post this now.

bigtikidude posted on 08/05/2010

hell yeah

congawa posted on 09/13/2010

This Saturday--hope to see you there!

We'll be playing several sets, celebrating some birthdays and raffling some of our new CDs, and t-shirts. We'll also have serigraphs of Derek Yaniger's cover art on hand!

bigtikidude posted on 09/13/2010


I hope you can start right at 9pm,
I can swing by for a hour.
but,I need to go to a B-day party, later.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/14/2010

an hour just is not going to do it! GET FREE! be there or be square
The Ding Dong Devils was the best fun had at Oasis this year!

Now Bow before ZOD!

Tikiphantom posted on 09/16/2010

Sounds like a great show!

bigtikidude posted on 09/17/2010

can't wait.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 09/18/2010

Congrats Brent & the DDDs!
Wish we could be there!
Have fun & Cheers!
-Andy & Debbie

JOHN-O posted on 09/19/2010

"Well who is your favorite luau band ??"


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/19/2010

:drink: John-O! what are you doing awake this morning? :drink:
There was alot going on around SoCal Saturday night,betwwen Birthdays,Gigs,Singles Parties
and John was trying to make everyone of them!

The Singles Party was going on in the backroom at Don's, NameTags,Disco DJs, Cougars and all
alot of the Singles crowd came threw the Dagger Bar at some point in the evening and shot a few funny looks at us.

I wonder what the uninitiated to the Tiki Scene are thinking,when they see a Retro/Aloha Shirt wearing bunch
like us roaming at will?

The DingDongDevils brought the fun! Stacey had a good Birthday (I Hope!) some singles made some hookups I am sure
and we got alcohol poisoning! Good Times indeed.

:drink: Oh and to the person who stole my Blue ShakaTiki Mug,
it is cursed and you are now doomed to a life of Incontinence,bad skin & weak drinks! HA!HA! :drink:

congawa posted on 09/20/2010

Thanks to all you crazy kiddies for coming out and making the festivities something to remember! Thanks to Stacey for having her "pre-party" birthday party to get people in the mood to head over to Don's! And especially thanks for the singles party in the other room. Next time we play the singles should just head over to our show -- we'll provide the name tags (hopefully they'll all like the names we give them, though!).

I pity the fool who swiped ATP's mug...I can't imagine the curses put upon it (not to mention the cooties)!

Caltiki Brent

JOHN-O posted on 09/20/2010

Hey I saw those people in the back passing around a blue Tiki mug. They were each putting a key inside.

What was up with that ???

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/20/2010

Those Horny Bastards!,John-O I know you had to take off,but you missed out(Laughs I am sure)
most of us popped back to the singles party which was almost empty by then,to boogie down to the Disco DJ
for a couple of dances, Tonga-Tom took photos, so prepare for maximum embarrassment from us!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/21/2010

So who has the photos! I know I will regret it, but post those "Smoking Gun" photos!
John-O? Tonga Tom?

Tonga Tom posted on 09/21/2010

Here's some photos from earlier in the evening.
Incriminating dance photos will be posted soon...

GROG posted on 09/21/2010

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/21/2010

Thanks for the Gumball,Popeye! I mean Thanks for the Photos Tom!
It looks like we had some fun,wish I remember it......Psych!
I do and I am sorry for any damage done or marriages I broke up!

Nancy is sorry for accidentally on purpose killing that Cougar who was checking us out!

happychi posted on 09/21/2010

Thanks for posting the pics Tonga Tom.

Wow, what a night! Here's some pics from the "singles dance party" that we commondeered in the back room. We really cleared the place out! The cougars were terrified!
That was the most fun I've had at Don's in a long time! The Ding Dong Devils really rocked the house too:)

I was trying to mirror Trevors awesome dance moves...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/21/2010

Oh Stacey!

Tiki Kitty posted on 09/21/2010

A fabulous time was had by all! Thank you Ding Ding Devils, Don's, and Stacey!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/22/2010

Ahhh! Deanna & Trever they are so cute! just want to hugg-um to death!
Thanx for the crazy photos!

Did Nancy give Stacey a "Vulcan Nerve Pinch" in that one photo?

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-09-21 19:11 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 09/22/2010

Okay, here's some of them dance photos. If anyone finds any of these too embarrassing, let me know and I'll take 'em down.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/22/2010

That was the best "Real Don Steele" show ever!
When they played the "Devil with a Blue Dress" dance off,I did some damage!
No really I damaged myself! Ouch!

Good Times,Indeed!

Thanks Tom.....

congawa posted on 09/22/2010

Wow, I didn't realize my wife got into the act over there!

Caltiki Brent

happychi posted on 09/22/2010

I'm in tears from laughing so hard at these pics Tom! Thanks for capturing the "vibe" of the evening. They are ALL embarrasing but so hilarious :) It will take me a long time to recover after having so much fun in one night.

Here's my new screen saver :wink:

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Love you ATP!!!!!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/23/2010

Whaaaa....wait...That was a real cool move...no really.....if Tom just took the pic a second later...
Oh Man!

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