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SHAG: The Disneyland Years: 2002-2010

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Jetson posted on 08/31/2010

Where: SHAG (the store)
725 N Palm Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, Califronia

When: Saturday, September 18

Come to Palm Springs for this special Shag event!

This event will feature all of the prints and merchandise designed by Shag and produced by Disneyland over the span of 8 years. There will be tons of rare merchandise. If you're a fan of Shag or Disneyland, this is the event for you. If you're a fan of both, than this is nirvana!

Doors will open at 6pm and prints and merch will be sold at a first come, first serve basis. So line up early and don't miss out!

There will also be a new Shag Palm Springs based print relesed that evening at a special price! Also, lots of in-store specials that will be available that evening only, so don't miss out on this fabulous Palm Springs event!


TikiDude posted on 09/01/2010

We will be there

Cult of Tiki posted on 09/02/2010

Don't think I can make it unfortunately.

But I did make some calls and was told the new print will be the "Welcome to Palm Springs" postcard they currently have at the store.

Also, confirmed there will be several AP's of the Disneyland prints ranging from the 50th items (Tomorrowland, etc.) to Haunted Mansion 40th prints (which I've been told look killer framed!). They will also have at least one or two AP's of the giant 50th Disneyland park map framed, but you'll need a van/truck if you want that one, as it's approx 36x52 (wow!).

Jetson posted on 09/03/2010

I saw some of the prints that they've gotten in and they are fantastic! I can't wait to see the rest!

Jetson posted on 09/13/2010

Less than a week til the show!

Wildsville man posted on 09/14/2010

Just a heads up folks!!!!!!!!!!

It looks like the print "welcome to Palm Springs" will not be ready in time for the show this Saturday. As it looks to be a great show I would hate for someone to be showing up just for the print and walk away empty handed......Confirm with a call if needed

Rory"Wildsville Man"Snyder

Jetson posted on 09/15/2010

Thanks Rory! I will call and check on that myself as well, for an update on the situation.

WooHooWahine posted on 09/15/2010

WooHoo! 3 More Days!! :)

WooHooWahine posted on 09/17/2010

Saturday is Almost Here.....WooHoo!

tikilands posted on 09/17/2010

Can't wait Mr and Mrs Tikilands will be there. Can't wait to see everyone

Tiki Glam posted on 09/17/2010

I visited the SHAG Store last weekend while in town and loved it. So bummed I'm missing the Disney exhibit! and I can't BELIEVE my coffee mug is selling there for $200!!!!!!!!!

Jetson posted on 09/17/2010

WooHoooooooo is right! See you all there tomorrow!

MauiRose posted on 09/17/2010

Update on the Shag print from M Modern/Shagmart's newsletter:

NOTE: There was also supposed to be a NEW PALM SPRINGS based PRINT RELEASE that evening at a SPECIAL PRICE, however, this has been delayed due to print quality considerations.

GOOD NEWS THOUGH: Provide us your email that evening to be issued a special email, before general release of the print, that will include a SPECIAL DISCOUNT and FREE SHIPPING

Jetson posted on 09/17/2010

Yes, I just got off the phone with them, and due to complications, it will not be available tomorrow evening. But it also gives us a chance to have him come back out to fabulous Palm Springs :P

Jetson posted on 09/18/2010

Also available tonight will be SHag the Store T-shirts, available in black, white, or yellow. Sizes xs-xl. Choice of crew or v-neck. Grab one for $15!

Wildsville man posted on 09/18/2010

The Wildsville Man will be next door at Trio slng'in da booze so please stop by for a Tropical Delight. I already have some of the die hards in town parting and prepping for the Shag store and stopping by the Travel Lodge to pick there rooms for Caliente 3. See you tonight and enjoy the Disney delights.


I will be the mofo drinking out of this SOLD OUT mug

Wildsville man posted on 09/19/2010

now that is a mug my friend!!!!!!!!

the great taste of the Palm Springs Punch

Kid tested SHAG approved!!!!!!!DIG?

1961surf posted on 09/19/2010

Classic Rory ...wish I could have been there .

WooHooWahine posted on 09/19/2010

Jetson posted on 09/20/2010

Here are just a few pics that I was able to get.

TEAM SHAG! It was great being able to help them out :)

We were graced with the wondeful Nancy Sinatra's presence

Me and the beautiful Audrey from LuxeriaMusic.com outside the store. Thanks to SoccerTiki for taking such a great pic!
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Just a little of some of the great merch that was available
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To see all of my pics, go to

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Enchanted Tiki Guy posted on 09/20/2010

Looks like everyone had a great time! I'm amazed to see they had some of Shag's Haunted Mansion 40th Anniversary merchandise for sale when a lot of it was sold out long ago! I know the cookie urn, pin set, and appetizer tray were sold out real fast from Disneyland! I guess the Shag store got some or held onto it for awhile.

Jetson posted on 09/21/2010

You'd be surprised what Shag digs out of storage. lol

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bigbrotiki posted on 09/21/2010

V-e-r-y cool. Old and new Palm Springs unite. See ya all in a couple of weeks. :)

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aquaorama posted on 09/21/2010

A good time....Although the dive bomb for the register wa sa bit crazy at first... Pre Game drinks by Wildsville Man were quite tasty next door. Always interesting to see the Tiki crowd and Disney crowd meet up....We should of all broke into a Westside Story Showtune Gang Rumble... Soccertiki and WooHoo FINALLY snapped a pic of me.....ARGH....to be caught on film.....

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